Sunday, March 8, 2020

Manner of Conduct 2

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1 Timothy 5:1-2 (NET) Do not address an older man harshly but appeal to him as a father. Speak to younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and younger women as sisters – with complete purity.

Christian was so offended by Chidi that he took to the social media to make certain disparaging posts about him. Chidi was in the wrong and Christian decided to get back at him by revealing his secrets on social media and "destroying his life".

A few months passed and there was a problem Christian would normally pray about and fix, but he found that he no longer had the requisite spiritual authority. This troubled him greatly and thus led him into a season of waiting on the Lord. It was during this season that he realized that what he did against Chidi was wrong. All the while, he had felt self-righteous about his actions because Chidi really hurt him. But in the presence of God, he remembered that his own biological brother had done something similar to him and he never took such actions against him but forgave him because he was his brother. His error was that he did not realize that Chidi too was his brother, and because he was not rightly discerning the body of Christ, he functionally denied himself from the right to exert the authority of the body.

From today's Bible verse, we see a golden principle that every believer should imbibe. In dealing with fellow believers, we are to remember that they are literally our brothers and sisters. Let us treat them as we would our biological brothers, sisters, and parents. This is how to rightly discern the body of Christ.  Believers are members of one family and should treat each other that way.

Go into today remembering that because of the new birth you have in Christ Jesus, what joins you with your Christian brothers and sisters is stronger than flesh and blood. Remember that believers who rightly discern the body of Christ are those who can appropriate the benefits of the body.
Prayer: Lord help me rightly discern your body and walk in the benefits thereof.
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—Abraham Damilola Arigi

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