Saturday, January 6, 2018


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John 17:21 (NLT)
I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.

After the First World War, some brothers from England went to Germany to attend a conference. One of the brothers in Germany rose to introduce the visitors by saying: “Now that the war is over, we have some English brothers visiting us, to whom we extend our warmest welcome.” Among those thus introduced, one stood up and replied: “We are not English brothers, but brothers from England.”

How well-spoken were those words! We cannot have English brothers, American brothers, French sisters, or Italian sisters. We only have brothers from England, America, France or Italy.

In Christ, there is neither national distinction nor even provincial difference. In the church, there is only Christ, for Christ is all in all.
-Watchman Nee

I have come to discover that one of the biggest hindrances to Christian unity is racism and tribalism. These are dangerous cancers that should be excised from the body. They have the potential of sucking the benefits of eternal life from those who suffer from their infection.

When a believer sees himself primarily through the lenses of an ethnic group or a race or nation, the limitations of that group will still find expression in his life, even though he is supposed to be a new creature in Christ.

Go into today knowing that as believers, we are not even to see ourselves from the standpoint of our family heritages first, we are to see ourselves first from the standpoint of our spiritual heritage in Christ. Family limitations still find expression in the lives of believers who exalt their family & ethnic identity over their identity in Christ.
-SD Abraham
Yearly Bible Plan: Joshua 1-5 (In Devotional Audio)

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