Sunday, February 9, 2020

Godliness is Powerful

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1 Timothy 4:8 (NET)  For “physical exercise has some value, but godliness is valuable in every way. It holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.”

Chris was told by his doctor that he needed to start exercising because his cholesterol level was too high and it was now getting dangerous. As Chris started exercising religiously, he observed that he started losing weight. His body was now more flexible and he wasn't getting tired as quickly as before. Chris also found out that his blood pressure normalized and his blood sugar level was no longer abnormal.

In order for Chris to gain the benefits of a fit body through physical exercises, he had to be committed and refuse to give up. It took a lot of discipline and diligence, but as he continued, he discovered his body got used to the exercise routine and he later started enjoying it.

Godliness can be likened to physical exercise. Godliness may seem like a burden to the flesh, but it is life and health to the soul and spirit. The more we exercise ourselves in godliness, the more spiritually fit and healthy we will be. When a believer is godly, it means he is living with eternity in view. It means he is exercising himself in prayer and the ministry of the word. It means he is deliberate about doing good works that bring glory to his Father in heaven. etc.

Every action we take in time has an eternal impact. If we sow to the flesh, we would reap corruption, but if we sow to the Spirit, we would reap eternal life(Galatians 6:8). Eternal life is the divine life that can manifest even in our daily experiences. For example, it is this life that powers divine health and healing, etc.

 Go into today remembering that a believer who exercises himself in godliness would not only enjoy all-round benefits but would be walking in his divine nature and destiny. This is the key to true satisfaction. Remember that godliness does not merely have physical benefits like good health and peace, it has eternal benefits that our minds are too limited right now to fathom. Indeed, godliness with contentment is great gain.
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Yearly Bible Plan: Acts 27-28 (In Devotional Audio)

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