Sunday, July 30, 2017


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Acts 3:21 (NLT)
For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets.

The Nigerian Naira was nearly equal to the British Pound and quite stronger than the US dollar. There was no need for visas. Traveling to Britain was easy as ABC, and not a do or die affair. Nigerians would visit London for a few days and be back home to continue life as usual. Nothing extra special.

However, as corruption set in, everything plummeted. By the early 90s, going to England had become a status symbol, and the queues steadily grew at the Embassy. Nigerians started talking of relocating and simply did not plan to come back home.

Today, one pound sterling is a few hundreds of Naira.

Well, in the beginning it was not so, whatever you could do there, you could get done in Nigeria. All the grandeur Britain could provide was a good holiday experience, but it could not beat living in your own country. Nigeria was simply home.

So also it was in the actual beginning, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were neither quite heavenly nor quite earthy. They were God's representatives on earth. There was very little gap between heaven and earth. Adam could walk about the garden with God, and angels were a common sight. Nobody prayed because there was no need to. Until sin came in.

The more sin there was in the world, the larger the gap became between heaven and earth. But it was gradual. Cain could hear God as clear as day. He was speaking with God as a man would speak with His neighbor, even after he murdered his brother. As sin continued to multiply as more men were born, heaven shifted further and further away. A point came when heaven became so far and so closed up that like those seeking a visa, "men began to call upon the name of the Lord" (Genesis 4:26).

Enoch was the only one known to have obtained the visa in those days. The travel history is not clear on how many visits he made to and fro, but we are told that he traveled once and simply never came back.
[Go into today remembering that Jesus will restore all things].
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters
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Yearly Plan: Psalms 87-89 (In Devotional Audio)
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Leaning on God, not your understanding

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