Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pillars of Godliness 5

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1 Timothy 4:12 (NET)  Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.

We previously saw that Godliness manifests in the five attributes mentioned in today's Bible verse. Godliness would always manifest in a person's speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.

We have examined the first four attributes,  today we shall examine purity.
There are various areas in which a person can be said to be pure. There is sexual purity, purity in matters pertaining to money, and purity in spiritual matters(matters pertaining to idol worship and food).

Any form of sexual pleasure derived outside the ambit of marriage (between a male man and a female woman) is impure. A Godly person abstains from all forms of impurity in this area.

There is something the king James Version Bible refers to as 'filthy lucre' (see 1 Timothy 3:3). This is money made from questionable ventures or methods. A person who diverts money meant for the public into his personal treasury is guilty of filthy lucre. A person who makes money through gambling, Ponzi schemes or any other get-rich-quick scheme is guilty of filthy lucre. A Godly person abstains from the impurity of filthy lucre.

The third kind of impurity we shall examine today is that which comes from participation with unclean spirits through idolatry and idolatrous communion through foods. Persons who consult mediums, collect charms and good luck bracelets or jewelry from sorceresses and sorcerers are participating in impurity. This is called  "defilement of flesh" (1 Corinthians 7:1).

In the New Covenant, the only thing the believer is not allowed to eat is blood (see Acts 15:20)-- animals with their blood still in them like strangled or raw animals, etc. When you see people eating raw meat with fresh blood still in it, it is uncleanness, and such traditions stem from idol worship.

A believer who wants to live a Godly life would be careful to avoid anything that makes him impure.

Go into today remembering that godliness is the key that unlocks the treasures and power of your new life in Christ.

Prayer: Ask the Lord for the grace to put away all forms of impurity and live a pure life before Him.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Joshua 6-10 (In Devotional Audio)

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