1 Corinthians 8:12 (NET)
If you sin against your brothers or sisters in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ.
Liza observed that she was going through a season of spiritual dryness. She couldn't understand why this was happening because as far as she knew, she did everything right. She kept to her Bible study and prayer schedule, was faithful in her donations to the church, etc. But she observed that her prayer time was becoming dry and unexciting. It was as if the Holy Spirit didn't show up anymore to empower her to pray.
After struggling like this for days, she became particularly concerned. 'Lord, what is wrong, why am I not experiencing your fellowship like before?'
As soon as she prayed this prayer, she felt the presence of the Lord again. She immediately knew that something was wrong. Moments later, she received a text message from one of her Christian sisters. This message detailed how hurt and offended she was by the way Liza treated her.
Liza immediately understood that the problem was that she had sinned against the Lord in the way she treated this sister. She immediately repented.
Jesus is really concerned about the way we treat each other as Christians. Every Christian you relate with is not just your sister or brother but is also a child of God whose heavenly father jealously cares for. It is particularly bad when more mature believers do things that become a stumbling block for weaker believers (see Mark 9:42).
Many believers have blocked the heavens above them because of the way they have treated their Christian brethren.
Go into today remembering that God watches the way we treat each other as a measure for our faithlessness and love. If you truly love God, it would show in the way you treat His people. See Matthew 25:35-40 and 1 John 4:20
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