Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Walking in The New Life

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Matthew 12:33 (NET)
“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is known by its fruit.

After Gbenga accepted the Lord Jesus, he noticed that there was now great resistance in his heart to continuing in his sinful ways. He started seeking for understanding on how to overcome the sins that seemed too powerful for him because unlike before, they now made him feel uncomfortable and miserable.

He devoted himself to discipleship because he was now tired of living a miserable life.

Somehow Gbenga understood that if he continued to violate this [new fragile] conscience that he had received with the new birth, he would deaden it one day and go back to how he used to be.

When you became born again, one of the most important things that happened to you was a change of heart(see Heb 8:10). God gave you a new heart that is able to receive and understand the spirit of His law (not just the letter). Because of this new heart you received from God, you are to live a new life as His child. Whenever a true believer sins, he cannot be comfortable because sin is contrary to his new nature within. The only reason why it is even possible for a believer to sin is because his body has not yet been changed, and until the resurrection when it would be changed, he can still sin. That's why we have been admonished not to walk in the flesh but to walk in the Spirit(Gal 5:16). Righteousness is in your renewed spirit, but sin is still in your flesh, so you are to reckon yourself dead to sin and deny the flesh (Rom 6:11).

They that continue to walk in the flesh will die spiritually and go back to how they were before they were saved (see Romans 8:13). But those that put to death (abandon) the works of the flesh shall continue to live. The only way to successfully put to death the works of the flesh is through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He makes it possible for you to ignore the cravings of the flesh and walk in the righteousness of your renewed spirit. He has the ability to quicken our mortal bodies so that we can walk in the newness of life.

Go into today remembering that the only way to conquer the overpowering influence of the flesh is through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (see Romans 8:13). You give Him entrance and ‘administrator access’ in your life through the entrance of the word of God. Applying your heart to understanding the word of God is the way to give the Holy Spirit access to empower you over sin that is in the flesh. One way He does this is by furnishing the understanding within you that you have died to sin (see Romans 6:2, 11), and are now made alive unto righteousness.

Prayer confession: Sin has no dominion over me. I am dead to sin and alive unto righteousness.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi.

Bible in one year: Romans 15-16

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