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Proverbs 4:23 (BBE)
And keep watch over your heart with all care, so you will have life.
The media is a powerful tool. Today, our eyes, ears, and minds are being inundated with all manner of reports (news, gossips, etcetera) that can cripple the faith of the unsuspecting. Marriage is one of its casualties. Every single marriage gone wrong is plastered across our TV screens, mobile phones and newspapers. Every single minister of the gospel whose marriage experiences some turbulence will receive such media attention that one can begin to subconsciously accept that to be the truth about marriages. It so concentrates on the wrong example and displays deliberate amnesia for all the ones going right. That’s an act of terror; using a few ‘celebrated’ failures in some to inspire terror, fear, and despair in the hearts of many.
It conveniently forgets to mention that for every single marriage broken down in a celebrated man of God, there exist a dozen marriages going according to God’s pattern. But the statistic is not even a determining factor here. I mean, what if for example the statistics actually tilts against the marriages that still stand firm, would that make any difference? Empathically No! Even if there exists just one, working in conformity with God’s standard, we look on to Jesus for light and draw encouragement from that single righteous example. That’s the way to go.
Needless to say, marriage is not the only one under attack by this spiritual terrorism, ministers of the gospel, giving, sexual purity, etc. However, whatever case it is, Isaiah 8:12 offers valuable counsel:
Do not say, ‘conspiracy’ every time these people say the word. Don’t be afraid of what scares them; don’t be terrified (NET). The next verse says to rather fear the Lord.
Don’t be afraid (or even ashamed) to live God’s way, to approach marriage God’s way, to give, to stay pure. Watch what you hear, watch the company you keep, fill yourself with God’s word, and watch his word shape your reality.
Prayer: Lord, help me guard my heart with all diligence and live a fruitful life. Amen.
—Ikechukwu Mpama
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