Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Why This Waste?

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Mark 14:4 (NET)
But some who were present indignantly said to one another. ‘Why this waste of expensive ointment?’
(Read Mark 14-1-9)

‘Waste’ as a verb points to something being squandered, something being spent carelessly. In Mark 14:1-9, we see a woman being scolded by people around for spending a year’s wage worth of perfume on Jesus in the manner she did. You see, what they were saying was not that having that kind of expensive perfume was wrong, but that there was a better use, than spending it on Jesus, the perfume could have been put to. Jesus began to put them right from verse six saying;
“Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for me” (WEB).

Do you realize that those voices and influences are still very active today? Telling you that you are putting in more than is necessary into your faith and service to God.
‘You are wasting your youth’ they will cry.
‘Why are you hiding your nice figure under those hideous dresses, let people see and appreciate what you have’ they’ll say.
‘You are taking this Christian thing too far o, are you the first to serve God’

They will present you other alternatives that also look noble, for example, they’ll say ‘instead of wasting all these talents that God has given you by going into a mission field, why don’t  you just use this talents and make wealth and then you can  support the gospel with money’ as though money can answer the call of God.

They will trouble you.

Today, we are to re-echo the words of Jesus, just as Jesus rebuked them saying ‘leave her alone’ (Mark 14:6), say also to those influences ‘leave me alone’. This ‘waste’ is one which the Lord commends saying “She has done a good work for me”. Refuse to settle for less. Give Him your all. ‘Waste’ it all on Him and let the fragrance of your service fill the room (John 12:3).
-Ikechukwu Mpama

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