Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Pillars of Godliness 3

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1 Timothy 4:12 (NET)  Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.

Miriam had been praying and fasting against her neighbor who was a witch. This her neighbor was very ruthless and wicked. Miriam believed that some things in her life were going wrong because of this her demon processed neighbor. She wasn't entirely wrong. This neighbor was not only oppressing Miriam physically, but she was also troubling her spiritually. Miriam didn't seem to have the victory even though she was a Christian.

After attending a conference her church organized, Miriam realized that she had been wrong all the while. She decided to stop hating and wishing her neighbor harm. She decided that she was going to start walking in love and praying for this her neighbor. As soon as Miriam started walking in true love towards this her antagonistic neighbor, she found that she was no longer afraid of her (see 1 John 4:18). She also observed that her life started moving smoothly, and for the first time ever, this her neighbor was now trying to be nice to her and didn't trouble her again but showed signs that she was now afraid of Miriam. This neighbor later moved out of that neighborhood in a hurry.

It wasn't until Miriam started walking in love that she started walking in the level of spiritual authority that gave her perpetual victory over her enemies.

We have previously examined two of the five attributes of Godliness shown in today's Bible verse. We have seen that a godly person is careful with the use of his tongue and careful in his conduct.

Today, we see the most powerful and important attribute of godliness --Love.
Only those who have been Fathered by God have the power to be truly godly. It follows that only those who are born of God can truly walk in pure love. Most people walk in selfish and self-centered love, a kind of love that is common in the world today. But when a person walks in true love that is not self-serving, he is proving that he is a child of His heavenly Father, and he is walking in a way that would make room for the divine life he has received [in his spirit] to find expression in his daily experiences.
Our Lord Jesus commands us to love even our enemies(Matthew 5:44-48) because as sons of God, we have a unique power and ability to do so. When we obey this command, we set ourselves up for the release of greater power. The greatest spiritual power is released when believers walk in genuine love.

Go into today remembering that only those who have been born of God have the ability and power to love [even their enemies] (see 1 John 4:7-8). This kind of power is such that even Satan does not have the ability to walk in it.

Prayer: Lord, please help me draw from the power of your divine nature I have received and truly walk in Love. Amen.
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Yearly Bible Plan: Joshua 1-5 (In Devotional Audio)

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