Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Blessed Man's Mentality 2

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Ephesians 1:3 (KJV)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ

While an average Jew believes that he is blessed in life, an average black person believes that there is a curse somewhere in his family line hindering him from prospering. This is not unrelated to the fact that black people are not as successful when compared to Jews, even though they are very talented.

Even many black Christians still believe that there might be a curse somewhere in their family line hindering them, and if things do not work out the way they want, they quickly attribute it to a curse or an enemy.

Believing that you are cursed (whether or not you are) is a curse in itself. This mindset will hinder your progress and productivity in life, no matter how blessed you are. But believing that you are blessed is in itself a blessing already. That is why when God blesses a person, He makes sure that the person knows it. There are so many things God does for His people that He doesn’t bother to tell them, but not when He blesses them.

You may say your experiences correlate what you believe (regarding the idea that there is a curse in your life), but the word of God is surer than any experience. Let the word of God become your truth, not experiences. Believe what the Word says rather than what your experiences have said and the Word will change your experiences. The Word says God has blessed you with all Spiritual blessings, believe it.

Go into today with this Confession: I am blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ. No one in the world is more blessed than me. Hallelujah!
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Galatians 4-6 (in Audio Devotional)
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Monday, April 29, 2019

The Blessed Man's Mentality

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Numbers 6:22-24 (NKJV)
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
"Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:
"The Lord bless you and keep you. 

Sade: what is the secret of your success in life.

Amara: it is because I consciously walk in the blessing of God.

Sade: But I too am blessed by God. Why am I not succeeding like you?

Amara: I don't only believe that I am blessed, I say so every morning when I wake and expect to see the blessing manifest in the day, so I see it.

Even though the children of Israel were already blessed as descendants of Abraham, and It was also clearly stated to them that those who obeyed the laws of God were blessed because of that (see Deut 28:2-13), the Lord still found it necessary to instruct the priests to pronounce the blessing over them. This was to be done regularly.

God did this because in order for them to walk in the blessing, they had to be conscious that they were blessed. Each time they heard the priests pronounce the blessing over them, it reminded them that they were blessed and empowered them to walk in the blessing. This ultimately created in them a culture of superiority. Even today, the agnostic Jew still believes that he is better than others.

You need to be reminded regularly that you are blessed so that you will always walk with the blessed man's mentality. This mindset is the attitude that empowers you to walk in the blessing. Many Christians do not walk in the Blessing because they don't have this mindset.

It is a very good habit to wake up in the morning and say scriptures that remind you how blessed you are.

Go into today expecting things to work in your favor because you are blessed.
Ask the Lord to deliver you from every insecurity and inferiority complex.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Exodus 37-40 (in Audio Devotional) 
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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Only With Your Eyes

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Psalms 91:8 (NKJV)
Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked.

When calamity befalls a land, it usually does not just happen by chance. It is usually a result of Judgment for the wickedness of the people of the land. It may even be because of the iniquity committed by the forefathers of the people now suffering the consequences. This happens when it has been proven that the children suffering the consequences have the same disposition of heart as their fathers before them who did such wickedness deserving of judgment.

Many territories have suffered great hardship and it can be traced to the wicked way they treated the first missionaries who brought the gospel to them. Even Jerusalem suffered great distress (around AD 70) because of the way they treated the prophets and the Son of God (see Matt 23:37, Dan 9:26).

Plagues, pestilences, wars, natural disasters and even economic recession leading to great hardship do not just happen by chance. They are usually a result of Spiritual judgment.

God's word to His children today is that ONLY WITH YOUR EYES SHALL YOU BEHOLD AND SEE THE REWARD OF THE WICKED. You did not participate in wickedness and will not share in the punishment of the wicked. Through faith in Christ Jesus leading to repentance from wicked works, you have been washed and made clean by the blood of Jesus (see 1 Cor 6:11). Even though thousands around you fall, it will not come near you.

Go into today remembering that you are not going to partake in the judgment of the land because you have been washed with the blood of Jesus and made righteous.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please show your mercy to the land I dwell because of me, In Jesus name. Amen.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Yearly Plan: Lev 1-3 (In Audio Devotional)
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Saturday, April 27, 2019

It Shall Not Come Near You

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Psalms 91:7 (NKJV)
A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.

When the economic recession in Nigeria started, Nnamdi was afraid that he was going to be greatly affected by it because of the nature of his business. He remembered the word of God in today's Bible verse and decided that he would believe it and live in that reality. One thing he made up his mind he was never going to do was to complain about the bad economy like everybody else did. He would say 'it is a good economy for me, it is not bad'. That was exactly what he experienced.

When some of his major clients defaulted on payments because they could no longer afford to pay, Nnamdi insisted that he was not going down with the economy. Because of his faith and resolve, the Lord gave him the wisdom to become even more profitable than he had ever been. He became wealthier even in the recession.

What you believe and say about yourself is very important. The power of life and death is in the tongue (Prov 18:21). Your mouth confesses what your heart believes. And your heart will come to believe what you often say with your mouth.

The promise of God in today's Bible verse has been freely given to you in Christ. You must activate it by faith and expect to see it manifest in your life.

Go into today remembering that you are not ordinary. You are the apple of God's eye (Zech 2:8). Even if thousands around you are falling, it will not come near you.

Confession: Evil shall not come near me. I am not a victim but a victor in life. I am a winner in life and my light shines. Hallelujah!
-Pst. SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: Ephesians 1-3 (In Audio Devotional)

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Friday, April 26, 2019

You Shall Not Be Afraid 4

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Colossians 3:3 (NLT)
For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.

Two days later, one of the people who tried to cast a spell on Nike was struck with a terrible illness. She tried all she knew and was not getting better. She knew she was going to die if something didn't happen. She summoned courage and came to beg Nike. She knew that Nike’s God was the one responsible for her affliction and no one but Nike would be able to help her.

You see, when you are hidden in Christ, you are not only under God's protection, but God watches over you jealously. Anyone who tries to touch you will live to suffer the consequences. It is a great transgression to attempt to touch the anointed one of God (Christ). Anyone who tries to touch you must first touch Christ because you are in Christ. Many Christians do not walk in this reality because they have not yet believed this truth.

All the marvelous promises of Psalms 91 are for those who dwell in the secret place of the most high (see verse 1).

Anyone who believes in Christ as [his] Lord will dwell in Christ. When you dwell in Christ, you are dwelling in the secret place of the most high.

Dwelling in Christ means believing in Him and submitting your life to His authority. It means dying to the flesh and soul's life, and living the life of Christ. This means your life is now subject to the government of God. Because of this, your life can no more be under the power and government of Satan. Two kingdoms cannot rule a territory.

Go into today thanking God for keeping you under His government and protection.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Jeremiah 47-52 (in Audio Devotional) 
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Thursday, April 25, 2019

You Shall Not Be Afraid 3

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Psalms 91:5-6 (NKJV)
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

When Nike traveled to her village for the first time, she was already 27 years old and now born again. She needed to attend her grandfather’s burial.

It turned out that her parents were not wrong in their fear of going to the village  because the first night Nike spent in that village, a demon was sent to afflict her with an incurable disease. Because Nike had the ability to see visions and walk in the prophetic, she saw in a dream how an old man and a witch joined powers to summon a demon that was to afflict her with a disease in the night. Their plan was that she would travel back to the city before noticing the symptoms of the incurable disease. But because Nike was under the shadow of the Almighty, the demon couldn't come near her and had to return to the persons that sent it. She noticed the following day that certain women were now so afraid of coming near her and could not even look at her face. This was obvious to other people too.

Many diseases and afflictions are spiritually inflicted on people before they begin to see the physical manifestations. The word of God for you today is 'you shall not be afraid of the pestilence that walks in darkness nor the destruction that wastes at noonday'. None of the diseases afflicting people will come near you because you are under the shadow of the Almighty.

Go into today believing God's word and knowing that you are covered from the evils distributed by evil spirits.

Confession: I am under the shadow of the Almighty. No evil shall befall me and no disease shall come near me. In Jesus name. Amen.
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-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Psalms 63-65 (in Audio Devotional) 
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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

You Shall Not Be Afraid 2

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Proverbs 28:1 (KJV)
The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

Eleojo entered her office and thanked the Lord for a brand new day. She wanted to sit down on her chair when she saw the charm and dead tortoise on it. She was so shocked that she screamed ‘Jesus’ at the top of her voice. Minutes later, the man who placed the charm came to her office. His name was Sani.

Sani: Good morning, madam. I just heard you scream. Hope all is well?

Eleojo: (already comfortably seated on that same office chair) Good morning sir. I’m fine. How is your wife?

Sani: (perplexed to see her seated on the chair and looking so relaxed) I… I... heard you shouting. I...

Eleojo: I saw these charms in my office (pointing to the dustbin). The initial shock made me scream so loud. I’m sorry for alarming everyone.

Sani: but why are you sitting in the same chair you saw the charm. Shouldn't you avoid it?

Eleojo: God that is in me is far greater than the spirits that follow charms. Wait… how did you know it was on my chair?

Sani: I… I… just guessed. I…

Eleojo: (cuts in) the person who put it on my chair did so to hinder me from my seat in this office. I will not cooperate with that person.

Eleojo got the promotion the following week.

Eleojo was bold because she was filled with the Spirit and conscious of her righteousness in Christ.
Many Christians are not bold because their consciences are defiled with guilt. You need a clear conscience to be bold like a lion.

Go into today remembering that all power in heaven and on earth now belongs to Christ (Mat 28:18). His people live by this truth and do not fear the power of the enemy.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Jeremiah 42-46 (in Audio Devotional)

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Tuesday, April 23, 2019

You Shall Not Be Afraid

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Psalms 91:5 (NKJV)
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that flies by day

When Eleojo realized how far some people in her office would go to get promoted, she started getting afraid when she and six other people were due for the next big promotion.
Unknown to her, knowing that she was the most qualified for the promotion, her enemies in that office tried several times to attack her by sending demonic spiritual arrows. But they failed each and every time.

The sorcerer of one of them gave him a very scary looking charm and a dead tortoise to secretly sneak into Eleojo’s office. The only purpose of this charm was to bring fear into her life because they knew charms wouldn’t work on her. They wanted her to lose her peace and start living in fear when she sees the charm and tortoise. They understood that it would be easier for them to attack her when she is living in fear because such fear opens the door for demons.

The first part of today's Bible verse says 'you shall not be afraid… '
In this life, there are many things that would seek to make you afraid, but remember that if you are in the secret place of the most high, you will abide under His protection. The enemy sends thoughts and imaginations calculated to keep us in fear because he understands that if he can keep us in fear, we can be defeated.

Go into today remembering that constant fear creates a spiritual atmosphere that makes it conducive for demons to operate. Living in Constant fear is a declaration of faithlessness. The victory that overcomes the [dark powers of this] world is your faith (see 1 John 5:4).

Prayer: Lord  help me overcome all fear. Amen. 

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Yearly Plan: Job 41-42 (in audio devotional)
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Monday, April 22, 2019

False Prophets

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2 Chronicles 20:20 (KJV)
…Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.

Benson carefully observed that for the past three years, things in his life have only become worse. He couldn’t understand why this was the case. 

He slept and had a dream in which he saw himself being chased by a wolf. Just when he was about to fall down a cliff, he looked back to see the face of the wolf and saw that the wolf’s face was that of his prophet. He met this prophet three years ago and the prophet accurately predicted the things that were happening in Benson's life. Benson was now hooked to this prophet and could not take any move in life without first consulting him.

With prayers and revelation, Benson came to discover that the reason he was impoverished was because he had exposed himself to the ministry of this prophet who was a false prophet.

We can learn from today’s Bible verse  that one of God’s spiritual channels for ministering prosperity to His people is through the ministry of His prophets (also see Ezra 6:14). Real prophets of God minister God’s deliverance and prosperity to God’s people (see Hos 12:13) while false prophets come offering the same, but they are Satan’s tool for plundering God’s people of spiritual and physical substance [in the long run]. There is a reason why the Lord refers to them as ravenous wolves (see Mat 17:15). Note that this effect false prophets have is only on those who are the real sheep of the Lord and not on the goats and the wolves.

Go into today remembering that God establishes prosperity upon His people through the ministry of His prophets. The devil plunders God’s people through the ministry of his false prophets disguised as true prophets. 

Prayer: Ask the Lord to deliver you from the ministry of every false prophet.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Yearly Plan: Psalms 60-62 (in audio devotional)

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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ablaze for God

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Psalms 39:3 (KJV)
My heart was hot within me, while I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue.

It is God’s desire that the fire on the altar of our hearts keep burning (see Lev. 6:12). There is a fire of the Spirit that is ignited in the heart of everyone that comes to the Lord Jesus. It is this fire that makes us passionate for the Lord and His work. Jesus ignites this fire in your heart as you present your body to Him as a sacrifice.

Dear friend, the world system was designed to quench that fire. The enemy wants to quench your fire. For some people, it’s already burning out. For some, what is left is smoking flax. So, how can you keep the fire burning? How can you keep your passion for the Lord aflame and hot as it was when you first came to Him?

Get the word of God into your heart. Read the word, memorize it, meditate and ponder on it, proclaim it over your life and environment daily. Even if you’re a smoking flax today, you don’t have to remain that way, Jesus will not quench you. Rather, just like the Psalmist, as you muse, the fire will burn. Give priority to the word of God and He will fan into flames the fire on the altar of your heart.

Prayer: o thou who camest from above,
The pure celestial fire to impart,
Kindle a flame of sacred love,
In the main altar of my heart.
-Otuokon, Ubokudom.

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Yearly Plan: II Corinthians 11-13 (in audio devotional)
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Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Life of Christ

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1 Thessalonians 4:4-5, 7-8 (NIV)
That each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable. Not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God. For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life...Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you His Holy Spirit.

If Jesus the Christ were to live your life, do your chores, ply your routes, work at your business, and live in your house for one whole day; you can be sure he'd live all twenty-four hours in complete harmony with the Father, without one microsecond of sin in his thinking, speaking, or doing.

If your neighbor were to be provocative, your co-workers obnoxious, or the policeman were to harass Him, or the cable network were to offer a variety of amoral programs, or the electric power was cut; you can be sure that the Lord will not sin once.

Such was his life, whether in prayer or out of it, in meditation or out of it. He would surely eat and bathe, read your Bible and probably dance in worship, go for a walk in the rain, talk to a total stranger, help a little child across the road, heal a leper, eat at a restaurant, have siesta, and watch a little TV.

But despite being tempted at all points, there would be not one thing in your lived-out day in disharmony with Heaven.

Such was his life. Such is His life in you.

Did Jesus sin in His flesh but remain holy in His spirit? Certainly not!
He had one holy life pleasing to God in body and spirit. That is the same Life you have in you.

Prayer: Pray with Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
-Dr. Ebele UzorPeters

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Yearly Plan: II Corinthians 9-10 (in audio devotional) 
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Friday, April 19, 2019

Under God's Covering 3

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Psalm 91:5 (KJV)
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day

When Seun got to the town she was posted to for her Country’s Youth Service Corps, because she had never been to that part of the country and didn’t know her way, she got to the town in the middle of the night.

She had heard very scary stories about how dangerous that little town was at night, but she was not afraid because she knew she was under God’s protection. This was when there were no mobile phones.

When she started getting afraid, she prayed a simple prayer to the Lord; asking God to help her get to her destination safely.

Minutes after she stepped out of the bus, a taxi parked next to her, and a kind looking old man (who was the taxi driver) asked her why she was all alone in such a place at that time of the night. After explaining everything to him, he offered to take her to the secondary school of her destination. Somehow she trusted this old man and entered his car. He drove her straight to the house of the principal of the school to which she was posted and told the principal that she was the corps member they had been expecting. Seun thought the principal and the taxi driver knew each other very well, but days later, she discovered that the taxi driver was not known by anyone in the town. Surprisingly, even the other taxi drivers who all knew each other didn’t know him.

Seun couldn’t help but conclude that she was helped by an angel.

Go into today remembering that those who dwell in the secret place of the most high have no reason to be afraid even in the most dangerous places. God would send angels to physically help you if need be (see Psalm 91:11).
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Exodus 29-32 (in audio devotional)
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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Under God's Covering 2

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Psalms 91:4 (NKJV)
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Snakes love to attack the nest of eagles because they hope to find eggs to eat. But when the mother eagle is around, she can kill a snake with just one fatal blow to its head with her powerful beak. Because of the precision of the Eagle, it usually does not miss the head of the snake at the first attempt.

Sometimes, the enemy will make scary sounds and the little eaglets may become afraid. Fear could make an eaglet run away from the covering of its mother, but the wise one will remain there; trusting in the faithfulness of its mother. The eaglets that run away from the nest (the secret place) are usually the only ones that get hurt.

We know we can be at rest and free from fear because of the faithfulness and power of our God. When the serpent comes to steal, kill or destroy, we are safe from him because we are under the wings of the almighty.

There is someone reading this today, it appears you are being overcome by the activity of the enemy. You are having experiences that are scary, but the Lord wants you to 'be still' in your trust in Him. Remain under his protection and don't run away [from the secret place] by using worldly wisdom to try to help yourself with methods God does not approve.

Go into today remembering that the only eaglets that can get hurt are those who stray away from the nest and covering (the secret place).

Prayer: Lord, help me to abide under your covering all the days of my life. Amen.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Plan: Jeremiah 37-41 (in audio devotional) 

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Under God's Covering

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Psalms 91:4 (NKJV)
He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.

Think about the way a mother eagle protects her little eaglets. They find covering under her feathers and warmth under her wings. This is the safest place for them, and this is where their needs are met.
When an eaglet in under the feathers of the mother eagle, it knows that anything seeking to attack it will have to come through its mother first.

We are not just God's creatures, we are children of God because of our faith in Christ Jesus (see John 1:12). This means we are under the covering and protection of the Lord the way the little eaglets get protection and covering from their mother. Anything that cannot attack God cannot attack you when you are in the secret place. You need to know this and start walking in the reality of this truth. Spiritual realities are received and activated by faith and spiritual understanding.

God’s word to you today is that your life is hidden with Christ in God (see Col 3:3). Your supply also comes from Him. Anyone who wants to attack you or steal from you will have to pass through God first. This is impossible.

Go into today knowing that you dwell in the secret place of the most high if you have faith in Christ and let His words dwell in you. This means you live in obedience to His word (see John 15:7).
Prayer: Ask God to help you abide under His wings and never stray away.
-Pst. SD Abraham
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Yearly Plan: Job 39-40(in today's audio) 

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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Conquering Power Of Faith

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1 John 5:4 (NET)  
because everyone who has been fathered by God conquers the world. This is the conquering power that has conquered the world: our faith.

The Lord opened Olamide's eyes to see that there were some wicked demons afflicting the people in his neighborhood. He saw this vision because he was praying, and it was through prayer that he cast those demons out of his neighborhood. He exerted the conquering power of his faith because he was prayerful.

As a believer in Christ Jesus, your conquering power that conquers the world is your faith.
Remember that faith without action or works is dead. One of the most important works of faith is prayer. A believer who would live perpetually in victory over the dark powers of this world is one who prays without ceasing.

Prayer is an act of faith because God to whom you are praying is not visible but you believe in Him and communicate with Him through your prayer. Praying in tongues can be an act of greater faith because you are not praying with your understanding but you trust in the Holy Spirit and know that you are not saying empty words, even though you may not understand what is being uttered.

Go into today remembering that your faith is the conquering power that conquers the demonic powers of this world. Give yourself to prayer and the word so that your faith can be applied and your victory received.
Prayer: Father, please help me pray as I ought to pray. Amen.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible In 1 Year: I Corinthians 9-10
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Monday, April 15, 2019

Giving God True Honor

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Romans 12:1 (NET)
Therefore I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice – alive, holy, and pleasing to God – which is your reasonable service.

Amaka habitually dishonored her husband by talking to him rudely in the presence of her family members. She did this again and again but didn't seem to agree that she was doing anything wrong. When her husband was tired of being dishonored by his wife in public, he became cold towards her and wouldn't eat her food nor discuss with her like he used to. In order to appease him, Amaka used all her money to buy him a pair of shoes he had always wanted. He didn't accept them because she refused to apologize and accept that what she was doing was wrong. It took the intervention of their pastor for this matter to be resolved.

Our gifts of honor are useless when our character continues to dishonor.

More important than the sacrifice of our money to God is the sacrifice of fleshly pleasures and our will as an honor to Him. Everyone is familiar with the reality of honoring God with money, but the sacrifice of the flesh and will are underemphasized, and that is why many do not walk in the blessing that comes with honoring God.

In Genesis 4:5, we can see that God was not pleased with Cain and with his offering. If a man’s life is not acceptable before God, his offerings would not be acceptable to God.

Go into today remembering that honoring God with your body is more important than honoring Him with your money. Anyone can easily part with some money, but the man who truly honors God would part with fleshly pleasures that war against his soul (see 1 Pet 2:11)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me the grace to honor you in truth, in Jesus name. Amen.
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—Utieyin Uduaghan & SDA Arigi

Bible In 1 Year: Mark 3-4
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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pray At All Times

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Ephesians 6:18 (NET) 
With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints.

Because Pastor Uchenna did not realize the importance of prayer,  even though he knew he had a call of God upon his life to be a minister to the church,  he was not prayerful.

When he started facing unending challenges and trials orchestrated by the kingdom of darkness,  it became clear to him that it was impossible to live the victorious life without the power supplied by prayer. As he became devoted to prayer, he started experiencing the power of God in ways he never knew before and living the victorious life.

One of the biggest deceptions of the devil to believers today is that prayer is a remedy for problems and not a way to live. Many would only give themselves to prayer and fasting when there is a crisis. But those who love the Lord and wait on the Lord without being propelled by a crisis are those who would renew strength, know their God and do exploits.

A believer who does not pray is a believer who would have little spiritual power. It is with the power of God that we would walk above temptations and demonic assaults. Those who pray always are those who are powerful always.

Go into today remembering that the victory that overcomes the world (principalities,  powers,  and rulers of the darkness of this world) is [attained because of] our faith. Prayer is one of the most important actions/works of faith. Remember, faith without action is dead.

Prayer: Lord,  please give me the grace to pray always. Amen.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi


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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Receiving Open Doors

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Matthew 7:7 (NET)
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.

After seeing all the great things that were happening in Lanre's life because of the open door the Lord set before him, Lanre's friend wanted an open door that would transform his life and ministry the way it did Lanre's ministry. Tokumbo kept asking Lanre what the secret to Lanre's open doors was. As Lanre thought and thought about the most appropriate answer, he realized that the Lord opened the doors before him because he was consistent in the little he was doing in the Lord's vineyard before his doors opened.

Many times, before a door is opened, there is some knocking. When a person knocks on a door, it is usually continuous until the knock is answered. In order to knock, you don't hit the door once but at least twice or thrice. You ask God to receive things from Him, but when you want Him to open the doors of opportunity and constant flow, you would have to knock. Knocking is a metaphor for consistency.

Before the Lord opens doors of increase, there must have been demonstrated faithfulness in the little. For it is to he who is faithful in little that much would be entrusted (see Luke 16:10).

Go unto today remembering that the secret to receiving open doors from the Lord is consistency and faithfulness with the little he had entrusted you with right now.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to enable you to be faithful in the little he had entrusted unto you so that you will receive your open doors.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi


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Friday, April 12, 2019

Entering Open Doors

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1 Corinthians 16:8-9 (NET)
But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost,
because a door of great opportunity stands wide open for me, but there are many opponents.

Lanre wanted to be more effective in ministry so he went on a fast to seek the face of the Lord concerning this. During the fast, he saw in a vision that a door was open before him, but as he approached the door, many hostile looking creatures were preventing him from entering it. He now knew that it was time to wrestle against the powers that hindered his open door. This he did through prayer and word and prevailed. His ministry won and discipled more souls that year than all the previous years combined.

When you see the phrase 'open door' in scripture, it is referring to an opportunity to be more fruitful. When God opens a door for you, no one can shut it(see Rev 3:8). The best the adversaries can do is to try to hinder you from perceiving the open door or from accessing it. We have been equipped to wrestle such adversaries and conquer them so that we can enter our open doors. We are to persist in wrestling against the adversaries(principalities and powers etc) until we enter our open doors. The way we wrestle to Victory is by putting on our whole spiritual armor and praying always in the spirit (see Eph 6:18).

Go into today knowing that the way to enter every open door the Lord has set before you by living by the word and being consistent in prayer.

Prayer: Lord help me enter every open door you have set before me. Amen.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi


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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Abiding in His Love 2

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John 14:21 KJV
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

We now know what the commandment of Christ is, we also know that if we want to continue to grow, we must love others like Jesus loved us and gave himself for us.

It is something to know what to do and another thing to do it. My counsel to you is that you keep Christ's commandment because it is the one who keeps His commandment that is the one that truly loves Him. You cannot claim to love Him while you hate your brother. When you love Christ, you’ll be loved by God the Father and Christ will manifest Himself to you.

If you desire a deeper revelation of Christ, you must learn to obey His commandment of loving people.

But if any man loves God, the same is known of Him (1 Corinthians 8:3 KJV).

He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him (1 John 2:10 KJV).

Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law (Romans 13:10 KJV).

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (Galatians 5:14 KJV).

Read and meditate on the above scriptures. Make up your mind to love correctly. Ask the Holy Spirit to help your heart, for He Himself is the Spirit of Love.

Pray this way: Father, help me to love others like you love me in Jesus name. Amen.
—Dr. Emmanuel James


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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

With Regard To Giving

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1 Corinthians 16:1-2 (NET)
With regard to the collection for the saints, please follow the directions that I gave to the churches of Galatia.
On the first day of the week, each of you should set aside some income and save it to the extent that God has blessed you, so that a collection will not have to be made when I come.

Stacy used to be tight-fisted towards her church because she said the church was already very rich. But as she grew in the knowledge of God and love for His kingdom, she realized that she was now willing to give her resources to help promote the work of God. She realized that if everyone was closed fisted like she was, the church wouldn't have money but be poor and would not be able to execute even the smallest projects.

You cannot say you love someone and not be willing to give to the person you say you love. Those who love God's kingdom are willing to give for its advancement in this world.

I used to be against church ministers asking people to give their money, but as I grew, I realized that as long as they are not using dishonest methods, it is not out of order to ask believers to give for kingdom projects. Today's Bible verses make this point.

The faith that activates the [financial prosperity] manifestation of the blessing is usually activated when we give sacrificially to the advancement of God’s work (see Luke 6:38, 1 Cor 9:6).

Go into today remembering that you are a child of God and He wants you to live in abundance. Don't let the devil hinder you from accessing the blessings that are activated when you give to God's work in love.

Prayer: Lord please help me love you in truth. Amen.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: Genesis 44-47

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Abiding In His Love

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John 14:21 (KJV)
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

If you must continue to grow and not get stagnated or even fall backward, you must abide in the love of Christ. Someone may ask, ‘yes, I want to keep growing, how do I abide in His love?’
To answer this, Jesus in John 14:15 (KJV) says  ’If ye love me, keep my commandments'.

Jesus says: ‘ This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you'.
How has Christ loved you? That is how you must love also if you must abide in his love.

Christ gave himself for you when you were by nature a child of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). You will have to give up something too because you want to love properly.

According to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NLT),
Love is patient and kind, it is not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.
Love does not demands its own way and is not irritable.
Love does not keep a record of being wronged, it does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins.
Love never gives up or lose faith, it is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance.
Love lasts forever.

This is how Christ has loved you and you must also love others, in the same manner, to keep abiding in His love.
Go into today asking God to shed His love abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit whom he has given you.
Prayer: Lord, help me to walk always in your love. Amen.

—Dr. Emmanuel James

YEARLY BIBLE PLAN: I Corinthians 7-8

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Monday, April 8, 2019

Do not be moved

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1 Corinthians 15:58 (NET)
So then, dear brothers and sisters, be firm. Do not be moved! Always be outstanding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Sophia had a very disturbing dream thrice. The summary of the dream was that the enemy was trying to move her away from her place of glory and push her into a place of shame. At his same period, she felt she was no longer as close as she used to be to the Lord. It became clear to her that there was a shaking and the devil wanted her to be moved.

Being moved is a metaphor used in scripture for an undesired relocation from a place of God-ordained glory to a place of shame. In Psalms 121:1, we see that they that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion which cannot be removed.

From today's Bible verse, we can see that one way to ensure that we are not moved is by being outstanding in the work of the Lord. The devil will try all methods to make our faith waver and cause us to be moved, but for those who trust in the Lord, they would be as mount Zion that cannot be moved. One sure sign that a believer truly trusts in the Lord is that he would serve the Lord. As a believer, you must be able to identify ways in which you are actively serving the Lord.

Many of God’s promises are activated through service. A very popular promise in Isaiah 54:19 is actually to those who serve the Lord. This promise ensures that curses (which is a form of spiritual judgment) never find fruition in the lives of God’s servants.

Go into today remembering that if you abound in the service of the Lord, no devil can move you away from your place of glory.

Prayer confession: I am serving the Lord and growing from glory to glory. Hallelujah!
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi


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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Your Labor Is Not In Vain

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1 Corinthians 15:58 (NET)
So then, dear brothers and sisters, be firm. Do not be moved! Always be outstanding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Bitris was a committed choir member in church before he was appointed a deacon in his local church assembly.

He worked harder in the church than all other deacons and even pastors, but he was least appreciated and acknowledged because the church leadership was very tribalistic and he was not from their tribe. Bitris felt so unappreciated and cheated, and was becoming increasingly bitter until he was reminded through scripture that all his labor was unto the Lord and not unto men. He realized that the fact that men didn't appreciate his labor of love was more assurance that God was going to reward him openly. Not long after he overcame the bitterness in his soul, God rewarded him with blessings that made all his antagonists very envious. God promoted him beyond everyone’s imagination because he was faithful in the little (see Luke 16:10-12).

I know of seasoned servants of God who do not publicly acknowledge the biggest givers to the work of God they do because they don't want to do anything to hinder the giver’s reward from God. Some wouldn't even so much as say ‘thank you’ to those who give them personal gifts because of this reason. They understand that sometimes, even saying so much as ‘thank you’ to a sincere giver may hinder his great reward from God.

We can understand from the doctrine of The Lord Jesus that when we do things to receive the praise of men, we do it at the expense of our reward from God (see Matthew 6:1-6).

Go into today remembering that it is better to receive the reward of God than the praise of men. If men refuse to acknowledge your labor of love, they are helping to ensure that your reward from God is intact and full.
Prayer: Lord, deliver me from anything that would hinder my reward. Amen.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi


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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Are You A Child Or A Son?

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Galatians 4:1 (KJV)
Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all.

You are a child of God because God is your father and He is responsible for you. You become His son however because you can represent him and are responsible to Him.

Children are born while sons are given (Isaiah 9:6 and John 3:16). To be born again is good since it is the beginning of your walk with the Father, however, it is better that you grow into a son and best that you keep growing. You are a son when your Father can give or send you to a person, a group, or nations to represent Him.
It is only to sons that God will commit His estate. Matthew 11:27 (KJV) puts it this way in speaking of Jesus, ‘All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him.’

Growing into a son requires that you receive the life and wisdom of your father, and by reason of these become like your father, such that whosoever sees you will see your father through you.

You are not the one to declare yourself a son,  that is the Father’s to do (Galatians 4:2 and Romans 1:4). However, you can know that you are growing out of childhood into sonhood (maturity) by measuring how much of you has been totally given to God. The extent to which you have given yourself to God is the extent to which He can give you as an answer to the problem of others.
Go into today knowing that God is seeking for sons who will represent Him. It is your level of growth that will determine how useful you will be to God. So, if you desire to be used of God, you must seek to grow.

Pray this way: Father, I commit myself to learning and obeying your word and growing into sonship. Help me Lord to do this, in Jesus name. Amen.
 —Dr. Emmanuel James


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Friday, April 5, 2019

Growing Into Adulthood

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Hebrews 5:12-14 (KJV)
[12] For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. [13] For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. [14] But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

When a baby is born, the expected is that he takes milk for some time, be weaned, eat solid food and grow to become a responsible adult. But when a child refuses to be weaned and grow, such a child becomes a source of worry and concern to his parents.

Just like that baby who has refused to grow because he has refused to be weaned, some Christians today are a source of concern to the Church of God and God Himself. They are being fed the word of God but there is nothing in them that shows it; they have refused to grow.

The hallmark of adulthood is responsibility. A man is mature only to the level to which he is responsible. A man who claims to be an adult but shies away from responsibility is still a child.

“Whom shall He teach knowledge, and whom shall He make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little” (Isaiah 28:9-10 KJV).

You have learned and studied the word of God, now is the time to put what you have learned to practice. It is with constant practice that mastery is cultivated and it is by this that you will be able to discern between good and evil and fulfill your destiny.

Go into today knowing that God will only be glorified in you when you bear much fruit. Only adults can bear much fruit, not children.
—Dr. Emmanuel James


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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Growing As A Baby

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1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.

Joel who had just accepted the Lord Jesus Christ joined a Church to fellowship. After a few months of joining the Church, he expected that certain key responsibilities be given to him, but none was assigned him. He became angry and planned to leave the Church. While pondering on this, he heard a preacher preach on today’s text and this changed him. He realized he was still a spiritual infant that was still in need of maturity before he could handle responsibility.

As a new believer, what is required of you if you must grow properly is that you sit down to study and learn the word of God. It is the word that will keep you from sinning and guide you to the path of greatness in God.

Psalm 119:11 and 105 (KJV) reads ‘Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee’ and ‘thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path'.

For you not to walk in darkness, you need light. The word of God is this light. It is after you must have acquainted yourself with the word of God and be transformed by it that you would be ready to handle positions of responsibility in God's house. But until then, study the word of God until you have shown yourself approved unto God(see 2 Tim 2:15). Once God approves of you, he will announce you himself.

Go into today making up your mind to study and learn the word of God instead of fighting for positions.

Pray this way: Father I desire to know you more than I desire positions. Reveal yourself to me as I study and learn your word in Jesus name. Amen.
-Dr. Emmanuel James


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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Perseverance in Good Works

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Romans 2:6-8 (NET)
He will reward each one according to his works:
eternal life to those who by perseverance in good works seek glory and honor and immortality,
but wrath and anger to those who live in selfish ambition and do not obey the truth but follow unrighteousness.

One thing we must immediately note here is that these verses above were written to believers in Rome and not unbelievers. These were people who already believed in the Lord Jesus and were now members of the church in Rome.

One would immediately wonder if in writing this, Apostle Paul forgot all about the doctrine of justification by faith and the gift of righteousness? But he didn't. It was further in this letter that he gave some of his most profound teachings on these topics.

What then does today's Bible verse mean? How does it apply to the believer?

It's a warning for believers not to continue in the sins that Jesus came to save them from. It's an admonition to believers who continue to practice sin in hypocrisy, but remain in church and even judge those who are caught in the same sins. (Read Romans 2 from verse 1 to get a clearer picture).

Go into today remembering that the faith that saves is one that is alive and not dead (see James 2:4). One sign of living faith is the presence of good works. For faith without works is dead. A sign of justifying[living] faith in the life of a believer is perseverance in good works.

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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Plan: Genesis 40-43 (In Telegram Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Growing the God Way 2

Download the Audio: bit.ly/aud1957

1 Samuel 3:19 KJV
And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.

Yesterday, we saw that Jesus’ growth was balanced. We also saw that there is a God way for growth. David in Psalm 25:4 (KJV) said ‘shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths' and Jesus responding in John 14:6 (KJV) said, ‘ I am the way, the truth, and the life'.

How then can one walk and grow in this way?

Proverbs 3:1-8 KJV
[1] My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
[2] For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
[3] Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
[4] So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
[5] Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
[6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
[7] Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
[8] It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

If you must walk and grow the God way, you must know and keep the law of God.

Pray this way if you are a child of God:
Father reveal yourself to me as I study your word (see 1 Samuel 3:21). If you are not yet born again, ask God to come into your life, and click here: streamglobe.org/33
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Plan: I Corinthians 5-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Growing the God Way 1

Download the Audio: bit.ly/aud1956

1 Samuel 3:19 (KJV)
And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.

James and John were twin brothers born into a very poor home. Soon after they were weaned, James was adopted into a wealthy home in the city but John remained with their birth parents. Three years later when James and his foster parents visited the village, the following differences were noticeable between the twin brothers: James was bigger and more attractive, had beautiful clothes on, could read and write, and was smarter and very confident. That wasn’t the case with John who was much smaller than James.

In your own view, what do you think was responsible for the differences? Quality of food, among other things.

For a baby to grow, the baby must eat. Balanced growth, however, is attained by eating a balanced diet. The same is applicable to all forms of growth including spiritual growth. There is the right food for all kinds of growth.

For Samuel, his growth was balanced. 1 Samuel 2:26 (KJV) had this to say about him, ‘And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favor both with the Lord and also with men’. The same was said of Jesus in Luke 2:52 (KJV), ‘And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man'.

If your growth must be balanced you must:

Grow in wisdom and spiritual stature through the rich knowledge of the word and will of God.

Grow in favor with God as you grow in favor with men through the application of the word you know.

Notice that it must be 'wisdom' and God first.

If the above is not true in your life, your growth is not balanced.

Go into today knowing that, without balanced growth, no real responsibility can be committed to your hands by God. However, if you choose to grow the God way, God will support you in all you do.

Pray this way: Father, I submit to your growth process in Jesus name. Amen.
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—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Plan: Matthew 26-28 (In Devotional Audio)

Streamglobe Devotional is interdenominational. Kindly share this Devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.

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Death to the old nature

Broadcast 4275 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): www.streamglobe.org/aud4275 Colossians 3:5-6 (NET) "So put to death...