Thursday, March 8, 2018


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Isaiah 53:5 (NET)
He was wounded because of our rebellious deeds, crushed because of our sins; he endured punishment that made us well; because of his wounds we have been healed.

Mrs. Edwin did not know that the reason she could not conceive was because she kept on believing the lie that she was to pay for her past sins. She didn’t realize that if she was able to pay for her sins, Christ would not have to die.

The real problem was that even though God had already forgiven her, she had not yet received His forgiveness and was still living under the cloud of guilt. She cried to the Lord to have mercy on her and let her have her own children. God opened her eyes to see that she needed to accept His forgiveness and forgive her mother-in-law and everyone else who she had been keeping malice with. When she did this, she concieved.

When a believer refuses to accept the forgiveness of God, it would be very difficult for that believer to forgive others. And the sin of unforgiveness is very spiritually toxic.

Many have been afflicted because they have refused to receive the forgiveness of God, even though He has already forgiven them. It is by faith that we receive the forgiveness of God.

The reason why the word of God says God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins (1 John 1:9) is because refusing to forgive us our sins would be unjust since Christ Jesus has already paid for them.

Go into today remembering that it is for Christ’s sake that God forgave you (Eph 4:32). Even though you feel like you don’t deserve God’s forgiveness, be humble enough to receive it freely and move on in the liberty of spirit.

Prayer: thank the Lord for forgiving you iniquities and healing your diseases( Psalm 103:1-3)
-SD Abraham

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Yearly Bible Reading: I Corinthians 3-4 (In Devotional Audio)
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