Friday, August 11, 2017


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Ephesians 5:20 (KJV)
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The prince of this world is the devil. He is the one in this world and he has a lot of experience (see 1 John 4:4). By human strength shall no man prevail against him. The reason why those born of God will overcome him is because the Holy Spirit that dwells within them is greater than the devil. The Spirit that dwells in the believer is so much greater than the devil. He was the one who created the devil and He is infinitely more powerful than the devil.

The devil knows that as long as a believer is filled with the Holy Spirit and walks in the Spirit, he doesn’t stand a chance against that believer. He will do everything possible to deceive the believer and distract him from the place of fellowship and communion with the Holy Spirit. He will do everything to cause the believer to break fellowship with the Spirit since he cannot do ANYTHING to cause the Holy Spirit to break fellowship with the believer.

We can see from today's Bible text that Thanksgiving produces a Spirit filled life (read from verse 18). An unthankful heart cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit because such a heart is not walking in the will of God. Thanksgiving in all things is the will of God for us in Christ Jesus (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18).

If the devil can get you to focus more on your challenges and become unthankful in your heart, he has succeeded in hindering you from being filled with the Spirit.

Go into today remembering to count your blessings and focus on the good in your life. You can begin by thanking the Lord for forgiving your sins (see Psalm 103:1). You could never have been able to pay for them.
Ask the Lord to help you to be thankful in all things.
-Pst. SD Abraham

Yearly Plan:
Leviticus 25-27 (In Devotional Audio)
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