Friday, June 30, 2017


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Romans 6:14 (KJV)
For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

Jesse: Pastor, I remember that when I was an unbeliever, I derived pleasure and satisfaction from sin and didn’t feel violated by it. But now that I'm a believer, my spirit is distressed when I sin and this makes me miserable and leaves me feeling violated. But despite this, I still find myself unable to resist certain temptations.

Pastor Ken: The way you now feel in your spirit about sin is proof that you have been fathered by God. And you have to rejoice that you have a healthy conscience. Do not seek to deaden it, and never ignore it.

As regards the inability to resist certain temptations, you have to realize that you have the power in Christ to resist all temptations because you are under the power of grace. Remember that the flesh never seeks to please God, so do not walk in the flesh but mortify the deeds of the flesh (see Rom 18:13). Feed and take care of your body, but don't let it control you. You are the one to control it.

You must also remember to cast out devils from your life. Devils are deceiving spirits that make it very difficult for you to resist certain temptations. Whenever you notice that a temptation is becoming overpowering, it may be because a spirit is involved. Exercise your authority and cast it out. Remember that the first sign that follows believers is that we will cast out devils (Mark 16:17).

Go into today remembering to take advantage of the grace of God by reckoning yourself dead to sin but alive to righteousness (Rom 6:11). Do not ever believe that it is impossible to overcome any sin. Christ has conquered and given you the victory, Walk in this victory by faith.
-SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: Leviticus 7-9 (In Devotional Audio)

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Appropriating the Divine Nature

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