Monday, December 25, 2017


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1 Peter 1:25 (KJV)
"But the Word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you"

Further reading: 1 Peter 1:24 and Isaiah 40:6-9.

Man ought to labor for fruits that will remain. This is because all flesh is like grass and everything that makes it attractive (its glory, beauty, and riches, etc) is transitory, like the flower of the field.

See brethren, the word of God equates your wealth and possessions with the flowers and the grasses of the field. The grass shall wither and the flower which is the glory of the grass shall also fade away. But the good news for man is that every word that proceeds from the mouth of God abides forever. By the word of God, Man shall not perish but live. That is what we call eternity in man.  Do you have the word which is the source of eternity?

By the Word we receive eternal life. Anyone who lives by the Word shall not perish. He can never be choked by the pressures of life.

Jesus came to restore eternal life to man (John 3:16). He came to restore man to a relationship with God.

Do you have Jesus in your life or have you lost the life of eternity? Take it back. It's all you've got. Nothing else matters.

It grieves God when people live and labor for that which is not eternal.
Brethren, Life eternal is the hope of our calling in Christ. Receive the true gospel of faith for this is the victory that overcomes the world.

Go into today determined to spread the gospel of eternal life by your confessions and actions. The world is waiting for your manifestation.
Prayer: Father, reveal eternal life to me. Let my business, career, ministry, and family be sustained by your word.
-KC Ibekwe

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Yearly Bible Reading:Song of Solomon 5-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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