Thursday, January 18, 2018


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Jonah 1:17 KJV
Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

Here are the wordings of a song I love:
Bigger than all my problems, Bigger than all my fears, God is bigger than any mountain. I can or cannot see. Bigger than all my questions, Bigger than all my fears, God is bigger than any mountain, I can or cannot see.

In life, there are literal or figurative Jonahs. They cause troubles on end without a seeming solution. These troubles hide, are stubborn and appear to defy God's Word (Jonah 1:1-3). They may even appear too heavy, but in the light and truth of God's word, they are actually lightweights because God has an even bigger provision to tackle them.

We need to carry out spiritual fact checking through the Word of God and with prayers by asking: What is responsible for this problem? Where is it coming from? What is its nature? What is my role in aiding this problem? (Jonah 1:8). In doing so, we will find sometimes that the issue lies with us not being in tune with God to first check, identify and then cast out the Jonahs even before they climb onboard our lives.

In Christ, we have the Big Fish solution called GRACE & MERCY already waiting for stubborn Jonah's in order to swallow them, carry them away and in return bring us peace. No matter how bad we think our situation or offenses are, they are infinitely tiny in comparison to the great love and merciful kindness of God's saving grace when we turn to Him (See also Psalm 103:11-12, Romans 5:20 & 1Peter 4:8).

Go into today knowing that God loves you and wants to be your burden bearer if you let Him (1Peter 5:7). Perhaps you feel like you are indeed a Jonah, even then, God is saying to you "Cast your life on my big love and you will not drown"
-Chibo E.C.

Yearly Bible Reading: Romans 5-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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