Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Running to The Rock

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Psalms 61:2 (NKJV)
From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

It was another New Year’s watch night service, and Ugo had made New Year resolutions containing a list of things he was determined not to do again.

But he was now tired of making these resolutions every New Year. There was weariness and emptiness in his soul that he was trying to fill. He knew in his heart that he would still go back to his old habits of sin. They seemed to temporarily give him pleasure and fill the hole of emptiness in his soul (only to leave a deeper bigger emptiness that would require him plunging deeper into sin to satisfy). He was now tired of this cycle. His heart was now overwhelmed, he wanted out.

Who or what is the rock that David was referring to in today’s Bible verse? Because the rock is the only solution for the overwhelmed heart.

In 1 Corinthians 10:14, we see that the spiritual rock the saints of old drank from was Christ. They drank from The Rock by their willful submission to the authority of God over them. This principle has not changed in the new covenant.

A man who is still trying to please God without the help [support and foundation] of The Rock will be overwhelmed. He needs to come to Christ (The rock) and drink of the water of the spirit until he overflows(see John 7:37-39). A believer who is now getting overwhelmed in his heart needs to run back to the rock and drink again by getting filled with the Holy Spirit again.

Go into today remembering that Christ is the solution for the overwhelmed heart. Ask the Lord to teach you to stay filled with the spirit and never again be overwhelmed by the pressures of life. Ask the Lord to help you be a soul winner leading people to the Lord and helping them abide in Him.

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