Saturday, March 24, 2018


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Matthew 8: 17 (MSG)
He fulfilled Isaiah’s well-known sermon: He took our illnesses, He carried our diseases.

John was in a bedridden state when he came across a chaplain and became a believer. However, until he came to know the truth about Jesus the healer, he painfully remained on his bed wishing that the healings of old were still possible. He imagined that God in pity would see his present state and maybe act. He would pray, hoping that one day in the future it will happen.

Concerning Isa 53:4-5, Matt 8:17 and 1Pet 2:24, many are like sick John and make the mistake of interpreting these scriptural pillars of healing as:

"There is a forgone past, there is maybe a probable present, and there hopefully will be an occurring future".

When pillars are wrongly placed, a building is unstable and risks collapsing. So is the healing potential of one who hears the gospel without the truth that Christ has settled our healing for the past, present, and future. This leads to a reasoning that insults or makes a mockery of what Christ accomplished for us through His redemptive work.

The truth, however, is that God sees us as already healed because as spirit beings who relate with Him in spirit, He has placed within our recreated spirit His healing power and virtue, which is released for our physical wholeness by our faith.

All that is needed is for us to acknowledge it, receive it and thank God for it, as we renew our minds through His Word. Therefore, the correct way for us interpreting these scriptural pillars of healing is:
"There was a fulfilled past, there is a real and active present, and there is an expected and accomplished future".

Go into today, knowing that Christ settled your healing for all times. And by faith, you're able to release it in your life and over the lives of others.
-Chibo E.C.
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Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 6-10 (In Devotional Audio)
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