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1 Corinthians 6:20 (KJV)
For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
After attending an evangelistic crusade, Dapo accepted Jesus into his life and soon joined a denomination. He found himself among friends who believed that what they do with their bodies did not matter since their spirits have been saved and it is their spirits that will go to heaven and not their bodies. Dapo continued this way and soon discovered that he couldn’t live the victorious life promised in the Bible. He met another brother in his workplace who was respected by everyone, including their boss. Dapo saw that there is a higher life this brother had and sincerely coveted this kind of life because he knew he did not walk in it.
After many years of trying, Dapo eventually consulted this other brother who simply told him that, "God wants to dwell in your body also". After hearing this, Dapo exclaimed, "so He also wants my body!". He cut off from those friends and started following the doctrine of Christ (which establishes the dominion of God over people). That was when his progress started.
Like Dapo, you may not know that God also wants control of your body. He really wants to possess your body too, just the way he has possession of your spirit.
If what you do with your body does not glorify God, it is impossible for the world to know that you’re a child of God. This is why Paul wrote to us in our text that we must glorify God not only in our spirit but also in our body.
Go into today knowing that if God must reach out to the unbelieving world through you, what your spirit has received from His Spirit must be displayed in your bodily actions and conduct.
Pray this way, Father, I give myself to you spirit, soul and body. Be glorified in my body like you are in my spirit.
-Dr. Emmanuel James
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