Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life in the Spirit 6

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Romans 8:5-6 (NET)  For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit. For the outlook of the flesh is death, but the outlook of the Spirit is life and peace

Before Tochukwu became born again,  he had an outlook on life shaped by a fleshly humanistic world view.
All he lived for was for himself and to make his life more comfortable and powerful.
He literally lived for money because money was the key to comfort and power. But after Tochukwu accepted the Lord Jesus,  he observed that his walk with the Lord was not as fruitful as it was to be. He was very committed to church and service in the house of God. He gave a lot of his resources to the work of God. But he observed that he walked in no real spiritual authority and the signs Jesus said would follow they that believe were lacking in his life. He was Troubled about this because he was diligent in seeking the Lord but didn't seem to be growing spiritually and he knew it.

After many years of being a believer and seeking what the secret to real spiritual maturity and authority in Christ was,  he discovered that it was because even though he was now a believer in Christ,  his outlook to life didn't changed. He was still living with a fleshly outlook to life. He was still living for himself and serving God primarily because of himself- he was serving God because he wanted God to bless him. His life was still all about him and his comfort. His value system in life was still shaped by the things of this world.

The first thing the Lord changed in his life to convert him from being an unfruitful carnal spiritual babe into becoming a fruitful mature kingdom colossus was to change his outlook to life. He learned to stop judging a man's success in life by the amount of money he has but by the degree to which that man is aligned to God's will and purpose for his life. For the first time in Tochukwu's life,  money was no more his god. He now accepted the words of the Lord that says that a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he owns(Luke 12:15).
In a few months,  Tochukwu went from being a spiritually beggarly popper whose life was dominated by fear of failure and death to a great kingdom functionary who could command deliverance unto Zion. He now could enter into his divine ordination as a prophet of God.

A man's outlook to life or worldview is one of the most important factors that determine his outcomes in life. If a believer still lives with a fleshly outlook,  it is simply because he has not allowed the spirit of God to dwell in him. The spirit of God is a king spirit. He rules wherever he dwells. If He is not allowed to rule a territory,  he doesn't dwell there.
Many believers don't live spirit-filled lives because their outlook on life is still shaped by the things of the flesh. But every time they focus on the Lord through worship and prayers,  they get filled again with the Spirit,  but as soon as they leave the place of worship and go back to their normal lives, they lose the fellowship and infilling of the Spirit that made them so complete and whole in His presence.

But God's ideal for us is that we are filled with the Spirit at all times because our lives are to be always lived in worship to Him-- shaped by a spiritual outlook, spending every waking moment focusing on God and pleasing Him in all things.

Go into today remembering that God's plan for you is not just that the spirit of God will be with you (your spirit),  but that he would dwell in you by filling. This means he will fill(dwell in) your spirit, soul, and body, and overflow upon you. This is the dimension of the Spirit that quickens our mortal bodies and deadens [the desires of] sin. This is the dimension that the Lord's disciples were to receive before they could be witnesses unto him(see John 14:17,  Acts 1:8). This is the dimension that makes even our mortal bodies transmitters of God's divine power.
The key to always walking in this dimension is living a life free of a fleshly worldly outlook,  but one dominated by a spiritual outlook. Remember the world cannot receive Him(see John 14:17). A worldly Christian cannot accommodate him in this dimension.

Pray like this: Heavenly Father,  please help me live with a changed outlook to life that seeks your kingdom first and foremost in life. Help me live a life that is always filled with your Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: I Kings 14-18 (in today's audio)

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Life in the Spirit 5

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Romans 8:3-4 (NET)  For God achieved what the law could not do because it was weakened through the flesh. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and concerning sin, he condemned sin in the flesh,
so that the righteous requirement of the law may be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.

Sandra was born into a church where the rules were really strict. She was not permitted to wear jewelry,  makeup or any such outward adornment. They had very strict rules concerning food to be eaten and many such things. But Sandra was not born again. Sin was still her boss. When she was in university,  she got pregnant and had to abort it because 'no one must hear about this'.
She accepted the Lord Jesus in her final year and understood what it really meant to be born again. For the first time in her life, she knew she was righteous and there were the true fruits of righteousness in her life. This righteousness was not born out of the old sense of condemnation but born out of the consciousness of justification.

Laws are good and they are used to bring order, but even the best laws [given by God himself] don't have the ability to make anybody righteous because laws have to be obeyed in the flesh and the flesh does not have the ability to please God- it is too weak.

The law was given to make people righteous,  but it was weakened by the flesh because the flesh didn't have the strength to meet up to the righteous requirements of the law. So all the law ended up doing to us was to condemn us and show us how incapable we are of meeting up to God's righteous requirements.
When a person becomes born again,  he receives an entrance of the Spirit of life that enables him to walk in the righteousness of God. But fellowship with the spirit is key to walking in the spirit. We must learn to cultivate fellowship with the Spirit through His Word, Prayer, and fellowship with other Spirit-filled brethren.
The Holy Spirit is received by faith- when the believer believes that he has been justified because of Christ and would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit as a result. It is only by the power of the Spirit that the righteousness of God can be fulfilled and worked out in anyone, because true righteousness originates from the spirit,  and only those who walk in the Spirit can experience it(see Romans 8:4).

Go into today remembering that the only way a person can walk in the righteousness of God is through communion with the Holy Spirit who has been given freely to all who believe.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you live daily in fellowship with the Holy Spirit and please Him in all things.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: Leviticus 4-6 (in today's audio)

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Monday, July 29, 2019

Walking above Condemnation

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Romans 8:1-2 (KJV) There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Until the 13th century, our Bible was not divided into chapters and verses because the scriptures were not written that way. It was Archbishop Stephen Langton and Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro that developed different schemas for a systematic division of the Bible in the early 13th century. It is the system of Archbishop Langton that formed the framework on which the modern chapter divisions are based. The first Bible in English to use both chapters and verses was the Geneva Bible published in the year 1560. Till today, the best way to study scripture is not by isolating verses and reading them alone, it is by reading entire sections of scripture to get the main message. I would suggest that in order for a believer to properly understand Romans 8:1, he at least reads Romans 8:1-13 so he can get the thought of Romans 8:1 in the right context.

Have you seen certain believers walking in rebellion and saying 'there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus?', it is because they have not read that verse in context, or they have suffered from exposure to false teachers who teach licenstiousness. We can see from today's Bible verses that the reason there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus is because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. A person still walking under the dominion and law of sin would still walk under condemnation, and that is an act of mercy because if a believer feels no condemnation concerning willful sin, he would soon become spiritually dead without knowing it (see Romans 8:13). Lepers lose their limbs because they first lose the ability to feel pain in their limbs. The ability to feel pain is a protective measure from more danger to the body. The conscience is a protective measure for the spirit of man.

The law of sin and death operates in the ambiance of perpetual condemnation, but the law of the spirit of life on in Christ Jesus operates in an ambiance of justification. In order for a believer to walk in the law of the spirit of life (which is the only law/power that can make him free from the dominion/law of sin and death), he must understand that in Christ, he has been justified before God and declared righteous. He has been washed white and clean and has been given a new slate. He is now expected to walk in the newness of mind in accordance with the new life he has received (see Ephesians 4:22-24).

Go into today remembering that in Christ, there is freedom from the law of sin and death because the law of the spirit of life is at work within us. If by any chance you dirty your garment, don't waste time to get it cleaned by repenting and forsaking that defiling sin. And then move on in justification--just as if you have never sinned.

Prayer: Lord, help me walk above the condemnation of the flesh and live a life ruled by the Spirit, In Jesus name, Amen.

-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: Ephesians 4-6 (in today's audio)

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Faith Enhancing Virtues

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2 Peter 1:5-8 (KJV)  And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.
For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sandi had been a believer for many years,  but her knowledge of God didn't seem to be fruitful in her life. She was still sickly like all her unbeliever relatives,  was still living a life of fear like them,  and was still miserable from demonic assaults like them. Even though Sandi knew the Lord,  her knowledge of God was not fruitful in her life because after attempting to add virtue to her faith,  she didn't add knowledge but stopped at the point of virtue. Unfortunately,  because she didn't add knowledge to her faith,  she was a very ignorant shallow-minded believer who criticized other believers who sought to add knowledge. She didn't have depth in spiritual understanding even though she thought she did.

We see in today's Bible verse that it is if we add virtue,  knowledge,  temperance, patience,  godliness,  brotherly kindness, and charity to our faith that our knowledge of God would be fruitful.
Many believers have lived fruitless lives because they did not strive towards maturity in their walk with the Lord.

Adding the aforementioned virtues to your faith has to be intentional and deliberate,  that's why there is a need for us to be told in today's verses. A time would come that you will have to determine to be good and kind to even people that don't deserve it because you want to add goodness(virtue) to your faith. A time would come that you would determine to download sermons,  buy books and read them,  etc. because you want to add knowledge to your faith. A Time would come that because you want to train yourself in the virtue of temperance(self-control),  you will set regular schedules of fasting and prayer. A Time would come that because you want to excel in the virtue of patience,  you would determine for a season to stop asking God for pressing needs but to only give thanks and patiently wait for Him. A time would come that you would determine to talk less and be more committed to keeping your word because you want to excel in the virtue of godliness. A Time would come that you would plan the needs of your Christian brethren into your budget because you want to excel in the virtue of brotherly kindness. A Time would come that you would budget for giving to the less privileged,  the orphans, the widows, etc. because you want to excel in the virtue of charity. That's how to be deliberate in adding these virtues to your faith.

The Lord is telling us today that if we add these virtues to our faith,  they would make that we shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ(see 2 Peter 1:8).

Go into today determining to consciously add these virtues to your faith. They are like fertilizer that ensures the fruitfulness of your faith.

Prayer: Lord,  help me to consciously add these virtues to my faith and live a fruitful life. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: Luke 11-12

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Life In The Spirit 4

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Romans 7:21-23 (NET)  So, I find the law that when I want to do good, evil is present with me.
For I delight in the law of God in my inner being.
But I see a different law in my members waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that is in my members.

Because Larry had explored a sinful life for long before he believed in the Lord Jesus, it was particularly difficult for him to live a victorious life above sin. 
He always wondered if it was possible for him to enjoy the victory over sin he knew was his portion in Christ. 
He knew what sin was because of the law of God he knew in his mind,  it was only that he did not seem to have the ability to overcome it. 
Larry started living in victory over sin after he learned certain important lessons from Romans 6-8.
He realized that it was not by the law but by the Spirit that he could put to death the works of the flesh. Because of his communion with brethren with whom he was accountable,  his prayer life grew and he found that the more he prayed and was filled with the power of the Spirit, the more he had power over the power of the flesh. He now understood why the Lord instructed us in His word to pray without ceasing. 
Larry started walking in the reality of victory over sin because he learned and understood how to be filled with the Spirit. His words, his thoughts,  his joy in the Lord,  his prayer discipline,  his commitment to the ministry of the word, and his submission and fellowship with the brethren kept his life filled with the Spirit and empowered over the power of sin. 

Yesterday,  we saw that the law operates within the domain of the mind,  but the mind of fallen man operates based in a fallen principle of the knowledge of good and evil. This makes the mind subject to the control of the flesh which had become the center of man's reality because of the fall. So even though the law of God is in the mind of fallen man,  he will still be more subject to the law of sin that is in his body. 

For everyone who is in Christ,  he would find that there is a law waging war against the law of God now in his heart(spirit and mind) and that law seeks to make him a captive of sin again. If his only defense against this law is a law that operates from his mind alone,  he would find that he would not be able to overcome. But if his defense is not just a law operating from the mind but one operating from the spirit and dominating the mind,  he would be able to overcome. 

Man has two realities: the Spirit and the flesh. Man can either be controlled and dominated by the flesh or by the Spirit. Unfortunately,  fallen man is spiritually dead because life for a human spirit is unity and oneness with [the spirit of] God in whose image we were made (see Genesis 1:26-27). 
Living from the reality and following the dictates of the flesh is death,  but living from the reality and following the dictates of the Spirit is life and peace(See Romans 8:6). 

Go into today remembering that the only way you can overcome the law of sin operating from the flesh is by employing the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus(Romans 8:1-2). For the believer,  being filled with the Spirit(see Ephesians 5:19-21)  is not a luxury,  it is a necessity to activating the law of the Spirit of life and walking in the liberty of Christ.

Prayer: Lord, help me always be filled with your spirit and walk above the law of sin. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible in 1 Year: Psalms 69-71
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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Life In The Spirit 2

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Romans 7:5 (KJV) For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

We saw yesterday that fleshly man is ruled by his mind and his mind is governed by the knowledge of good and evil. He does what he thinks is good for him and avoids what he believes is evil for him.

Beasts are ruled by their fleshly impulses. They do not have the ability to retrain themselves from doing things their flesh wants even though they may know it's not the right thing to do. Drug and substance addictions reduce people to the level of beasts- that's a sorry state for a man to find himself.

The problem with the law is that it appeals to our fallen weakness of living according to the principles of good and evil. Living that way is not good for man because man in himself does not have the ability to objectively ascertain good or evil. Man was designed to depend on God for His existence since we were created to be proxies of God in the material world. Acquiring the knowledge of God and evil was rebellion against the government of God and this meant disconnection from the life and glory of God--it meant death.

Even after you have accepted the Lordship of Christ, the biggest battle you will face is to live in rebellion to that Lordship. You see, Jesus rules our lives by His living word and by His Spirit. Walking contrary to His leading is an act of rebellion to His Lordship. A good example is sin. We know sin to be anything God says not to do. If we tell lies, for example, we are sinning and that is an act of rebellion to the Lordship of Christ we have received.

The problem with not submitting to the Lordship of Christ is that it limits our ability to resist the devil. For it is if we submit ourselves to the Lord that will resist the devil and he will flee from us (James 4:7).

Go into today remembering that living according to the impulses of the flesh hinders us from living the victorious life in Christ.
Prayer: Lord help me to live in the Spirit and bring forth fruits unto God (Romans 7:4).
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: Leviticus 1-3

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Life in the Spirit

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Romans 7:5 (KJV) For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

The law operates within the domain of the mind and all this is ruled by the knowledge of Good and evil. So even though in the old creation, a man under the law of God is far better than an man ruled by his flesh and native impulses or any other human code, when the new creation came, it became an aberration for people to still cling to a life ruled by the law when they can live lives ruled by the Spirit of life.

Because we are still in a body of flesh, an understanding of the law would be a guide to help us know what the Spirit would never lead us to do, but our lives and hope of salvation should never be based on our ability to keep certain rules and regulations, but based on our relationship with the Spirit of the living God. The earnest/guarantee of our salvation is the Holy Spirit, not the law (see
Ephesians 1:14).

Those who subscribed to the law only found their minds trained to be more soffisticated and refined in its approach to sin. because of the flesh, the law did not have the power to kill sin in our hearts so it only helped to institutionalize it such that even though we are sinners we would be feeling self-righteous because we have convinced ourselves that we have not broken all God's law.

Go into today remembering that the biggest hindrance of a life of grace is a dependence on our ability to keep God's laws as the basis of our justification.

Prayer: Lord help me to live in the Spirit and bring forth fruits unto God(Romans 7:4).
-Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Bible in 1 Year: I Kings 10-13
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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Life In The Spirit

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Romans 7:5 (KJV)  For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.
Romans 7:5 (KJV)  For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

Everyone born into this world was born with his reality centered in his flesh and mind. He would act according to the impulses of his flesh which controls his mind. When you see a baby crying,  it is because of an inconvenient fleshly impulse.
As we grow older,  we begin to learn the laws of life and learn to be disciplined and act according to what we know in our minds to be good or evil. Animals are ruled by their flesh,  but humans are ruled by their minds,  guided by the knowledge of good and evil. But the truth is that a man ruled by his mind is still in the flesh because the flesh controls the unrenewed mind.

Now, when a person is born again, he is to be brought out of all that. He is no more to be in the flesh and ruled by its impulses,  but he is to be in the spirit and ruled by the Holy Spirit who tabernacles it because all human spirits were made in the image of God. Note that those who are not born again are spiritually dead.

To be in the flesh means to live a life ruled by fleshly impulses and one whose reality is centered in his body. But to be in the Spirit means to live a life ruled by the will and desire of the Spirit and be a person whose reality is in heaven.

God made man in His image as eternal beings that would rule and reign with Him for all eternity. This short earth's adventure is a training ground to select overcomers who would be counted worthy to reign with Him. The biggest enemy we would overcome is the flesh of sin & death.

Go into today thanking God for the privilege to become an overcomer.

Prayer: Ask for the grace to live above the control of the flesh and sin and live a life that is pleasing to God at all times.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Bible in 1 Year: Leviticus 1-3 (in today's audio)

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Monday, July 22, 2019

Free Indeed

Romans 7:4 (NET)  So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you could be joined to another, to the one who was raised from the dead, to bear fruit to God.

When Ken understood that he was under demonic oppression,  he knew that even though medical treatments helped him from his current affliction,  he would be back to the hospital in no time because the demonic affliction would find another way to manifest. That was his experience for many months. He knew that this was a curse in his bloodline because his father, uncles and even his elder brothers were afflicted around the same age with a similar kind of affliction before they died.

When his mother asked around in the village,  she was told that it was impossible for the curse to be broken except by human sacrifice because the curse was set into motion by the violation of certain ancient covenants ratified by human sacrifice.

Kelechi believed his case was hopeless until he saw a TV program and heard the preacher teaching from Romans 7. From the teaching, he understood that if he accepted Christ as his Lord,  he would become a member of Christ's body and receive eternal life. Because of eternal life that is timeless, he would be included in Christ before the foundation of the world and would be included in Christ when Christ died on the cross.
Because of Christ’s death,  he would be free from this powerful curse that seeks to cut his life short. After this understanding,  Kelechi accepted the Lord Jesus (this time in truth) and was willing to forsake all sins and live under the authority of God. In three months time,  he was perfectly healed.

One way to surely come out of a curse is through death. Anyone who is in Christ died in Christ and should not be under the influence of any curse. But there are many Christians that are not walking in this reality.

Every spiritual reality we have in Christ is received and actualized by faith. We must first be taught about them, and then receive them by believing what was taught. That's why faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:10).

Go into today remembering that you were included in Christ in his death,  and because of this,  you are free from the law and the curse of the law. You now live a new eternal life that cannot be brought under any curse.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Ephesians 1-3 (In Devotional Audio)

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Escape Eternal Death 2

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The 2019 Streamglobe International Conference begins today 18th July. 
TIME: 4pm (Today, Fri & Sat). 9am(Fri & Sat) 
VENUE: Holy Faith Bible Church, Opposite Lokongoma Phase 2 First gate, Near Royal Crown School, Lokoja.
Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi 

Romans 6:23 (NET)  For the payoff of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Kingsley lived with his elder brother in the city,  but his relationship with his brother left much to be desired. Kingsley was a thief and a gambler. He was so addicted to gambling that he once sold his brother's car to gamble when his brother was out of town.
The sin in Kingsley's life killed his relationship with his elder brother who loved him so much. Sin has been responsible for killing many relationships. A man with a good wife loses his marriage because he is an adulterer. A child loses his life because of a drug overdose. A plane crashes and kills hundreds because the pilot is suicidal, etc.

Even physically speaking, sin is responsible for many deaths in our world. Yet the death sin brings is more spiritual than physical. It is because of this spiritual death that there are sicknesses and diseases in the world. It is because of this spiritual death that humans can be oppressed by demons.
Sin brings all kinds of death, but God's gift of righteousness brings eternal life. The opposite of death of life.

The only way we can receive God's gift of eternal life is when we accept the Lord Jesus(John 3:16). Accepting the Lord Jesus does not begin and end with coming out for an altar call and/or praying a prayer. It begins with a decision to accept the Lordship and rulership of Jesus over your life. This decision would cause you to pray certain prayers and make certain definite decisions to forsake your sins because sin is an act of rebellion against the Lordship of Christ.

Accepting the Lordship of Christ would change everything about your life. It would change your world view from the default world view ruled by the Prince of this world to one ruled by God's eternal kingdom. It would change your culture and eliminate any practice and maxim that is contrary to the government of Christ.
After a person accepts the Lordship of Christ, he needs to learn the way of the Kingdom so that he would grow and become fruitful and great in the kingdom. This learning process is what we commonly call discipleship.

Go into today remembering that the only way a person can receive God's gift of righteousness that produces eternal life is by submitting to the Lordship of Christ and abiding in Him. Eternal life is the only life strong enough to conquer the death of sin.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live a life that reflects your kingdom and power. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Galatians 4-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019


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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:

Romans 6:21-22 (NET)  So what benefit did you then reap from those things that you are now ashamed of? For the end of those things is death.
But now, freed from sin and enslaved to God, you have your benefit leading to sanctification, and the end is eternal life.

When I was much younger,  I used to hear a lot about sanctification. It was believed by many believers in my country then that after a person believes and is discipled,  the next stage was sanctification. A believer who is now converted and has lost the vestiges of his old life was the one considered to be sanctified.

There were many excesses those days,  but one thing I can say for sure about what I remember those days was that those who professed faith in Christ Jesus those days were more disciplined than many who claim to be born again today.
As a result of true sanctification,  there was a great revival in my country. Many non-Christians and Idol worshipers received the gospel. It was commonplace to see a minister of the gospel who was formerly an enemy of the church before he received Christ. The church was not as wealthy but much more powerful in her ability to penetrate and win souls. But with time,  somehow, among mainstream believers,  teachings about sanctification diminished and many believers today don't even know what it means to be sanctified after believing.

But in today's Bible verse,  we see that those who are free from sin have their benefit leading to sanctification.  There are dimensions of God's glory and power that can only be revealed through sanctified vessels. Sinners would not be truly convicted and truly repent through the gospel from an unsanctified vessel.

Go into today remembering that sanctification sets you apart to God and God alone. Only those the Lord has sanctified can be truly useful for all His good works  (2 Timothy 2:21).
Prayer: Lord, help me to live a sanctified Holy life that radiates your presence and glory.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Galatians 4-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Escape Eternal Death

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Romans 6:23 (NET)
For the payoff of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

When Amuche was no more satisfied with the work he was doing in the city,  he decided to move back to the village and invest in his grandfather's farm he had inherited. The payoff for his investment was very great. In two years,  he became a millionaire and had hundreds of employees.
Amuche left his practice in the city because the payoff was not worth it. He was working in a factory with chemicals he knew were slowly killing him,  even though the company appeared to be paying him a lot of money.

We have been talking about slavery to sin. And we have seen previously that it is either a person is a slave to sin and the devil through sin,  or he is a slave to God through righteousness. Being a slave to the devil a horrible thing. There is nothing of an eternal substance you get as payoff except death. You will work until you die,  and spend the rest of your eternity in shame and regret in the lake of fire. Such was the portion of every human being born into this world. Because we all sin,  we were under the slavery of the devil and all doomed to eternal death. But God in His infinite love created a  rescue way for us. As many as believe in the Lord Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Those who believe in him are rescued from the dominion of sin and brought under the dominion of righteousness.

The only payoff you get for living a life of sin is death. But when you submit to the Lord Jesus and begin to live a life of righteousness, you will receive the gift of eternal life as a benefit.

Go into today remembering that the only way to escape the wages of sin is by submitting to the Lord Jesus in truth.
If you have not yet submitted to Him, do that today and receive His gift of eternal life. Escape eternal death and receive eternal life.

Prayer: Lord Jesus. I believe that you are the son of God who died for my sins and rose up from the dead after the third day. I ask you to come and be Lord of my life indeed. Forgive me my sins and help me to now live a life ruled by you. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Galatians 4-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, July 15, 2019

The Doctrine of Christ

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Romans 6:17-18 (KJV)  
But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.

Because Maxine loved and wanted to please God in all things,  she did not rest until she put the matter of wanton iniquity in her life to rest. As she sought to be permanently free from the slavery of sin,  she learned that the way to stay free from the slavery of sin was for her to be delivered and made a servant of righteousness.  She submitted herself to discipleship and accountability. She learned and unlearned a lot of things through the doctrine of Christ. This is how Maxine became totally free and able to fulfill God's call upon her life.

We see from today's Bible verses that it was by obeying the doctrine delivered to them that the believers were free from slavery to sin and made servants of righteousness. Remember that if a person is delivered from slavery to sin but not made a servant of righteousness,  he would go to back to his slavery to sin.

What then was this doctrine delivered to believers by the Apostles that made for permanent freedom from the dominion of sin?
This doctrine can simply be called the Doctrine of Christ. We can see in 2 John 1:9 that it is those who abide in the doctrine of Christ that have both the father and the son. The doctrine of Christ will ultimately cause people to be filled with God. In 1 Timothy 1:3, we can see that this doctrine accords with godliness(it makes godless people godly). We can see in Hebrews 6:1-2 that there are six foundational principles of the doctrine of Christ.  They are Repentance from dead works, Faith towards God, Doctrine of Baptisms, Laying of hands, Resurrection of the dead, and Eternal Judgment.
In order to properly receive the doctrine of Christ and walk in the liberty it brings, a believer must be given to discipleship, accountability, and learning.

The doctrine of Christ brings salvation,  deliverance,  holiness, and causes believers to walk in their inheritance as sons of God(see The Obadiah 1:17).
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to submit to discipleship and enjoy permanent freedom in Christ (see John 8:31-32).
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Galatians 4-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

No To Slavery 2

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Romans 6:19 (NET)
(I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh.) For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.

Maxine got to understand that her challenges with sinful habits had gone beyond the works of the flesh but demons were involved, thus she got delivered and could now control herself and say 'no'  to certain sins she didn't have the ability resist in the past. But as weeks passed,  she found herself back into the bondage of those sins again. There was no doubt in her heart that she was delivered,  but she found that she got back into the bondage again. This was because she had not replaced her slavery to sin with slavery to righteousness.

It has been said that the easiest way to overcome an addiction is to replace it with another.
Whenever God says we should not do something,  He tells us what to do in its stead.
In Psalm 1, if the Lord says we should not walk in the counsel of ungodly,  stand in the way of sinners,  nor sit in the seat of the scornful,  he tells us what to do instead. He says our delight should be in His word and we should meditate on it day and night. So instead of spending time with the wrong company,  he wants us to spend time with His word.
If the Lord says we should not be drunk with wine,  he gives us something we should do instead. He says we should be filled with the Spirit instead (see Eph 5:19).

If a person is not to be a slave to sin anymore,  he would have to be a slave to righteousness. Nature abhors vacuums. If a person is delivered from slavery to sin but is not delivered into slavery to righteousness,  he would go back into slavery to sin.

How do we come under slavery to righteousness so that we do not go back to slavery to sin? By submitting to the Spirit of righteousness and letting Him fill us. Just like communing with people who are slaves to sin brings people under slavery to sin,  when a person who has been delivered from slavery to sin continues to fellowship with those who are slaves to righteousness,  he too will be like them. A man who walks with the wise will become wise (see Proverbs 13:20).
One thing through which evil company corrupts is the words and counsel they give. Words of unrighteousness shape the world view of the unrighteous. But when a person wants to be a slave to righteousness,  he would need to unlearn the philosophies and maxims of unrighteousness he had lived by in past and submit to the educational system of righteousness through the ministry of God's Word. His value system needs to change to that of Christ.

The worst thing that can happen to a believer is being a slave to sin, it gives license to the kingdom of darkness. But being a slave to righteousness is the way to excel and be fruitful in God's eternal kingdom.

Go into today remembering that the only way to remain free from slavery to sin is to become a slave to righteousness.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you to totally submit to Him and never be a slave to anyone or anything but Him.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Luke 7-8 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, July 13, 2019

No To Slavery

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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:

Romans 6:15-16 (NET)  
What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Absolutely not!
Do you not know that if you present yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or obedience resulting in righteousness?

Because Tom understood that the grace of God was abundant and because of it there was always forgiveness of sins in God,  he started flirting with sin and invoking grace. He didn't take him long to realize that he was now a slave to certain sins he used to enjoy. Even though he wanted to be free,  he found that he did not have the ability to be brake free.

If a believer willfully gives himself to any sin for a period of time,  that sinful work of the flesh will ultimately open the door to the dominion of demons that impose that sin. And when this happens,  such a person would become a slave to that kind of sin. This is the kind of situation that would require deliverance. And in certain cases,  the person involved may have to confess to another believer who will help administer deliverance to him.

Go into today remembering that sin of any kind is never to be allowed to continue in the life of a believer because it leads to spiritual slavery to darkness.
Prayer Confession: Sin shall have no dominion over me in Jesus name.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 47-52 (In Devotional Audio)

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Friday, July 12, 2019

Keep The Fire Burning

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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:
Song of Solomon 8:7 (NKJV)
Many waters cannot quench love, Nor can the floods drown it. If a man would give for love All the wealth of his house, It would be utterly despised.
Until Joe was trained and had the opportunity to work in a refinery, he always wondered why its flare stack stayed lit. This fire was strong and glowed from afar in such a way that even the strongest of winds or the heaviest of rains couldn’t put it off. Though fed by an obsolete and environmentally unfriendly process, its burning heat meant that the refinery operated in safety while it transformed raw crude oil into refined products.
Our Bible text likens love to an unquenchable flame. It is the greatest and the most powerful force in the whole universe. It is also the most important flame in the life of a believer which must never go out if he desires to fulfill God’s purpose (1 Cor 13:13, 1Jn 4:16Jn 15:9-10).
However, as powerful as love is in the life of a believer, there’s an enemy who can weaken its power if he succeeds in supplanting it with a counterfeit known as lust. By this deception and temptation, the flame of love in a believer can wax cold, with sin as the main fire suppressant (Matt 24:12Jam 1:14-15).
Also, believers cannot successfully carry out the great commission without first satisfying the great commandment (Matt 28:19John 15:17). The former is what we have been chosen to do, while the latter is our required disposition, through which we can achieve the former successfully.
Go into today, determined to act in love in all you do, holding on to God’s word as the real standard on what true love is (1Cor 13:1-13).—Chibo E.C.
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Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Righteousness of God 2

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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:

Romans 6:12 (NET)  
Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its desires

After proper discipleship and exposure to the truth of God, Remi still observed that she could not resist certain sins even though she hated them badly. It was when she listened to some sermons and realized that a demon was now involved in her weakness that she broke free. She simply firmly and consistently demanded that the demon got out of her life, and from then on, she realized she now had the power not to let sin reign in her mortal body.

One major difference between the believer in Christ and the unbeliever is that believers have the power to not let sin reign in their mortal bodies. Unbelievers have no choice because they do not have the power of grace to conquer the dominion of sin. But too many times,  believers do not realize how much power they have in Christ, and because of this, they remain under the dominion of the kingdom of darkness through sin.

Sin is the license the kingdom of darkness uses to keep people under its dominion. One of the most potent works of grace in the life of the believer is the ability to resist sin and not let it reign in our members.

When it now appears that in spite of a believer's will to resist sin and his knowledge of the truth, he still appears to be in bondage to a particular sin, many such times, it is because a demon is now involved. The solution to the dominance of the flesh is the cross(reckoning yourself dead to sin and mortifying the works of the flesh), but the solution to demonization is to cast them out. Many believers are defeated because they apply the solution of the flesh to a matter that involves demons, and vice versa.

Go into today thanking the Lord for His grace that He has made available to you. Take advantage of this grace through faith and insist that you would not let sin reign in your mortal body but righteousness. If you observe that against your will, you are bound to any kind sin, take a stand in Christ and cast out every demon responsible. The first sign The Lord says would follow us is that in His name, we would cast out demons(see Mark 16:17).
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Psalms 63-65 (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Righteousness of God

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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe International Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:

Romans 6:6-7 (NET)
We know that our old man was crucified with him so that the body of sin would no longer dominate us, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. (For someone who has died has been freed from sin.)

Remi loved the Lord and even her friends and enemies knew it,  but Remi knew she was still living under the control of the flesh. From time to time,  she found herself falling into certain sins that made her feel she was hopeless in her walk with the Lord.
Each time she read verses like this,  she didn't understand them and wondered if they applied to her. Her experience was that her sinful flesh was still very much alive.

The secret to walking free above the power of sin is spiritual knowledge and understanding. Jesus says you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free (see John 8:32).

In today's Bible verses,  we see a gospel truth that is the secret of freedom from the dominance of sin in the life of the believer.
This truth is that we have been crucified with Christ so that the body of sin would no longer dominate us. Any believer that has not caught this revelation will still struggle with the dominance of sin.

The righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith (see Romans 1:17). This means it is revealed when you believe what God says concerning who you are and what has happened to you. You have to believe that you have been crucified with Christ. Your old life and identity are dead. You are now a member of Christ's body. You are not the same old you that used to be a slave to sin. You are now truly righteous and holy and have received a new nature that loves righteousness and hates iniquity.

As you believe these truths and let them shape your expectations in life,  you will find that the righteousness of God will be revealed in you. You will discover that the appetite for sin will dry up.

Go into today believing and confessing that you have been crucified with Christ and the body of sin no longer controls you.

Say this confession: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”(Galatians 2:20).
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: I Kings 1-4 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Living By Faith

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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:

Mark 4:31 (NKJV)
[The kingdom of God] is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth
Luke 17:21

 …the kingdom of God is within you.

If you plant a mustard seed, everything about the tree including the fruits it will bear and the huge size it will attain is encoded into that seed. As the seed begins to grow day by day, its real nature is revealed in the plant. Everything the tree will ever become has been encoded in that seed.

When you received Christ as Lord and Savior, you received the righteousness of God in your Spirit. This seed of God in your Spirit is incorruptible (see 1 Peter 1:23). God’s plan is that as you live out your life here on earth by faith, His righteousness within you is revealed. ”For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; it is written, ‘the just shall live by faith’” (Rom 1:17). As you live by faith, the righteousness of God in your spirit is revealed, just like the nature of the mustard seed is revealed as it is allowed to grow.

Any believer who does not live by faith will not let the righteousness of God deposited in his spirit to be revealed. He will be unfruitful. Remember that God's expectation is fruitfulness (John 15:16, Luke 8:4-8).

The righteousness that counts before God is the righteousness of God, not the righteousness of man. The righteousness of man is a result of man’s work in obeying laws, but the righteousness of God is the fruit produced when believers live by faith (walk in the Spirit). A believer who lives by faith obeys God's instructions, not because he thinks that they are the reason he is justified, he obeys them because he understands that he already has a relationship with God because of Christ Jesus. A child obeys his father not so that he can become his father's child but because he is already his father's child.

Go into today thanking God for the gift of His righteousness in your Spirit.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you live by faith and be fruitful.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 33-36 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, July 8, 2019

Be Strengthened In The Lord 2

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You are invited to the 2019 Streamglobe Conference | Date: July 18th-20th, 2019 | Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria. | Guest Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi | Register for the Conference Here:

Ephesians 6:10, 12 (KJV)  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

No one wanted to be a believer in Dean's office because he was a very bad example of believers; he was always complaining and there was no joy of the Lord radiating through his life.
As soon as he got married to a spirit-filled wife,  her influence over him changed his outlook to life and he was now more cheerful and filled with joy. This was when some of his colleagues were now interested in receiving the gospel. No one wants to join a group of unhappy people. People spend a lot of money just to be happy. A heavy believer is a bad publicity for Christ's gospel.

The Lord says in the world we would have tribulation,  but His remedy is that we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world(see John 16:33).

No matter what tribulation a believer faces,  the word of the Lord to him is that he should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Believers take delivery of the victory that Jesus has won through their joy in the Lord. It is with joy that we draw from the wells(realities and treasures) of salvation. Many of the realities and glories of salvation cannot be received by complaining,  depressed believers.

No one can survive living contrary to the sway of the power of darkness in this world without the strength of the Lord.  Remember we have seen earlier that the joy of the Lord is our strength. There's a reason why the Lord commands us through His apostles to 'rejoice in the Lord in all situations (see Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians,  Romans 12:12, James 1:2).
A sorrowful believer is a weak believer. But a cheerful joy-filled believer is strong in the Lord and able to withstand all the manipulations of darkness.

Go into today remembering to rejoice in the Lord in every situation, knowing that this the way you will connect with your strength in the Lord.

Prayer: Lord Jesus,  please deliver me from every spirit of sorrow and heaviness. Help me to always rejoice in You always and draw from the realities of my redemption. Amen.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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Yearly Bible Reading: Galatians 1-3 (In Devotional Audio)

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