Thursday, August 23, 2018


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John 15:7 (NET)
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you.

After Chinedu accepted the Lord Jesus, there was the temptation for him to go back to the world and not remain or abide in the Lord. But he read John 15 and realized that in order for him to be fruitful, he had to remain in the Lord. He knew this meant he had to leave his friends who were a bad influence on his faith. He also realized this meant he had to submit to the Lord and let the word of the Lord rule his life and even his business practices.

Many people in today's church are not fruitful and are lacking in spiritual might and power because they are not abiding in the Lord. Even though they attend church services, they are still in the world and not in Christ because they are still dominated by the principles of the world (1 John 2:16). You cannot abide in Christ and continue in the principles of this world.

Those who remain with the Lord are those that have a relationship with Him. They care about how the Lord feels and seek to please Him in all things. The word of God will abide in them. Because the Word is living and active, it would renew their minds and transform them into the image of Christ (Rom 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18). At this point, whatever they want would align with God’s will, so whatever they ask will be given to them.

Go into today remembering that it is only those who abide in the Lord that will be fruitful. They are those who heaven responds to their prayer.

Ask the Lord to help you abide in Him and be fruitful.
—Pastor SD Abraham

Bible in 1 Year: Daniel 7-12 (in today's audio)
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