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Isaiah 66:2 (NHEB)
For all these things has my hand made, and so all these things came to be, says the Lord, but to this man will I look, to him who is humble and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at my word.
There are so many counsels and counselors present in the world today. There is an ‘expert’ for every conceivable area/matter of life. Therefore, it is not strange to see people begin to compare the opinions of ‘experts’ on a matter. They call it seeking a second opinion.
Yet again, there is also this growing philosophy of living life on your own terms. That means you get to choose what you want and what you do not want. You get to decide which counsel to follow or not to follow depending on how it makes you feel
With God however, the man to whom God looks is the man who never takes God’s word as just another ‘expert’ opinion to be weighed in with other opinions. The man to whom God looks is a man who is submitted and resigned himself to treating God’s word as sacred and obeys God’s word with dispatch.
Our text today suggests that this is only possible with humility and contrition of heart. A proud man will find it hard to tremble at God’s word. He will take his jolly good time before (that is if he ever does) he decides to heed God’s word. A man who trembles at God’s word has already settled it in his heart that God’s word takes first place in his heart and will be the building blocks that shape his life and destiny. The proud man will learn on his own learning, knowledge, and understanding. Trusting in his own expertise and judgment.
Go into today meditating on these: do you tremble at God’s word? Is God’s word capable of leading you to alter your pre-determined and pre-disposed lifestyle?
Prayer: Lord, please help me live a life ruled by your word. Help me lead a fruitful life. Amen.
—Ikechukwu Mpama
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