Tuesday, January 16, 2018


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Philippians 3:14 (AMP)
I press on toward the goal to win the [heavenly] prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

No one likes to watch sports of any kind, especially football or soccer if it ends in a boring goalless draw. In football, winning requires goals and there are many ways a goal can be scored. When a goal is scored, there is always that loud, rapturous and ecstatic celebration by the players, their coaching crew and all their fans.

All of mankind’s life activity on earth is an allegorical competition for souls, and all must belong to either one of two opposing teams with both teams having active spectators (angels and demons) on either side. Unknown to most about the rules of this earthly life, they are being refereed according to the truth of God's word whether they like it or not, and unfortunately, goalless or high scoring draws are exempt, and possession stats don't matter (Matthew 16:26). Only one goal can be scored to determine the outcome. This means there are no shared honors. It ends either in honor or dishonor; glory or shame.

Titus 2:11 teaches that a call for all men to join the winning team has gone out. By accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, one can choose to join this team no matter his natural abilities or limitations. Most importantly, Jesus who is the captain of this team (see Hebrews 2:10) has scored the decisive golden goal through his sacrificial atonement for sin on the cross, and has now been substituted. This golden goal which he scored is ETERNAL LIFE through SALVATION. So now, with time far spent, we are winning even before we came into the game and our opponents are very bitter.

As clear favorites then, it will be naive of us and negligent for us to rest on our oars of just being part of the team. Rather, we must always keep our eyes on the prize (1 Corinthians 9:25) and be resolute in defense (1Peter 5:8-9) in order to protect and consolidate our goal till the final whistle or trumpet sound. Being a tough game, we must expect and prepare against the attacks and pressures of the devilish opposition. Thankfully, our substitute (who is the Holy Spirit) supplies us with all the strength and ability needed to keep our lead.

The most important goal one would ever score in life as described by Apostle Paul in our text leads to a crowning in the hereafter. The question now is, are you still living a goalless life? Join Jesus now and join the winning team.
-Chibo E.C

Yearly Bible Reading: Isaiah 7-11 (In Devotional Audio)
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