Saturday, February 15, 2020

Way to Kingdom Greatness

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1 Corinthians 13:2 (NKJV) And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

When Eze traveled to the village for the Christmas celebrations, he came in contact with some challenges that were orchestrated by demons. He tried to cast out the demons, but they seemed too strong for him to handle, and he started wondering why. When he reported the matter to his sister who was a more recent believer, she laughed over the problem and assured him that the matter was resolved. She simply prayed a simple prayer and commanded the demons to leave. The level of calmness and authority with which she commanded those demons showed that she knew what she was doing and already had great power with God. The matter was resolved instantly after Eze’s sister prayed with authority. This was how Eze knew that he did not have sufficient spiritual authority to handle certain matters because he was still a spiritual baby, even though he walked in spiritual gifts and had been a believer longer than his sister.

One thing Eze could say about his sister was that she was a very selfless believer whose love for the Lord [and the brethren] couldn’t be hidden. There was a time she turned down a very high paying job because she was convinced it would hinder her from serving the Lord the way she should. Eze knew he couldn’t do what she did, but he also knew things like that was why she had more esteem and authority in heaven than him.

The path of spiritual maturity and authority is the path of love and selflessness. Just like physically speaking, a young child in the family does not have as much authority over the family estate like when he becomes mature, a spiritual babe does not walk in the level of authority he would walk in when he becomes spiritually mature.

Love is the fruit that God expects to see us produce because of His divine life within us. It is abnormal for those who have been born of God to not be fruitful, but it can happen if they allow themselves to be conformed to the standards of this loveless world.

Go into today remembering that a man who allows himself to be transformed by the renewing of his mind through the understanding of God's Word is a man who would walk in the divine nature of love and wield great spiritual authority.

Prayer: ask the Lord to help you walk in the fullness of your authority in Him.
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Yearly Bible Plan: Isaiah 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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