Friday, March 13, 2020

Be Quiet or Shout Louder: Your Choice

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Mark 10:48 (NET) Many scolded him to get him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

 Do you remember the parable Jesus told in Luke chapter 18? It is the story of a woman who brought a petition to a very hard judge. The judge had no fear of God nor of man. He refused to hear or heed the widow’s petition, but as a result of the widow’s importunity, that is her persistence to the point of wearing him out, he gave in and heard and heeded the widow’s plea. The Bible tells us that Jesus told this parable to the end that men ought always to pray and not to lose heart (Luke 18:1).

When you are at the point of need, you will always encounter voices that seek to disparage and discourage your faith. Bartimaeus is no stranger to such voices/influences. He was crying out for help to the one who could help however the crowd will have none of it. “Keep quiet!” they scolded him, “Don’t create a scene,” they said. At that point, he had a choice to make. Act sophisticated and remain blind or be branded uncultured and receive your sight. You might still refer to him as Blind Bartimaeus, but I tell you, he shouted all the louder and was healed of that blindness.

Many today will crumble under the weight of the pressure to fit into people’s expectations to the detriment of their faith. That is not for you child of God. The righteous are as bold as a lion, importunate in prayers, persistent in faith, holding fast their confession of faith until they through faith and patience obtain the promise of God over their lives.

The victorious Christian has settled it in his heart that there is nothing to be ashamed of about his faith in God. He will pray in tongues without self-consciousness, he will boldly affirm that God reigns in the affairs of men, he will continually stand upon his watch to hear what God has to say to him. He doesn’t wish to the mountain, he says to it, “Be moved and be cast into the sea”, not fearing what people would say.

That was Bartimaeus story, what will yours be? Quiet or louder?

Go into today determined to always pray and not to lose heart.

Pray like this: Lord I thank you for your word is true. Therefore, I will be importunate in prayer, persistent in faith and continual in thanksgiving.
Want to be saved? Go here:
—Ikechukwu Mpama

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Bible In One Year: Job 9-10 (in Devotional Audio)

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