Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Worship and Physical Posture

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1 Timothy 2:8 (KJV)  I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

Dr. Tunde didn't give ear to what  Jude had to say because Jude came to his office requesting a favor, but his posture and demeanor were inappropriate. All the while Jude spoke with Dr. Tunde, his hand was inside his pocket and his words were careless. Dr. Tunde concluded that Jude was not a serious individual. Jude lost the opportunity of great help because he did not understand the place of posture and presentation.

Because most religions in the world are highly spiritual, they are very particular about the posture people assume in worship. Whether bowing down, sitting in lotus positions, or kneeling, etc, the posture a person assumes maters in his interaction with spirits. Indeed, there are postures that people can take that invite certain kinds of spirits. The lotus position for yoga is a good example.

It usually comes as a natural response for people to lift up their hands when they truly admire, adore and worship. Even fans of pop stars intuitively lift hands up during their music performances.
It is also quite natural and intuitive to bow in some manner when greeting a person you truly respect, honor, and worship.

It is important to note that unlike other religions and sects, believers in Christ do not have a prescribed posture without which our worship and praise would not be accepted. But we are allowed and encouraged to take postures that we would naturally and intuitively take when there is adoration in our hearts towards the one with whom we have to deal.

When a believer lifts up his hands to the Lord in worship, it is an extra communication of worship to God beyond words, and it is very powerful. David said "[l]et my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice" (Psalm 141:2).

Go into today remembering that your posture in worship is reflective of the posture of your heart, and it can influence the posture of your heart. Also, remember to lift up your hands to the Lord in worship today.

Prayer: Father, let the lifting up of my hands be as the evening sacrifice. Let me always dwell in your presence and enjoy the fellowship of your Spirit. Amen.
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