Tuesday, August 8, 2017


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John 15:5(KJV)
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

The law of gravity causes everything that goes up to immediately come down and stay down.

The aeroplane goes up, stays up, and comes down at will; because it operates a higher law, we've been told, that is called the law of aerodynamics.

One day, Osas was on a 13 hour flight from Lagos to New York.

After 4 hours of being airborne, Osas felt that this law of aerodynamics was working not only on the jetliner but on he himself.

If not, what else could possibly account for the fact that he had been in the sky all that time?

After talking it over with the gentlemanly air marshal, Osas insisted he be let out of the airplane so as to test his hypothesis.

He said he knew his rights and whatever he did or failed to do could not affect his journey to New York.

He calmly told everyone that since his ticket was fully paid and boldly read Lagos-Newyork, if anything happened to him, the airline had failed.

Osas is currently lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Was it a 13 hour flight? Yes.

Was the ticket for the flight fully paid? Yes.

Did Osas make it to the end of the flight? No.

And why?

How did he end up with the fishes, someone for whom Christ had been in the belly of the earth three days?

He felt that what God had done for us was not just done in Christ but in he himself.

He felt that eternal salvation means he has eternal salvation, rather than that he is abiding in the eternal Savior or the Author of eternal salvation as says the scripture (Hebrews 5:9).

He didn't care to consider that the Author also is the Finisher (Hebrews 12:2); nor that there is a race to be run, that consists of looking steadfastly, laying aside weights and sin, and running with patience.

Nor did he accept the truth that he will continue to be airborne or saved, only IF he continues to abide.
The fixed time duration and set destination of that flight are as God's eternal salvation.
And OSAS is Once-Saved Always-Saved: someone who says ...no matter what you do, nothing can happen to my salvation.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you abide.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

Yearly Plan: Ezekiel 43-48 (In Devotional Audio)

Free indeed

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