Thursday, August 3, 2017


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Matthew 28:20 (NLT)
20 Teach these new disciples to obey ALL THE COMMANDS I HAVE GIVEN YOU. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Back in the day, we had to begin every prayer with confession of sins because we were told that God wouldn't hear us if we didn't do that first.

Apart from the fact that it is generally unwise to discard the words of Jesus as "not applicable to the church"; one way of knowing that what we call the Lord's Prayer, is a New Testament prayer, is how confession of sins does not come first.

In the Old Testament time, they had to purify themselves before coming to God's presence. There was the sin offering, the trespass offering (Leviticus 5&6).

But Jesus says here to begin by saying "Our Father" (see Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:1-4).

Note that, there is

(1). Worship

(2). Praying the kingdom, and even

(3). Asking for provision;


(4). Asking for forgiveness,

(5). Praying for protection; and

(6). ending in PRAISE.


Whoever is to truly pray this prayer has sinned against God, knowingly or unknowingly, yet

...He does not approach his conversation with God with guilt and fear that God won't hear him until he has enumerated all his sins one by one, and asked for forgiveness for each one, which is the bondage of condemnation found in LEGALISM.

...He does not claim that God has already forgiven him and so he needs not confess anything, which is the bondage of licentiousness.

He approaches his FATHER boldly, worships Him freely, prays that the gospel will spread, ASKS FOR PERSONAL NEEDS to be met; and then prays for forgiveness for his trespasses as he communes with God.

This person knows God personally, loves God enough to be bold, and fears God enough to be holy.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

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