Monday, July 8, 2019

Be Strengthened In The Lord 2

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Ephesians 6:10, 12 (KJV)  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

No one wanted to be a believer in Dean's office because he was a very bad example of believers; he was always complaining and there was no joy of the Lord radiating through his life.
As soon as he got married to a spirit-filled wife,  her influence over him changed his outlook to life and he was now more cheerful and filled with joy. This was when some of his colleagues were now interested in receiving the gospel. No one wants to join a group of unhappy people. People spend a lot of money just to be happy. A heavy believer is a bad publicity for Christ's gospel.

The Lord says in the world we would have tribulation,  but His remedy is that we should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world(see John 16:33).

No matter what tribulation a believer faces,  the word of the Lord to him is that he should be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Believers take delivery of the victory that Jesus has won through their joy in the Lord. It is with joy that we draw from the wells(realities and treasures) of salvation. Many of the realities and glories of salvation cannot be received by complaining,  depressed believers.

No one can survive living contrary to the sway of the power of darkness in this world without the strength of the Lord.  Remember we have seen earlier that the joy of the Lord is our strength. There's a reason why the Lord commands us through His apostles to 'rejoice in the Lord in all situations (see Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians,  Romans 12:12, James 1:2).
A sorrowful believer is a weak believer. But a cheerful joy-filled believer is strong in the Lord and able to withstand all the manipulations of darkness.

Go into today remembering to rejoice in the Lord in every situation, knowing that this the way you will connect with your strength in the Lord.

Prayer: Lord Jesus,  please deliver me from every spirit of sorrow and heaviness. Help me to always rejoice in You always and draw from the realities of my redemption. Amen.
-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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