Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Grace and Peace

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Ephesians 1:2(KJV) Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a familiar salutation repeated in most of the New Testament. (See Rom.1:7, 1Cor. 1:3, 2Cor.1:2, Gal.1:3, Phil.1:2, Col.1:2,). You would notice after reading the above references that grace always comes before peace. Before you can have peace in your life, you have to understand the grace of God. 

So many people are so wrapped up in their own self efforts that they never have peace. They remain frustrated. They are trying to work to please God. However, the thing about working to please God is you never know when you have done enough or performed well enough to meet His requirements. The devil will tell you “You could have prayed longer. You could have gone to one more church service. God is not pleased with you.” This will always leave you frustrated and without peace.

However, when you understand God's grace; when you understand that God has already done the work and all you need to do is receive His gifts of grace, all the pressure is off, and peace is the result. 
2 Peter 1:2 points out that grace and peace are multiplied to us through knowledge of Jesus Christ. Understanding of God’s Word(which leads to a deeper knowledge of God) always increases our capacity to handle more of His blessings. As we increase our capacity, God increases the amount we receive. David said, “my cup runneth over” (Psalm 23:5). God always fills to overflowing, but He only pours out when we have something with which to receive. If you do not have a cup, God is under no obligation to pour. The cup comes through knowledge of God and His Word. As your knowledge increases, your cup increases. Increased capacity brings increased grace and peace.

PRAYER: Ask God that as you study His Word, the Holy Spirit will help you grow in grace, and find peace which passeth all understanding to keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
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— George .E. Djorhogba

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