Saturday, April 13, 2019

Receiving Open Doors

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Matthew 7:7 (NET)
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.

After seeing all the great things that were happening in Lanre's life because of the open door the Lord set before him, Lanre's friend wanted an open door that would transform his life and ministry the way it did Lanre's ministry. Tokumbo kept asking Lanre what the secret to Lanre's open doors was. As Lanre thought and thought about the most appropriate answer, he realized that the Lord opened the doors before him because he was consistent in the little he was doing in the Lord's vineyard before his doors opened.

Many times, before a door is opened, there is some knocking. When a person knocks on a door, it is usually continuous until the knock is answered. In order to knock, you don't hit the door once but at least twice or thrice. You ask God to receive things from Him, but when you want Him to open the doors of opportunity and constant flow, you would have to knock. Knocking is a metaphor for consistency.

Before the Lord opens doors of increase, there must have been demonstrated faithfulness in the little. For it is to he who is faithful in little that much would be entrusted (see Luke 16:10).

Go unto today remembering that the secret to receiving open doors from the Lord is consistency and faithfulness with the little he had entrusted you with right now.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to enable you to be faithful in the little he had entrusted unto you so that you will receive your open doors.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi


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