Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Life in the Spirit 6

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Romans 8:5-6 (NET)  For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit. For the outlook of the flesh is death, but the outlook of the Spirit is life and peace

Before Tochukwu became born again,  he had an outlook on life shaped by a fleshly humanistic world view.
All he lived for was for himself and to make his life more comfortable and powerful.
He literally lived for money because money was the key to comfort and power. But after Tochukwu accepted the Lord Jesus,  he observed that his walk with the Lord was not as fruitful as it was to be. He was very committed to church and service in the house of God. He gave a lot of his resources to the work of God. But he observed that he walked in no real spiritual authority and the signs Jesus said would follow they that believe were lacking in his life. He was Troubled about this because he was diligent in seeking the Lord but didn't seem to be growing spiritually and he knew it.

After many years of being a believer and seeking what the secret to real spiritual maturity and authority in Christ was,  he discovered that it was because even though he was now a believer in Christ,  his outlook to life didn't changed. He was still living with a fleshly outlook to life. He was still living for himself and serving God primarily because of himself- he was serving God because he wanted God to bless him. His life was still all about him and his comfort. His value system in life was still shaped by the things of this world.

The first thing the Lord changed in his life to convert him from being an unfruitful carnal spiritual babe into becoming a fruitful mature kingdom colossus was to change his outlook to life. He learned to stop judging a man's success in life by the amount of money he has but by the degree to which that man is aligned to God's will and purpose for his life. For the first time in Tochukwu's life,  money was no more his god. He now accepted the words of the Lord that says that a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things he owns(Luke 12:15).
In a few months,  Tochukwu went from being a spiritually beggarly popper whose life was dominated by fear of failure and death to a great kingdom functionary who could command deliverance unto Zion. He now could enter into his divine ordination as a prophet of God.

A man's outlook to life or worldview is one of the most important factors that determine his outcomes in life. If a believer still lives with a fleshly outlook,  it is simply because he has not allowed the spirit of God to dwell in him. The spirit of God is a king spirit. He rules wherever he dwells. If He is not allowed to rule a territory,  he doesn't dwell there.
Many believers don't live spirit-filled lives because their outlook on life is still shaped by the things of the flesh. But every time they focus on the Lord through worship and prayers,  they get filled again with the Spirit,  but as soon as they leave the place of worship and go back to their normal lives, they lose the fellowship and infilling of the Spirit that made them so complete and whole in His presence.

But God's ideal for us is that we are filled with the Spirit at all times because our lives are to be always lived in worship to Him-- shaped by a spiritual outlook, spending every waking moment focusing on God and pleasing Him in all things.

Go into today remembering that God's plan for you is not just that the spirit of God will be with you (your spirit),  but that he would dwell in you by filling. This means he will fill(dwell in) your spirit, soul, and body, and overflow upon you. This is the dimension of the Spirit that quickens our mortal bodies and deadens [the desires of] sin. This is the dimension that the Lord's disciples were to receive before they could be witnesses unto him(see John 14:17,  Acts 1:8). This is the dimension that makes even our mortal bodies transmitters of God's divine power.
The key to always walking in this dimension is living a life free of a fleshly worldly outlook,  but one dominated by a spiritual outlook. Remember the world cannot receive Him(see John 14:17). A worldly Christian cannot accommodate him in this dimension.

Pray like this: Heavenly Father,  please help me live with a changed outlook to life that seeks your kingdom first and foremost in life. Help me live a life that is always filled with your Spirit. In Jesus name. Amen.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Want to be born again? Go here☞

Bible in 1 Year: I Kings 14-18 (in today's audio)

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