Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Fruitful in the Lord 2

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John 15:7 (NET)
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you.

It was really difficult for Bamidele to leave his dishonest ways, but he knew that if he was going to abide in the Lord and be fruitful, he could not continue in his old ways of sin.

Even though he was very intelligent, he was more used to making money through fraud and didn’t know any other way of making a living.

But as he continued to be taught and mentored in the way of the Lord, he saw that those who truly abide in the Lord and follow Him wholeheartedly in truth are those whose prayers are most powerful. He understood that this meant he could never be in lack and want if he remained in the Lord and was fruitful because then his prayers would be very powerful. He left his old sinful ways and started following the Lord. Some people thought he was crazy, but he didn’t mind. As time passed and Bamidele became more fruitful in the Lord, he would ask God for some of the most unbelievable things and they would be done for him. He eventually became a very successful honest businessman who made much more profit than he ever made during his days of fraud.

One reason why those who abide in the Lord are the ones whose prayers are answered the most is because through abiding in the Lord and being transformed by His word, their motives have been purified and their prayers and desires are now in agreement with God’s will for them. God usually does not answer prayers that are not in accordance with His will.

Go into today asking the Lord to multiply grace for fruitfulness in your life. Remember that anyone still conformed to this present world cannot be transformed into the nature that makes him fruitful in the Lord.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 20-22
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