Saturday, June 10, 2017


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1 John 4:10 (ESV)
In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us AND SENT HIS SON TO BE THE PROPITIATION for our sins.

The more abundant grace is, the deeper the quality of the love shown. The gospel of grace has at its center the COST God incurred.

A gospel that does not present the cost factorial of God's love, is poor in grace and therefore can never be rich in love.

You can never know how much God loves you if you don't know how much Christ suffered and gave up for you.

This is important because Love intends to save but it is Grace that saves. Love saves through Grace. God so loved the world but only those who receive His grace can know that Love and fulfill its intention.

Oswald Chambers said: "Never build your case for forgiveness on the idea that God is our Father and He will forgive us because He loves us. That contradicts the revealed truth of God in Jesus Christ."

Forgiveness of sins is not in the sovereign waving of God's hand. It is in the nail-pierced hands of Jesus. It is in His blood. The question is not only "Do you see the Father's love, BUT ALSO "Do you see the Blood?"

If you cannot see the Blood, you do not know the Father's love. God sees the Blood. The devil sees the Blood. But do you see the blood?

Go into today thanking God for His love manifested in the sacrifice of Christ for you. Ask the Lord to help you walk in the fullness of what Jesus Christ paid for. 
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters
Yearly Plan: I Kings 5-9 (in Audio Version)
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Sent as a Savior, Sold as a Servant

Broadcast 4270 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Psalm 105:17 (KJV) "He sent a man befor...