Saturday, September 30, 2017


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Romans 12:2 (NET)
Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God - what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

Uche was interested in marrying Agnes. He really loved her. But it was clear that his parents did not approve. His mother was not particularly excited about her. He also observed that his brethren in the church didn’t seem happy with their relationship.

Because he was determined to marry Agnes, he didn’t want to find out the reason why all the people around him who cared for him did not find Agnes acceptable. He decided to go ahead with the wedding plans, but his mother insisted that she was not going to attend the wedding. Meanwhile, she was making inquiries about Agnes.

Unknown to Uche, his beloved had been married before and even has a son, but she didn’t tell him. She was not a believer, but only pretending to be one. She knew that if she could get Uche to marry her, she would trap him and it would be hard for someone like him to divorce.

Even though Agnes was well pleasing to Uche, she was not well pleasing to his brethren and to his God-fearing parents. It is important that we consider our brethren to whom we are accountable when deciding who to marry. Because you are the one involved, and because of emotions, you may not be objective enough in your judgments, but when all the people around you who fear the Lord seem to have issues with a particular decision you want to make, wisdom demands that you put a break on it till the issues are sorted out.
-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: II Chronicles 6-10 (In Devotional Audio)
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Friday, September 29, 2017


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Romans 12:2 (NET)
Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

We saw previously that there are three attributes of the will of God as perceived by the renewed mind. It will be good, it will be acceptable or well-pleasing, and it will be perfect.

We have seen that when it comes to who to marry, only those who are born of God are good.
Today we shall begin to examine the second attribute of the will of God:


Whoever you marry must be well-pleasing to you. This means you should be attracted to that person. There should be ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when you think about that person. This is very important. This is the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with. But be careful you are controlled by your renewed mind.

If you are already married and you notice that that passionate love and attraction has run out, ask the Lord to restore it in your marriage. His first miracle was a sign. He restored the wine in a wedding when the wine ran out. Wine symbolizes joy and excitement. If the wine in your marriage has run out, please ask the Lord to come and restore it, and He will.

Proverbs 5:18 says: Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
This is God’s will concerning marriage; that a husband and wife be always excited about each other.
Many have asked me: What if the will of God is someone I don't like?
I say God is not wicked. God will give you somebody that is acceptable to you. And even if that is not the case at beginning, it will be the case before you eventually marry that person.

Go in today remembering that Christ rejoices over His church. He rejoices over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). And He is jealous over you.
-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: Numbers 25-28 (In Devotional Audio)
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Thursday, September 28, 2017


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2 Corinthians 6:14 (NET)
Do not become partners with those who do not believe, for what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship does light have with darkness?

The person you marry as a believer should believe in God the way you believe in God.
There are two categories of doctrinal differences.

The one is distortion of form, and the other is corruption of substance. Distortion of form can be tolerated, but corruption of substance should not be tolerated when entering marriage.

Distortion of form include doctrinal differences that do not affect the core of our faith.

They could involve differences in the way water baptism or Holy Communion is administered, differences is convictions about dressing and certain other superficial issues. A believer could marry another believer who has little doctrinal differences in things that do not affect the substance of our faith. But he is marrying an unbeliever if he marries a person claiming to be a Christian, but does not believe certain core truths of the faith. They include: Salvation by faith in Christ alone (Acts 4:12, Eph 2:8); Believing that Jesus is the only way to the Father (John 14:6), Believing in the Lord Jesus; that He is God come in flesh (John 1:14) , Believing in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the power of God(Luke 3:16), Believing that believers are empowered by God to live righteous and holy lives in this world(1 Pet 1:6, 2 Pet 3:11, Eph 4:1, Rom 12:1), Believing in sexual purity before and during marriage(Eph 5:3, 1 Thess 4:3), Believing in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 4:5,1 Thess 3:13, 2 Thess 2:1-2).

Anyone who claims to be a Christian but does not believe these mentioned truths have corruption of substance.

Go into today knowing that Christian marriage is a theatre for Jesus to showcase and exemplify His relationship with the church. It is a very serious matter in the kingdom of God.
-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: Hebrews 1-4 (In Devotional Audio)
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Wednesday, September 27, 2017


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Romans 12:2 (NET)
2 Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

A renewed mind is the only mind that can discern the will of God. As a believer, your mind is renewed when you allow the word of God change the way you think.

These are the three components of the will of God as perceived by the renewed mind:
It is GOOD, it is WELL-PLEASING and it is PERFECT

Only God and who/what is born of God is good.
A ruler came to Jesus and said 'good teacher' (see Luke 18-19)
Jesus asked him ‘why do you call me good?’ He then said 'no one is good except God alone'. Jesus implicitly asked the young ruler that ‘are you saying that I’m God?’ Because that’s who Jesus was.

The all-important lesson Jesus was teaching is that you cannot find ‘Good’ outside God. The young ruler came to Jesus and called Him 'good teacher', but he did not understand what he was talking about. Jesus was indeed good, but not because of the man’s definition. He was good because He was born of God, and is God.

You cannot define Good outside God.
What does this mean when it comes to who to marry?
A person is only good when he or she is born of God. The first attribute of the will of God is that it must be good.
God warns us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (see 2 Cor 6:14)
As a believer, this is the most important consideration in determining the will of God concerning who to marry.

Go into today remembering that being a believer does not just mean the person says he or she is a Christian. The person must believe in God the way you believe in God.
-Pastor SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: John 19-21 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017


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John 3:18 (NET)
The one who believes in him is not condemned. The one who does not believe has been condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.

I was in the bank when a lady asked me some questions. I was surprised that as a Christian she would ask me such questions. She actually believed that her forefathers who didn’t have the opportunity to receive Christ are in heaven because… they were her forefathers.

She also found it hard to believe that the many millions of people in the world today who do not believe in the Lord Jesus would perish.

All humankind was already condemned to damnation because of sin. Only those who believe in Jesus will be saved from this damnation.

Because of the fall of man through Adam, humankind was sentenced to eternal condemnation and damnation. It was the portion of every human being that comes into this world to perish and not have everlasting life. This is because everyone that comes into this world sins, and the wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23).

Christ Jesus didn't come to condemn the world. He came to save the world from this condemnation. He came to save His people from their sins (Matt 1:21). When you accept Him as the Lord of your life, He fills you with His Holy Spirit that empowers you to practically walk above sin.

This means you have to accept Him as Lord (and become his person) to be saved from the condemnation that you would have received.

If you are reading this and you know Jesus is not yet the Lord (King and ruler) of your life, please accept Him today and receive salvation from eternal damnation.

-Pastor SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: Amos 5-9 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, September 25, 2017


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Romans 3:28, 31(NLT)
28 So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.
31 Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law.

We don't add law to grace. Adding law to grace is like adding stew to jollof rice.

Something has to be wrong with that jollof, because real jollof already has enough tomato and pepper mixed into the rice, just as grace has the law written on the heart (see Heb 10:16 ).

Where real grace is taught, there is no need to teach this law and that law. That's like explaining a route street by street to someone who has GPS.

But there is a kind of 'jollof' being served today, that you have to add stew too. In fact, just drinking the stew alone is better than eating that kind of concoction.

If I have been taught of grace to bring every thought under the obedience of Christ, not to look lustfully and my heart cannot take lustful thinking without feeling grief and the need to be washed from unrighteousness....

Will I be among those discussing and analyzing what will happen if 'rapture' happens while someone is with the wrong woman?. Things that are not even discussed among legalists.

Go into today remembering that the grace of Christ produces, encourages, teaches, and enables with a righteousness that outstrips that of the law. That's why it does not need any addition from the law.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you walk in the fulness of His grace.
-Dr. Ebele Uzor Peters

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Yearly Plan: Proverbs 25 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, September 24, 2017


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Read the complete write-up here:

Romans 8:3-4 (NLT)
For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

The key to understanding how grace and the law relates is simple: the law cannot be fulfilled by being under the law. It is fulfilled and surpassed, by being under grace.

The 613 laws of Moses contain the greatest commandments "Love the Lord your God with all your heart", and "Love your neighbor as yourself", but until Christ came, 611 other laws had to be used to explain those 2, because there was NO real CAPACITY TO LOVE God, generally speaking.

But when the Son of God came and renewed our hearts, we understood that on those 2 laws hang not only all the 613 laws, but also the prophets. He put in our hearts the capacity to love with the love of God.

It is by this capacity to love that grace delivers from being under the law, sets aside all the extra laws used to explain the intent of the law, sets aside that righteousness which comes by keeping the law; but powerfully upholds the law, by fulfilling it in us.

That is, the righteousness of faith (that righteousness which is by faith in Jesus Christ) fully satisfies the righteous requirements of the law and makes it unnecessary to try to attain to those requirements by keeping the law through your own effort.

Galatians 3:23-25
23.Until faith in Christ was shown to us as the way of becoming right with God, we were guarded by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until we could put our faith in the coming Savior.
24.Let me put it another way. The law was our guardian and teacher to lead us until Christ came. So now, through faith in Christ, we are made right with God.
25.But now that faith in Christ has come, we no longer need the law as our guardian.

Romans 3:28,31
28.So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law.
31.Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law.
-Dr. Ebele Uzor Peters
Yearly Plan: Psalms 111-113 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, September 23, 2017


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2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV)
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Biodun became really lonely because his friends had left him. He was now ‘too born again’ for them and the only friend who didn’t leave stayed around because of Biodun’s money, and Biodun knew this. Biodun decided that it was time to make new friends, but he found that he wasn’t flowing with many of the brethren he had met. They saw life quite differently.

He decided to pray about this: he asked the Lord to link him with people who would help him grow. The next morning he went to church, the minister preached on evangelism. He encouraged everyone in the church to be actively involved in making disciples. Biodun knew that that message was for him. He decided that he was going to make disciples for the Lord according to His command (Matt 28:19). The first day he left his house to evangelize in his neighborhood; he met some youth corps members and evangelized to them. Three among them believed. They were honored to be close to Biodun because he was a very successful person. Biodun scheduled Bible study meeting with them and they all came promptly. They also came with their friends.

They would pick a (Watchman Nee or Kenneth Hagin, etc.) book and read certain chapters, and they would discuss it in their Bible study meetings (there was always food at the Bible study). Many of them had questions. And if the questions were difficult for Biodun to answer, they would go to church to ask their pastor.

Your faith, as a believer thrives in the community of believers. Fellowship is very important in Christianity (Acts 2:42). We thrive in fellowship and community, that’s the way God designed it. Even God exists in a community-the Trinity.

If you find yourself in a place where there are no disciples of Christ for you to fellowship with, make disciples (Mark 16:15, Mark 28:19).
-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: II Chronicles 1-5(In Devotional Audio)

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Friday, September 22, 2017


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2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV)
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

When it became clear to Biodun that he was unstable spiritually because his friends were unbelievers, he decided he was going to leave them. This was a very difficult thing for him to do because they were very close. But Biodun knew he would never grow spiritually if he continued with his old friends.

He decided that he was going to be a witness of Christ to them. He decided that his identity in Christ was now going to determine the flow of all his conversations and relationships. This was also hard to do, but he remembered that he was a new creature and old things have passed away (2 Cor 5:17). He remembered that he now had a new citizenship in heaven and was to be defined by this citizenship (Phil 3:20). He also remembered that nothing was too big to forsake for the sake of Christ and the Kingdom.

As his conversation changed and it became clear to his friend that the old Biodun was now dead, many of them were the ones who left. They were not interested in being friends with this new Biodun.

Many believers find it hard to leave their old friends and old life because they do not realize that what they have in Christ is far better. And in order to experience the new life, the old life has to die. For except a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone. But when it dies, germinates and grows, it becomes much better than a lowly dying grain.

Go into today remembering that in order for you to experience the new great life in Christ, the old life of sin has to die.

Ask the Lord to remove everything hindering your light from shinning.
-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: Numbers 21-24 (In Devotional Audio)

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Thursday, September 21, 2017


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Romans 6:6
Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we SHOULD NOT SERVE sin.

The Bible does not teach that sin is killed, dead, or eradicated.
It teaches that the old man is crucified that we might be delivered from sin so that we should henceforth not serve sin.

It then says we should reckon ourselves dead to sin (because the old man is crucified with Christ), and not let sin reign in our bodies.

We should do all this for something that is dead?

Please, sin is not dead; it is the believer in Christ who is in Christ, dead to sin; as long as he walks in the Spirit.

To walk in the Spirit is to present yourself to God as one alive from the dead. It is to live before God. It is to live for Christ. It is to allow Christ live for you.

If a believer walks in the flesh, he will discover that sin is very much alive and able to enslave and kill him.(Gal 6:8, Rom 8:13, Gal 5:19-21).

Neither is the law dead; it is the believer who is dead to it through his union with Christ that he might live for God.

Romans 6:7
For he that is dead is FREED FROM sin.

Romans 6:11
Likewise RECKON ye also YOURSELVES to be DEAD indeed UNTO sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 6:12
LET NOT sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Romans 6:13
NEITHER YIELD ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but YIELD YOURSELVES UNTO GOD, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

The Bible does not teach death of sin, it teaches DELIVERANCE from sin.

Go into today thanking the Lord for His grace that delivers from the power of sin.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeter

Yearly Plan: Philemon (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017


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James 1:7-8 (NET)
For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord, since he is a double-minded individual, unstable in all his ways.

Biodun observed that he would be full of faith in one moment, but would be totally faithless in the next. Just like the waves of the sea that rises and falls, his faith in God rose and fell because he was still controlled by his flesh, even though he was sometimes controlled by the Spirit. He found out that his weakness was coming from his unequal yoke with unbelievers.

Faith is spiritual, but unbelief is fleshly. Whenever you are dominated by the Spirit, you will walk by faith. But if you fall back to the flesh, you will walk by sight and not by faith.

The problem with a double-minded person is that this state of heart affects every area of his life. He would behave like Christ today but would act like an unbeliever tomorrow.
Because the righteousness of God is revealed by faith (Rom 1:17), if a person's faith is unstable, he would constantly swing from walking in righteousness to walking in the flesh. He may have to resort to legalism in order to keep the outward show of righteousness, and may find it more convenient to stay in legalism that produces inferior human [born] righteousness that counts as filthy rags before God.

In the spirit realm, man's clothing is righteousness (Isaiah 60:10). He is either clothed in the glorious garment of God's righteousness or clothed in the filthy garment of iniquity or his own righteousness. No one appears before God and receives from Him wearing filthy rags. He must first receive a change of garment (see Zech 3:3-5) and keep it on by faith.

Go into today remembering that continuing in believing is the way to receive from God. One way unbelief enters is when we are unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2 Cor 6:14).

Prayer: Lord, please break every limiting yoke of unbelief in my life. Amen.
-Pastor SD Abraham
Yearly Plan: John 16-18 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017


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Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.


The Bible says in Hebrews 13:4 that marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Not the family meeting of elders or the law courts; but God, shall judge.

Therefore you do good to recognize the delegated authority of God in the family and the state, but if you will not stand before God's highest representative on earth: (imperfect and flawed, but no less His body) His church, then you have not done well.

Don't be carried away by new ideas that our parents would have wondered at in their days. Rather, be established by blessed ideas they would applaud and bless God for their grandchildren for, knowing they are safer with you, than you were with them.
 Do well.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters


Yearly Plan: Amos 1-4 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, September 18, 2017


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Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

When my child is born, my family gathers to rejoice and the state sends me a birth certificate, but I must present my child before God and His people as a testimony to the kingdom to which I now belong.

So church wedding is not really about a white dress (even though that’s a most beautiful symbol of purity, when it is a proper dress, and not a high skirt) or red wine, pomp or 'pomo'; because if it is okay with you two and your families, you could do this church wedding in your pastor's office, in your sitting room or in a beautiful garden.

Because the church is not first a place or a building or an organization; the Church is first a people, a body, and an organism with a calling and a hope and an eternal destiny with God;

And where these people with whom you belong, are gathered with the authority of those God has set in His church, namely the minister and elders overseeing the assembly of saints...that is a church wedding.

All who say marriage is not about church, hear this: the Bible says wives submit to your own husbands, not as your mum respected your dad, or as the first lady supported the president, but as the church is submitted to Christ (Ephesians 5:22)

The Bible says husbands love your wives not as the music artiste loved his wife and showered her with blings, but as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it (Ephesians 5:25).

Go into today remembering that if you are saved, the standard of your marriage is no more society or social media or state or status. It is now Christ and the church. And that standard begins from recognizing this order as you begin, with a Christian or a church wedding.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

Yearly Plan: Proverbs 23-24 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, September 17, 2017


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Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

A church wedding is when two adult saints, one male and one female, make a lifetime commitment of marriage to each other, in the presence of other saints who bear the authority of Jesus.

It is not the same as a white wedding. White wedding is western culture. Church wedding is not. Church wedding is not the same as a wedding held in a chapel or church building. Many weddings are held on church premises that are not church weddings.

Church wedding is recognizing that neither the law of the land nor the heads of your family should have the final say in your lives or in your home; and that while both parties are important, God is first and last.

Church wedding is simply saying that though my parents are giving me away to be married, and the laws are certifying my right and choice to be married; these legitimate authorities are only delegated.

Church wedding is saying "...because I am a Christian, I am first a child of God, and then a child of my parents, before I am a citizen of this world."

If my nation forsakes me, my family knows me and will not forsake me. I am their blood and they are mine; but and if they do forsake me, Jesus will never leave me.

Therefore in matters of my life, I have gone to the court and I have fulfilled my parent's honor and traditional rites, but I must stand before the church of the living God, the pillar and the ground of truth, and the body of Christ that fills everything in every way.

Go into today remembering that where saints are gathered together in the name of the Lord, they bear the authority of Christ Jesus.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

Yearly Plan: Psalms 108-110 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, September 16, 2017


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1 Timothy 6:12 (KJV)
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Amaka had a very lucrative job and was very excellent at her work. Because of this she became a favorite of her boss. But there was one day he gave her a new assignment, and this assignment would involve her constantly telling lies and violating her conscience. She thought about it and decided to politely ask him to give the role to somebody else. He asked her why she was turning down such an opportunity to be promoted faster than her colleagues. She simply responded: 'sir, doing this work would be against my faith'. He reminded her that he too was a Christian and even a deacon. When it was quite clear that Amaka wasn’t willing to take the 'opportunity' he was presenting her, he gave it to somebody else.

Amaka turned down the offer because she knew taking it would be violating her faith. I find it instructive to note that she didn’t say she couldn’t do the job because of her religion, she said she couldn’t do it because it was against her faith.

There are certain things that when a believer begins to do, he is doing it at the peril of his own faith. Telling lies for example, is a faith weakener. People who live by faith do not make a habit of telling lies because they believe God will come through for them and they don’t have to tell a lie.

If a believer continually walks in a way that violates his faith, he is rendering himself spiritually weak and ineffective.

Go into today remembering that as believers, we should fight the good fight of faith. This involves identifying the things that weaken our faith and running away from them.
-SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: I Chronicles 25-29 (In Devotional Audio)

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Friday, September 15, 2017


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1 Corinthians 4:5 (NLT)
“So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether or not someone is faithful. When the Lord comes, He will bring our deepest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. And then God will give to everyone whatever praise is due.”

Faithfulness is one of God’s chief characteristics. It refers primarily to His reliability in keeping His promises. Faithfulness also stands as the hallmark of the life of the Christian, as we imitate the faithfulness of Christ. God wants us to be people who are dependable and capable of being trusted. God is faithful and rewards faithfulness.

But, you see, faithfulness is becoming a rare commodity in our generation. Many pulpits are manned by men who are unfaithful to their wives; many civil servants are unfaithful to their employer-the government; many politicians are unfaithful to the people who voted them to power. If you are not faithful to your wife, husband, employer, employee, neighbour or even the government, you can’t be faithful to your God.

From today’s passage, we see that faithfulness is contingent on what we do when nobody is around. This is what God looks at in rewarding faithfulness. My question for you today is: do you have deep secrets which when brought to light would make you bow your head in shame? Or do you have private motives which if revealed would make people run away from you? If you do, then you are not a faithful person in the eye of God. Deal with those secret sins or they will deal with you later on. Remember that the Lord Jesus will return one day to reward those who will remain faithful to the end.

Prayer: pray that the Lord will help you to remain faithful to Him and to everyone around you.
-Otuokon, Ubokudom
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Yearly Plan: Numbers 17-20 (In Devotional Audio)

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Thursday, September 14, 2017


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Acts 2:42 (NLT)
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.

When Gbenga first believed, he was in the community of sincere and loving believers. Because they were all graduate students in a university campus, they met every night and would have their dinner together at the end of their meetings. They did bible study, prayed and were taught the word of God during most of their meetings. They all tried to contribute their best to meet the needs of members of the fellowship in need. The power of God was mighty in their midst to heal and deliver, and many on campus joined them. Members of that group were so close that some on campus thought they were a very tight knit frat group or secret society.

This was the foundation that Gbenga had and grew greatly. Before he believed, he was a drug addict with many issues. After he believed and was totally devoted to fellowship, the word of God and prayer, he was free of all his addictions and sins. He no more lived a life characterized by his formal temptations. He understood the grace of the Lord practically.

There is so much talk about grace today. Believers need to experience the practical aspect of grace that empowers them to live above sin. Grace teaches us how to walk in a way that would make it difficult for us to fall again (see Titus 2:11).

Go into today remembering that devoting yourself to the Word, prayer, and Christian fellowship, is the way to labor to enter your rest; a place where you have ceased from your own struggle to live holy because your life is now empowered by God's grace.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to experience your grace in every area of life. Amen.
-Pst. SD Abraham
Yearly Plan: Titus (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017


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Hebrews 4:10-11 (KJV)
For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
Let us LABOUR therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

After Gbenga became born again, he was taught about sanctification. He was told that when he experienced sanctification, he would no longer struggle to be Holy.
He would spend hours reading the word of God and praying because he wanted to be sanctified.

In the seventies and eighties, this was a practice among the charismatic community in Nigeria, and they had very remarkable fruits.

The way a new believer receives sanctification and enters his rest is through serious devotion to the word of God, prayer, and fellowship (John 17:17, Acts 2:42). Anyone who recently believes, but does not give himself to these will struggle to enter into his rest. He will still do his own works in order to walk righteously, and he is bound to fail.

When a believer enters the rest of God, he ceases from his own work. This means his life is no longer sponsored by his own effort, but now by the grace of God. He no longer struggles with sins because he is now dead to sin. Even if he is tempted, it is clear to him that there is a way of escape.

Go into today remembering that God wants us to enter into our rest. He wants us to cast all our cares upon Him and receive His kingdom like little children.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you be more devoted to the word, prayers, and Christian fellowship.
-Pst. SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: John 13-15 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, September 12, 2017


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Hebrews 4:10-11 (KJV)
For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
Let us LABOUR therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

Question: pastor, I read yesterday's Devotional and I totally agree that repentance is a work of faith. What if after repenting you find that there are still some stubborn habits and sins that refuse to leave you. What do you do?

Thank you for this very practical question.

When a person repents of his sins, it means he determines not to go back to them again. But if it happens that there is a besetting sin that easily entangles, the believer needs to wait on the Lord and receive strength to overcome it consistently.

The way to this is looking unto Jesus (see Heb 12:1-2). The psalmist puts it this way: I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken (Psalm 16:8).

What weights (and the sin that easily entangles) try to do is to shake you, but walking in the Spirit is the way to put to death the works of the flesh (Roms 8:13, Gal 5:16). Walk daily in the consciousness of the Lord's presence within you.

People pray and fast and apply much force when they perceive that there is a demonic assault against them, but they should devote much more spiritual energy to overcome sin. They should labor to enter into God's rest, a place where they no longer struggle with the flesh. (Read Matt 6:33, Matt 11:12).

Go into today remembering that Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness (not yours) means seeking to enter the place of rest where you no longer struggle with the flesh because grace has taken over your life. Here it becomes easier for you to walk in the spirit than to walk in the flesh.
-Pst. SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: Joel 1-3 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, September 11, 2017


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James 2:23-24 (NET)
And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Now Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend.
You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

Before Ekele became born again, he used to steal. As a sales representative for his company, he made a lot of extra cash unjustly, but when he believed in the Lord Jesus, he stopped stealing and was no more making so much money.

When he started listening to certain doctrines that made him believe his conduct as a believer didn’t really matter, he started stealing again and making lots of extra money.

But unlike many others deceived by that doctrine, Ekele now knew the Lord personally. He didn't just know about the Lord, he had a personal relationship with the Lord. Because he went back to his old ways he lost his boldness and knew in his heart that the Lord was grieved. This was how he knew that the Lord cared about his conduct and lifestyle. He wanted his communion with the Lord back and knew this would not happen if he continued in his old ways. Thus, he repented.

One first work your faith produces is repentance. Anyone who claims to believe in God but has not repented of his sins does not have a living faith. His faith is dead and useless, and it cannot save him.

Go into today remembering that faith must have corresponding works. You must love God and love people as a believer in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you grow in your knowledge of Him.
-Pst. SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: Proverbs 22 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, September 10, 2017


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Romans 5:20 (KJV)
Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.

Ayo: Kemi, that is wrong, you can’t be doing that, it is a sin.

Kemi: who made you my judge? The Bible says, “Judge not”, have you forgotten?

Ayo: Ah! But this is obvious, it is immorality.

Kemi: we are in the era of grace, grace covers for my sin. Read your Bible well. You’ll also find out that I am the righteousness of God, I cannot sin.

Ayo: that’s a wrong teaching; you can’t go far with that!

Kemi: when we get to heaven, we’ll understand.

Are we in the era of grace? Yes. Does grace cover for our sins? Yes, if it led to our salvation and freedom from sin. Are we the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus? Yes, if we are no longer slaves to sin and are in Christ Jesus.
What then is wrong with Kemi’s view of grace?

Grace is not a license for sin, it does not say “continue in sin and I will cover up for you”. No! Instead, grace teaches us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world (see Titus 2:12 KJV)

“But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” means that:

1. Although darkness may cover the world, your light will shine brighter; darkness will not overshadow your light. Isaiah 60:2 “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.”

2. Although many will get corrupted, you will not be corrupted, instead, you will be strong and do exploit. Daniel 11:32 (KJV) “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

Go into today knowing that grace is the power that prevents you from being overcome by sin. If the grace you’ve found allows for unrighteousness, worldliness and godlessness, then, that is not the true grace.
-Dr Emmanuel James


Yearly Plan: Psalms 105-107 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, September 9, 2017


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1 Pet 1:17(NLT)
17 And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time here as “temporary residents.” (Read 1 Pet 1:15-19)

Ekele believed that God does not justify him by his works but by his faith in Christ Jesus. He also believed that no matter what he did right or wrong, all his righteous acts only amounted to filthy rags before the Lord. He, therefore, didn’t bother much about his conduct anymore since he was taught that his works were not judged but his faith. He was sorely wrong and it didn’t take him time to realize this.

His first premise was absolutely correct. No one is justified before God by his works. We are all justified before God by our faith. Now this faith produces works of righteousness. Any faith that does not produce any work is dead faith (see James 2:17, Heb 11:17, Tit 1:6, 3:8).

The first and most important work of God is to believe in the LORD Jesus (John 6:28). This brings you under the Lordship, authority, and control of Christ Jesus. This Lordship is administered by the Holy Spirit within you 'For anyone who does not have the Spirit does not belong to Him' (Rom 8:9). Believers who live under the authority of Christ by letting the Holy Spirit control them are walking in the Spirit. But believers who do not do this are still walking in the flesh, even if they chose to outwardly live by the written code of God's law. (Read Romans 8:13, Gal 6:8, Gal 5:19-21)

Go into today remembering that the Holy Spirit within you makes you produce the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). This is God's expectation from every believer living on earth (See John 15:4, 8, 16).
Ask the Lord to make you even more fruitful (Phil 1:11).
-Pst. SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: I Chronicles 20-24 (In Devotional Audio)

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Friday, September 8, 2017


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Revelation 4:11 (NET)
“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, since you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created!”

If you look critically at creation, you will immediately see that there is design and purpose. It will be clear that there had to be a designer and a creator. The universe is too complex and too structured for it to just be a product of chance. It takes more faith to believe that there is no designer than to believe there is one.

The devil is doing everything to make people believe that the universe came into existence for no purpose and design, and everything just happened by chance, including human life. Students are indoctrinated with this unscientific ideology and are told it is science (a true scientist does not see a design and deny the existence of a designer). The reason the devil is doing this is to obscure the consciousness and knowledge of God from the minds of people. He knows he is rendered irrelevant in the life of a person who knows God. This knowledge is only possible through Christ Jesus.

As believers, we know that the universe (heavens), and the earth was created by the Lord God. He alone is worthy of all praise because He alone created all things.

He can still control all things He created including the weather and climate. Those who have His ear (talk to Him) can preserve life. That is why Christians are called the salt of the earth. Because of our presence, lives can be preserved.

Go into today remembering that you can use your saltness by interceding that lives will be preserved in this season of hurricanes and floods. Remember that your Lord has all authority in Heaven and on Earth.
-Pst. SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: Numbers 13-16 (In Devotional Audio)

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Thursday, September 7, 2017


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Romans 6:15-16 (NKJV)
15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not! 16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?

SIN is like new running shoes, or a pair of roller skaters.

They come with a promise of liberty and ease.

One allows them to attach to only a small aspect of life.

But these skaters are pre-programmed.

They will slide down every steep incline and topple down every wearer just as the fun wears out.

Sin takes one farther than one was willing to go, and keeps one longer than one is willing to stay.

And when it is done- one is done.


RIGHTEOUSNESS brings a restriction and a burden that droops down in quite a boring way over every hidden life detail.

Much like wings.

Righteousness will seem to burden and limit at the first.

But once one has learnt to flap, one will soar like the eagle.

Even to the SON.

Go into today knowing that in Christ Jesus you are free from slavery to sin, and have become a slave to righteous living (see Rom 6:18).

Confession: I am not a slave to sin. I am walking in my divine nature and pleasing God in all regards.In Jesus name. Amen.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

Yearly Plan: II Timothy 3-4 (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017


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Hebrews 9:22 (NET)
Indeed according to the law almost everything was purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.

To forgive sin, while remaining a holy God, the price had to be paid. Never accept a view of the fatherhood of God if it blots out the atonement. The only way we can be forgiven is by being brought back to God through the atonement of the Cross.
There is no other way!
To base our forgiveness on any other ground is unconscious blasphemy.
We should never take the forgiveness of sin, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and our sanctification in simple faith, and then forget the enormous cost to God that made all of this ours.
[Oswald Chambers]

God showed how much he loves us by sending His only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him. This is real love. It is not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. (1 John 4:9-10- NLT).
[John, the apostle]

And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites when he judges. He will judge or reward you according to what you do. So you must live in reverent fear of him during your time as foreigners here on earth. For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. (1 Pet 1:17-18. NLT)
[Cephas, the apostle]
Go into today thanking God for the atoning sacrifice of Christ.
Prayer: Lord, help me receive all that has been made available for me because of your sacrifice.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

Yearly Plan: John 10-12 (In Devotional Audio)

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The power of love

Broadcast 4291 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Colossians 3:14 (NET) "And to all these...