Sunday, June 3, 2018


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Isaiah 42:3 (ERV)
He will not break even a crushed reed. He will not put out even the weakest flame. He will bring true justice.

Many start off with great zeal and a lot of energy for God's work, but then they reach a point where their fire grows dim and teeters on the verge of being put off. Our verse of scripture wants us to take comfort and be encouraged by the fact that though this may be the case, God is still able to revive and reignite your fire (Ps 18:28).

God is compassionate and loving. He knows and understands our frame and has not called us to undertake tasks beyond that which we're able to handle or bear, but is willing to help us despite our weakness, so that we can glow even brighter for Him (Ps 103:13-14, 1Cor 10:13, 2 Cor 12:9).

Our Lord Jesus Christ was at a place called Gethsemane when He experienced anguish in His soul. It was there that He prayed to the Father, saying "not My will but Yours be done". The Bible records that after that, an angel (flames of fire (Heb 1:7)) strengthened Him. Afterward, He went on to fulfill God's redemption plan for mankind (Lk 22:39-44).

Unlike our Lord Jesus, our burn outs are as a result us of working in the strength of the law or the flesh, instead of relying wholly on the Holy Spirit (Gal 3, 10). Some signs of this burn out include: weakened prayer life, less study (and meditation) of the Word, less enthusiasm for evangelism and fellowship, etc.

What then should be our response if this is what we're experiencing? Our response must be like that of Jesus; to retreat to a place of prayer and ask God to rekindle and strengthen His fire in us by the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31).

Ask God today to reignite your fire afresh so that your light will shine for the world to see, overcoming every darkness and bringing glory to God (Matt 5:16).
—Chibo E.C.

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Bible Yearly: Exodus 33-36 (Available in Today's Audio)
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