Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tongues and An Unknown Tongue

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1 Corinthians 14:2 (NET)
 For the one speaking in a tongue does not speak to people but to God, for no one understands; he is speaking mysteries by the Spirit.

Amaka refused to speak in tongues because she was wrongly taught that each time she spoke in an unknown tongue, someone had to interpret it or she should hold her peace. She was also wrongly taught that “most of the tongues you hear today are fake tongues because no one understands what they are saying,  but on the day of Pentecost,  people were understanding what the disciples were saying”. Because of such wrong teachings, she was kept from praying in tongues and her prayer life was greatly affected by this.

 But the first day she read 1 Corinthians 14 with a Bible translation she could understand,  the scales fell off her eyes. She could see clearly that speaking in a tongue(singular) was different from speaking in tongues(plural). She could also see that one was speaking to God who didn't need an interpreter,  but the other was to men who needed to understand it. This is how she was liberated. Her prayer life was greatly transformed since then,  and the power of the Holy Ghost was now a reality in her life as she could now pray in an unknown tongue.
Many people have been kept in bondage through doctrines because they do not study their Bibles for themselves.

There is a spiritual gift called diverse kinds of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10), and there is a manifestation of the Spirit or sign called 'an unknown tongue' (1 Corinthians 14:2).
The gift of diverse kinds of tongues is used to deliver messages from God to people. So whenever this gift is in operation,  the tongues have to be interpreted for the people to understand,  or the Holy Spirit would have to orchestrate the interpretation of the tongues so that all the people hearing it would miraculously start hearing  it in their own languages as it happened on the day of Pentecost (see Acts 2:8).

Go into today knowing that the sign of an unknown tongue that manifested in your life when you were filled with the Holy Ghost helps you to speak mysteries to God and not to men. It was given to you for much-needed self-edification (see 1Cor 14:4, Jude 1:20).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 11-15
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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Inward Groans 2

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Romans 8:23, 26, 28 (KJV)
23. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
26. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

When a woman is in labor and groaning, she groans in the hope that she would give birth to a baby.
Her groaning in hope is not based on wishful thinking but based on verifiable facts with certain evidences she cannot deny.

We can see from today's Bible verses that not only creation but we ourselves who have the firstfruits (verifiable facts and evidence) of the Spirit groan as we await the adoption. But we further see that in like manner, the Holy Spirit helps our infirmities by also groaning for us. It is in the backdrop of these groanings that all things work together for our good.

Believers who live with their affection set on things above(Colossians 3:2) are those who partake in these groanings that birth further manifestations of the firstfruits (powers of the age to come) in their daily experiences. They are those who circumstances (whether 'good' or 'bad') will all work together for their good because they love (set their affection on) God and live for His call.

Go into today remembering that those who set their affection of things above are those who fulfill their eternal destinies in this side of eternity.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you keep your mind stayed on Him today and for the rest of your life.
Pray with Isaiah 26:3 (KJV): Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 8-11
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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Not By Sight

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Genesis 50:24-25 (KJV)
And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you and bring you out of this land into the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, surely God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

Here was Joseph the Prime minister of Egypt, having the complete trust of Pharaoh, and access to all the privileges and trappings of power, and the people of Israel were living in the ‘best of the land’ in Egypt (Gen 47:11), and in peace and tranquility. Yet hearing Joseph speak in our text above, one is tempted to think they were living in bondage and under oppression. Though that was to come later, but as at the time Joseph spoke these words, there was no physical evidence whatsoever pointing to that. All he had to go on was the word of God to Abraham (Gen 15:13-14), and then to Isaac (Gen 26:3; 28:13) and Jacob (Gen 35:12; 48:21).

The bible has no record of God speaking to Joseph directly on this matter, however, it does record Jacob speaking to Joseph about it (Gen 48:21), and on the strength of that, he, Joseph, spoke, giving instructions concerning his bones. His actions declare his faith. See how the Holy Spirit described it in the book of Hebrews (Heb 11:22 NET) “By faith Joseph, at the end of his life, mentioned the exodus of the sons of Israel and gave instructions about his burial”.

Doctors have a tool they put in your armpit to check for your body temperature, but to check for your faith we will look at your words and check out your actions. For a true test of faith is in what a man says and what he does. A girl who truly believes God’s word will not wait for a ‘personal revelation’ before she refuses the marital proposition of an unbeliever; she will say NO. She won’t wait till a believing brother comes knocking before she says NO to the unbeliever. She won’t look at his character today and try to base her decision on it. WHY? Because we regulate our lives by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7 AMP).

Are you ready to walk the talk? Walk it in total reliance on and obedience to God’s word; that’s faith.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

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Monday, January 28, 2019

The Inward Groans 1

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Romans 8:23, 26 (NET)
Not only this, but we ourselves also, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we eagerly await our adoption, the redemption of our bodies.

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings.

Those who have the first fruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as they eagerly await the adoption (the resurrection of the dead) which would transform their lowly bodies into glorious bodies that can reveal our true nature as sons of God. They groan inwardly because they understand that the best of God's glory they can experience while in this body of flesh is but a foretaste--a firstfruit of the things to come.

It is in this same way and to this same end that the Spirit groans for us and helps us in our weakness and causes all things to work together for our good.

This present life we have here on earth is very temporal, but we are eternal beings. Our time here is like a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. It wouldn't be wise to spend our lives on things that have only earthly value when we have been given the opportunity to invest in things of eternal value (see Matt 6:19-21).

Those who groan inwardly do so because they understand the hope for which they have been called. The eyes of their understanding are being enlightened to see the riches of their inheritance in Christ (see Ephesians 1:18).

Go into today asking the Lord to open the eyes of your understanding to see the riches of your inheritance in Christ.

Ephesians 1:18 (KJV)
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 3-4
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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Be Eager For Spiritual Gifts

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1 Corinthians 14:1 (NET)
Pursue love and be eager for the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.

Dara was disturbed that he did not have spiritual gifts like Deji his friend. He started asking the Lord why and really desiring to walk in spiritual gifts because his interaction with Deji had made him see how spiritual gifts engender fruitfulness in ministry.

As soon as Dara started becoming eager for spiritual gifts and asking the Lord for them, he realized that he too started walking in them.

His disposition towards spiritual gifts wasn't a healthy one before he met Deji. He was raised in a church that almost despised all spiritual gifts and didn't allow them in their services.

One thing I have noticed is that believers who despise spiritual gifts don't walk in them. In fact, believers who are not eager for them hardly have them, no matter how spiritual and holy they are.

I believe that one reason the Corinthian Church grew so fast was because they were not lacking in spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 1:7). Even though that church appeared to emphasize spiritual gifts much more than the fruits of the Spirit and Paul had to warn them that people who lived the way some of them were living would not inherit the kingdom of God (see 1 Corinthians 6:8-10), he still encouraged them to be eager for spiritual gifts.

Go into today remembering that those who walk in an abundance of spiritual gifts are those who are eager for them.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you receive and walk in your God-ordained gifts.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 12-17
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Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pursue Love

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1 Corinthians 14:1 (NET)
Pursue love and be eager for the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.

I have had to deal with some brethren that behave in a way that inspires only hatred. But I have found that for me as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, hatred is not an option, but love is my only option. I have been commanded to love even my enemies(see Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:27), so misbehaving brethren should not be the issue. for us to walk in love, it must be pursued and not merely desired.

Pursue is an active word and it may involve doing things that are not convenient. Many times, if we do not pursue love, we would not love but become lukewarm and indifferent.

One way we pursue love is by doing things that inspire love. Giving sacrificially is a good example. Our choice of words can either kill love or inspire love.

We pursue love because we understand that walking in love towards all men is the secret to appropriating our greatest spiritual power. A man who walks in faith has great power. But the man that walks in love is greater(see 1 Cor 13:2, 13).

Go into today remembering to pursue love. If love seems to have run away from your marriage, relationship with brethren, etc, don't give up. Ask the Lord for wisdom to do things that would inspire love. Ask for the grace to pursue love till it returns.

Prayer: please father, help me walk more and more in love and Favour with all men. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Friday, January 25, 2019

Faith, Hope, and Love

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1 Corinthians 13:13 (NET)
And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Ojone was very sick and had lost all hope of recovering because the doctors didn't seem to have a cure for the disease that was destroying her.

One day she went to church, a prophecy came from a servant of God who was visiting their church. He mentioned her situation in a way that she knew it had to be God. He mentioned things that only she could know. He mentioned the source of the demonic attack and gave her the word of the Lord. The word was that she was going to live to a certain ripe old age and see good days.

Ojone received this word, and through it, hope was built in her heart. This hope substantiated in faith (faith is always with action). She started confessing that she was healed and became cheerful and full of joy and peace again. In a matter of weeks, she was completely healed.

Faith and hope are intricately related. Faith is the substance of hope (things hoped for)(see Hebrews 11:1). It always produces action that justifies the presence of hope. Faith is the token tangible manifestation of hope. Faith is action, for faith without works (action) is dead (James 2:14).

The foundation of faith is hope, and God's word [and promises] is the source of our hope. The word of God, whether written years ago in scripture or received through prophecy, is the same. God is ever present and so is His word. He and His word are not affected by time. He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 46:1).

When hope and faith are built up in the heart of a believer, the product and fruit will be total, unrestrained, 'unreasonable' obedience. That's what we saw play out in Abraham's life.

The Lord's most important commandment to us today is that we love one another (John 13:34). The best and most pristine action faith in God produces is love. Faith works (manifests) through love (see Galatians 5:6).

A believer who hopes in God and believes His promises cannot be lacking in faith. A believer who walks practically in love cannot be lacking in ever sufficient faith.

Go into today remembering that the fruit of real faith is actions of love. Ask the Lord to help you be more fruitful.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Thursday, January 24, 2019

When The Resurrection Comes

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1 Corinthians 13:12 (NET)
For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.

When Wole started reading his Bible and understanding it, he realized that there were many things he thought he understood that he didn’t understand. He realized that the best he could attain while in this body of flesh was but a foretaste. That the real manifestation of his glory was going to come with the resurrection that would happen when the Lord returns. He also started to understand that when the Lord returns in glory with His Saints, we would literally physically take over the governments and kingdoms of this world (see Revelation 11:15, Daniel 7:27).

He used to wish the Lord would delay his coming so he could accomplish some things, but after more understanding, he started praying daily that the Lord should hasten His coming.

When you see believers wishing in their hearts that the Lord's coming be delayed, you have seen believers with very little understanding of the kingdom of God and the hope of our calling. That’s a very dangerous place to be for a believer.

"The spirit and the bride (Church) say come". That is the yearning and one of the greatest desires of the true living church (see Revelation 22:17).

Go into today remembering that when the Lord appears, we shall be like Him and we shall rule and reign on the earth, and over all creation forever. The resurrection body we would receive is what would reveal our real nature as sons of God. This is when shall see Him face to face and will know fully.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you understood the hope of His calling and see the exceeding riches of your inheritance in Him.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 11-15
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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Setting Aside Childish Ways

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1 Corinthians 13:11 (NET)
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. But when I became an adult, I set aside childish ways.

When Grace first believed in the Lord Jesus, she didn't understand what it meant to walk in love as the Lord teaches, but only understood self-love. She was vengeful and arrogant, but she did not know this.

After some years had passed and she had become more mature in the way of the Lord, she would look back at her life as a young believer and would be embarrassed by the way she used to act ‘childishly’ in the flesh. She had grown spiritually and set aside childish ways. She now understood the way of love and saw the emptiness of self-centeredness.

In today’s Bible verse, Paul was still discussing the topic of love.

Like physical babies, one of the attributes of spiritual babies is self-centeredness and selfishness. Babies don’t have the ability to care about anyone other than themselves. They will kick and scream if they don’t get their way. But as babies grow into adults, they become more responsible and less self-obsessed. As we grow spiritually, we become more selfless and loving. One measure of spiritual maturity is walking in love.

I believe that demons may not have a way of accurately discerning our spiritual maturity, but they would know those who are mature through the power of love their spirits exude. This is how they know who to dread and who they can’t mess with.

Go into today remembering that as we grow spiritually, we should set aside childish ways and walk in the way of love. This is the way of perpetual victory and multiplied grace.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 8-11
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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Wanted; Faith

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Luke 8:24-25a (NET)
They came to him saying, “Master, Master, we are about to die!” So he got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waves; they died down and it was calm. Then he said to them, “Where is your faith?” (Read also Luke 8:22-25)

Moses wondered what to do. They were hedged in by the sea in front and the army of their enemies behind. What’s more, he could hear the sound of his people behind him, the sound of about 2 million disgruntled people. Their murmurs rose till it became a din. He spoke to them “Do not be afraid … the Lord shall fight for you”, almost immediately, the Lord spoke as though in response, He said: “Why do you cry to me? Tell the Israelites to move forward. And as for you, lift up your staff and extend your hand toward the sea and divide it, so that the Israelites may go through the middle of the sea on dry ground” (Exodus 14:10-16 paraphrased)

Did you notice the similarity between this account and our text today? It was as though while Moses was saying ‘do something Lord’, the Lord was saying ‘do something son’. That was the same thing with the disciples.

Understand this; you have a responsibility cum a role to play in bringing to bear the intervention of God to a situation. Part of your responsibility is to exercise your faith. Exercise it in prayer; exercise it in speaking. Through the exercise of our faith, we put the power of God to work for us. Don’t just lie there crying ‘why me Lord’, rather fall to your knees and pray ‘hear me Lord’ and then rise to your feet and say ‘hear me wind’.

Go into today with a resolve to exercise your faith often. Start with the little things and then when the storms come, quench it.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

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Monday, January 21, 2019

Right Focus; Great Faith

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Luke 7:4-5 (NET)
And when they came to Jesus, they urged him earnestly, “He is worthy to have you do this for him, because he loves our nation and even built our synagogue.” (Read Luke 7:1-10)

What is your attitude when you come to the Lord with a request? Some come with an entitlement mentality, believing that they deserve every good that can ever come to them as a result of their good works. In our text today, the centurion was seeking healing for his servant. The elders of the Jews came asking Jesus to intervene sighting the good works of this man. However, when the centurion sent words to Jesus through his friends, they had a completely different emphasis, they said,

“Lord, do not trouble yourself, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not presume to come to you. Instead, say the word and my servant must be healed…” (Luke 7:6, 7) He focused not on his goodness but on the power and authority of Jesus.

Good works are good and have their place. Bible says every believer must be careful to maintain good works (Titus 3:8). We are created unto good works (Ephesians 2:10). Our good works give glory to our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). However, when you come before the Lord, lay your good works aside and stand only on the good work of Jesus Christ. Focus on his goodness, power, and might. Come boldly because of Him, not because of you.

Go into today with a full assurance of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is able, He is willing, He will do it.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 3-4
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Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Superiority of Love

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1 Corinthians 13:8-9 (NIV)
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
Read 1 Cor 13:8-13

Of the three powerful spiritual virtues (faith, hope, and love), love is the greatest (see 1 Cor 13:13). It is the only reality in this side of eternity that did not come in part but came in full.

All the knowledge you can have now is in part. All the [prophetic] gifts you can have now is in part. But love is the only virtue that is not in part. When completeness comes through the resurrection, what is in part disappears, only what is whole will remain- love.

After the resurrection and we have been ushered into the fullness of our glory as sons of God, we would not need spiritual gifts because we would have unlimited spiritual bodies like that of Christ (Philippians 3:21, 1 Corinthians 16:44), and all acquired knowledge would be useless because we would share in God’s divine nature of omniscience (1 Cor 13:12). But we would still love each other and love our eternal Father.

Of all the powerful virtues we can have today, love is the only one that will endure for all eternity. Prophecies will cease, faith and hope would have been actualized, but love will remain.

Do you see how powerful love is? It is the only attribute we have that Satan cannot counterfeit. He doesn’t have the ability and power to love. Only those who are born of God have this ability (1 John 4:7).

Go into today thanking God for the privilege to walk in His divine nature of love. Thank Him for the power that walking in this nature releases into your life. Ask the lord to help you walk in love more than ever before.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 7-11
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Saturday, January 19, 2019

The True Kind of Love

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1 Corinthians 13:4 (NET)
Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up.

When Gerald was wooing Bridget, he was very patient and kind to her. He didn't seem to notice all her faults and was ready to overlook many things.

But Bridget observed that Gerald was very boastful and arrogant. He would brag and sometimes add lies to his bragging. This should have been a pointer to her that he didn't truly love even though he appeared patient and kind on the onset.

After they got married, Bridget realized that she was married to a very unloving man who was not kind and patient at all. He was mean and selfish.

She would have known this from the beginning if she understood the meaning of love in its full context.

Notice that all the attributes of love mentioned in today's verses are attributes that go together. They are all attributes of love. If any of them is missing in something paraded as love, that thing is not the kind of love that never fails. It is the inferior kind of love [of convenience] that would crack and fail in the face of pressure.

This pure true kind of love defined in today's verses can only be given by those who are born of God. It is manifested through the grace of the Lord poured out upon us and facilitated by sound minds refined through the understanding of God's Word.

Anyone who walks in this kind of love walks in the greatest and most powerful spiritual virtue. This virtue is superior to mountain-moving faith. It can move the heart of God.

The goal of every believer should be to walk in this kind of love that is defined in today's verses. We are the only ones with the ability to walk in this kind of love. And we do so through faith and diligence.

Go into today remembering that when you start walking in true love towards people, the kind of power released by your spirit would solve many problems and drive away spiritual adversaries.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Friday, January 18, 2019

Dealing with Temptation

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Matthew 4:1-2 (KJV)
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.

When Seyi got into the university, he didn't resume on time because he found out about his admission late. Because of this, he didn't make the best arrangements for his accommodation and had to end up in the same hostel with some really bad boys.

Before Seyi accepted the Lord Jesus, he used to be addicted to drugs and alcohol. Because he understood the temptation he would have to face every day with these new roommates who were drug and alcohol addicts, he determined that the way he would survive spiritually was to rev up his prayer [and fasting] life. He started praying and fasting four times more than he normally did before he moved to that hostel. During this period, he so grew spiritually that he started walking very easily in the prophetic. He never fell for the temptations he so feared because through devotional to prayer and the ministry of the word, he was spiritually strong to withstand the temptations. Two of those his roommates became his converts during that period.

We see in today's Bible verses that Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. It doesn't sound right. How would the Holy Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted? Why and for what purpose?

It was necessary for Jesus to be tempted and be without sin so that He can be a qualified high priest who understands what it means for us to be tempted(see Heb 4:15). But the tempter wouldn't have been able to tempt Jesus if the Holy Spirit did not permit it.

I believe it is on the strength of today's verse that we can pray God to 'lead us not into temptation'. Jesus our master has already been led into temptation.

When Jesus was entering a season of temptation, he responded by entering a season of fasting [and prayer]. I believed he did this because he wanted to gather sufficient spiritual might to withstand the temptations. It was after this episode that his ministry began.

Go into today remembering that if there appear to be temptations coming so great that you fear you might fall, the best response is to fire up your prayer life.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

How People Lose Their Reward 2

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1 Corinthians 13:3 (NET)
If I give away everything I own, and if I give over my body in order to boast, but do not have love, I receive no benefit.

It is difficult to imagine that one can give away everything they own and yet not be motivated by love but by something else. While Enyo was giving away many things to the needy in the front of cameras, she thought she was giving out of love, but the kind of love that does not care about the feelings and dignity of the other person receiving is not the kind that counts before God.

How many people announce to the public when they give to their children or family members? They don't announce because they gave in love to their children. But the kind of love that includes telling the whole world how you are helping is not the kind that heaven acknowledges.

The kind of love that heaven acknowledges seeks to bring glory to God and not to oneself, thus the person doing the charity understands that God doesn’t need social media to inform Him about the things done.

Go into today remembering that the kind of love that heaven rewards can only be manifested by those who are born of God. See 1 John 4:7.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me from today to manifest your nature of love and bring glory to your name.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Joshua 6-10
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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How People Lose Their Reward

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Matthew 6:1 (KJV)
Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

With the way Enyo and members of her family gave to the poor and needy, she knew they were not to be suffering the lack they were experiencing. She knew this because she understood the promises of God to those who give to the poor. She had spent her life helping the poor, but it appeared that there was no reward from the Lord for her.

As she meditated on this, she realized that even though she was truly helping the poor, she always went with cameras and shared it on social media. People would share her posts and she would get many likes. But she had lost her reward in the process. She traded her reward from God for Facebook likes.

In the world, when people do charitable works and give to the needy, they blow their trumpet and ensure that people see what they are doing. But in the kingdom of God, it is not so. We do not do good works for the public to applaud us, we do good works from a heart of love that seeks to please God and help the people He loves. A heart of love cares about the dignity of those being helped.

Many have squandered their heavenly reward for earthly praise. Many have traded their reward from God for Facebook likes and shares.

Go into today remembering that when we do things to receive the praise of people, we are forfeiting the reward of God.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to never again trade my heavenly reward for earthly praise.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 4-7
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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Walk As Children of Light

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Ephesians 5:8-9 (KJV)
For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

Before Shonda believed in the Lord Jesus, she was a gang member who later became a call girl.

Even though Shonda was now a believer translated from the kingdom of darkness and made the light of the world, she still remembered how to walk as a child of darkness. She had to now learn how to walk as a child of light so that her light would shine. She understood that if she did not let her light shine, she could go back to becoming darkness all over again. This was why she did not play with Bible study and Christian fellowship.

Jesus says we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He also says we should let our light shine. If we do not let our light shine, it can become darkness all over again, and how great the darkness will be. If the salt refuses salt, it can lose its savor and become entirely useless (see Matt 5:13, Matt 6:23).

Go into today remembering that living as light is not an option, it is the only way to continue to be light and salt.

Prayer: Lord, help me to shine the light today and every day of my life.
Lord, please deliver me from every influence that seeks to hinder my light from shinning.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Monday, January 14, 2019

The Way To Kingdom Greatness 3

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Luke 12:30-31 (KJV)
For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.
But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I was recently in a church camp in Nigeria where I saw a number of people coming to pray in the day and at night. As I rejoiced before the Lord for such a place and the people who came seeking the Lord in prayer and fasting, the Lord pointed to me that many of them really didn't come to seek Him but to seek things through Him. The summary of most prayers was ‘more money Lord’ while it should have been ‘more of you Lord’.

If half of the people praying and fasting in Nigeria are actually seeking the Lord and His kingdom, the nation would have been much better and the people much more prosperous. 
Those who seek the kingdom of God seek to please Him in all things; they bring their weaknesses before the Lord until they receive strength to be overcomers. They seek to always be filled with the Holy Spirit who administers the realities of God’s kingdom within us.

I have come to realize that God wants us to love Him. The first commandment is that we love the Lord our God with all our hearts (see Mat 23:37). Paul had very strong words for believers who do not love the Lord (see 1 Cor 16:22). He understood that believers who do not love the Lord can be Satan's biggest tools against the church.

God is our father and every father wants His children to love him. How would you feel if your children only made time to talk to you when they needed you to do something for them?

Those who walk in the Lord's great power and glory are those who seek the Lord and make time to commune with Him. They are those who are great in the kingdom of God.

Go into today remembering that those who truly seek the kingdom of God cannot lack any good thing (see Psalm 84:11). All the things they need will be added unto them (Luke 12:32).
Prayer: Lord, please help me seek your kingdom above all else.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 1-2
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Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Way To Kingdom Greatness 2

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1 Corinthians 13:2 (NKJV)
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

When Eze traveled to the village for the Christmas celebrations, he came in contact with some challenges that were orchestrated by demons. He tried to cast out the demons, but they seemed too strong for him to handle, and he started wondering why. When he reported the matter to his sister who was a more recent believer, she laughed over the problem and assured him that the matter was resolved. She simply prayed a simple prayer and commanded the demons to leave. The level of calmness and authority with which she commanded those demons to leave showed that she knew what she was doing and already had great power with God. The matter was resolved instantly after Eze’s sister prayed with authority. This was how Eze knew that he did not have sufficient spiritual authority to handle certain matters because he was still a spiritual babe, even though he walked in spiritual gifts and had been a believer longer than his sister.

One thing Eze could say about his sister was that she was a very selfless believer whose love for the Lord [and His brethren] couldn’t be hidden. There was a time she turned down a very high paying job because she was convinced it would hinder her from serving the Lord the way she should. Eze knew he couldn’t do things like that that she did, but he also knew that was why she had more esteem and authority in heaven than him.

The path of spiritual maturity and authority is the path of love and selflessness. Just like physically speaking, a young child in the family does not have as much authority over the family estate like when he becomes mature, a spiritual babe does not walk in the level of authority he would walk in when he becomes spiritually mature.

Love is the fruit that God expects to see us produce because of His divine life within us. It is abnormal for those who have been born of God to not be fruitful, but it can happen if they allow themselves to be conformed to the standards of this loveless world.

Go into today remembering that a man who allows himself to be transformed by the renewing of his mind through the understanding of God's Word is a man who would walk in the divine nature of love and wield great spiritual authority.

Prayer: ask the Lord to help you walk in the fullness of your authority in Him.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Way to Kingdom Greatness

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1 Corinthians 13:2 (NKJV)
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

Even though Eze had great spiritual gifts and could prophesy very accurately, certain events unfolded that revealed to Him that he was not yet a man of great esteem in heaven. It became clear to him that as far as heaven was concerned, he was nothing- still a spiritual babe with little authority.

This troubled him greatly because he had been a believer for many years.

In the kingdom of God, it is possible for someone to be great and highly esteemed, and it is possible for someone to be nothing(still of little esteem), as apostle Paul points out in today's Bible verse.

Daniel was a man of great esteem in heaven. An angel appeared to Him and told Him so:

Daniel 10:11(NIV)
He said, "Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you…

A man who is something in the kingdom of Heaven is a prince who has great authority. He is a man who can move the hand of heaven and speak to the ear of God. That is God's will for all His children, but the way to this level of eternal kingdom greatness and relevance is the way of love.

Daniel prayed and fasted for many days because of His love for God's people, not because of a personal need. No matter the spiritual gifts a person walks in, if he doesn't walk in love, he is nothing in the kingdom of God.

Go into today determined to be a person of great value in God's kingdom. Remember that the key to this is walking in love.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to deliver you from all worldliness that makes it difficult for you to walk in Love.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Sent as a Savior, Sold as a Servant

Broadcast 4270 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Psalm 105:17 (KJV) "He sent a man befor...