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1 Corinthians 6:18 (NET)
Flee sexual immorality! "Every sin a person commits is outside of the body"--but the immoral person sins against his own body.
Immediately after my wedding in 2005, I traveled to attend a friend's wedding in another state. As I left the wedding, an unmarried sister requested a ride.
On our way, she begged me to allow her to quickly pick up her bag in her mother’s apartment nearby.
We arrived there, only to discover that her mother was not at home. I sat in the living room, while she went into the bedroom to pick her bag. Later on, she came out and as I rose up to leave, she dropped her bag and suddenly squared up to me. She was a very busty lady.
Alarmed, I asked her what she was up to, and she said I must kiss her before we leave. I was not only embarrassed but was also scared at the same time, because for inexplicable reasons, my body chemistry was already running wild.
I told her I couldn’t do it, that apart from being a child of God, I was married to her friend. With my eyes flaming hot with anger at her audacity, she had to let me go. All these happened in less than five minutes, but those few minutes were intense. I escaped unscathed but was shaken.
Brethren, sexual assaults against Pastors and believers are real, especially in this crooked and perverted generation of ours. The devil is raving mad with the determination to turn everyone (including pastors) into slaves of immorality. Now, who can escape these raging onslaughts?
Only those who have made up their mind with the backing of the Holy Spirit not to defile themselves.
1. Don't counsel ladies on intimate issues that have to do with their sexual lives. Let your wife or other mature female counselors handle that.
2. Private home visits to females(or the opposite sex) should be done in the company of your wife(or husband) or an assistant.
3. Avoid giving private gifts to females without your wife's knowledge, or better still, let her do the giving.
Take heed unto yourselves and the ethics of ministry, because judgment will begin from the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). The arm of the flesh will fail you, so pray [and keep the prayer fire burning], so that you would have the power to overcome temptations (see Mark 14:38).
Grow in the discerning of spirits, because Satan can masquerade as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).
As you go into today, make up your mind that you won't defile yourself, and always take heed unto yourself and your doctrines (personal principles of life).
—Culled & modified from a write-up by Pastor Edo Roger
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