Saturday, September 23, 2017


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Devotional  Audio☞

2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV)
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Biodun became really lonely because his friends had left him. He was now ‘too born again’ for them and the only friend who didn’t leave stayed around because of Biodun’s money, and Biodun knew this. Biodun decided that it was time to make new friends, but he found that he wasn’t flowing with many of the brethren he had met. They saw life quite differently.

He decided to pray about this: he asked the Lord to link him with people who would help him grow. The next morning he went to church, the minister preached on evangelism. He encouraged everyone in the church to be actively involved in making disciples. Biodun knew that that message was for him. He decided that he was going to make disciples for the Lord according to His command (Matt 28:19). The first day he left his house to evangelize in his neighborhood; he met some youth corps members and evangelized to them. Three among them believed. They were honored to be close to Biodun because he was a very successful person. Biodun scheduled Bible study meeting with them and they all came promptly. They also came with their friends.

They would pick a (Watchman Nee or Kenneth Hagin, etc.) book and read certain chapters, and they would discuss it in their Bible study meetings (there was always food at the Bible study). Many of them had questions. And if the questions were difficult for Biodun to answer, they would go to church to ask their pastor.

Your faith, as a believer thrives in the community of believers. Fellowship is very important in Christianity (Acts 2:42). We thrive in fellowship and community, that’s the way God designed it. Even God exists in a community-the Trinity.

If you find yourself in a place where there are no disciples of Christ for you to fellowship with, make disciples (Mark 16:15, Mark 28:19).
-Pastor SD Abraham

Yearly Plan: II Chronicles 1-5(In Devotional Audio)

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