Sunday, May 31, 2020

Enriched In All Things

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1 Corinthians 1:4-5 (DARBY) I thank my God always about you, in respect of the grace of God given to you in Christ Jesus; that in everything ye have been enriched in him, in all word [of doctrine], and all knowledge

The church in Corinth was indeed enriched in all things. Concerning spiritual gifts, they were not lacking in any and were behind no one (1 Cor 1:7). They had abundant demonstrations of the power of God in their midst, and because of this, they enjoyed great growth and admiration from the people of the city. Concerning physical and material prosperity, they had become rich through the power of grace (see 1 Cor 4:8). These Paul acknowledged and was glad for, but was concerned for them not to be carried away by these and ignore the weightier matters of the kingdom.

The secret of the Corinthian church’s enrichment was their enrichment in doctrine and knowledge, and Apostle Paul pointed this out (see 1 Corinthians 1:4-5). They had skilled teachers like Apollos, and because of them, they were enriched in doctrine and knew how to appropriate the riches of Christ through faith. For faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Rom 10:17).

Whenever you see Christians who are walking in the grace and the manifestation of the riches and liberty of Christ, it is always because they have been properly taught in that regard. Christians who are not given to doctrine and learning are usually impoverished, oppressed, and wanting in many things. This is not the will of God.

Go into today remembering that Christians are disciples and disciples are students. We are students of the Word, and we never graduate from the school of the Spirit.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you give yourself to the ministry of the word and to prayer (see Acts 6:4).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Mark 11-12 (Available in Today's Audio)

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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Grace and Peace

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1 Corinthians 1:3 (NET) Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!

A certain missionary took the gospel to a West African village. The first household he visited, they greeted him warmly and offered him some food and water because they perceived he was coming from a far journey. He told them the reason why he came to their village and shared the gospel with them. They knew there was something glorious about him, so their father wanted him to stay with them in their house. Everyone in that household eventually accepted the Lord Jesus and became born again. They later observed that since the time the missionary stayed in their house, everything started going well with them. Their farm became unusually fruitful, and their livestock became very productive. They also observed that their sickly children were now healthy and strong. All these good things happened to them because of the peace of Christ that rested upon their household through the missionary.

Jesus told his disciples that if they went preaching and found a home deserving, they should let their peace rest upon that home, but if the home is not deserving, they should let their peace return to them (see Matt 10:13).

In the world today, peace is understood to be the absence of war. But the peace that Jesus gives is far more than that (John 14:27). It is a spiritual force that causes everything to work properly. It is spiritual empowerment that ensures well-being, health, and prosperity. It has the ability to garrison the soul of a person against anxiety and fears (see Phil 4:7).

It is worthy of note that Grace was mentioned before peace in Paul’s salutation to the Corinthians. This is because peace is made available because of grace. It is unmerited and has been fully paid for by Christ Jesus.

Go into today asking the Lord to fill your life with His peace.
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— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17-21 (Available in Today's Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Friday, May 29, 2020

Be Careful With Your Company

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1 Corinthians 15:33 (NET) Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.”

When Rex was in the university, he rededicated his life to Christ and determined to live the rest of his life to please the Lord. At this point, Rex had enough spiritual understanding to know that life had no meaning if it was not lived in the center of God's will. Many of his old friends in the university laughed at him because they said he was becoming too fanatical, but he sincerely pitied them because they were walking in darkness and did not understand how lost they were. He tried to help them but they could not see.

Many years passed and Rex made some Christian friends who were not really committed to the Lord. These friends knew what to say and how to appear as believers, but they did not truly love the Lord. With time, Rex found that his love for the Lord had waxed cold and he could do nothing about it. He found that he was now tending towards the category of even those his old university friends he used to pity. He didn't understand how he fell so far, his faith seemed to have eroded.
When he decided that he could not continue to waste his life, he sought for help, and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit through a servant of God, he found that his 'Christian' friend who did not truly love the Lord was now the biggest influence in his life the devil was using to corrupt him.

Evil company corrupts good manners. The devil understands this too well. If he wants to destroy the destiny of a believer,  he would try to connect that believer with friends who would be a bad influence on that believer spiritually. It is not every 'believer' that can be your friend. The most important thing in this life for us as believers is pleasing and serving the Lord. If we have friends that don't have the same convictions, their corrupted value system will get into us and corrupt us.

If you mingle dirty and clean clothes together in a closet, the clean clothes are the ones that get contaminated.

Go into today remembering that for you, an unbeliever is not just someone who does not believe in the Lord, but someone who does not believe in the Lord the way you believe in and love the Lord. A person may be called a believer, but if he does not truly love the Lord, he would be a stumbling block for the sanctified believer.
Prayer: Lord, please help me love you to the end and walk in your blessing. Amen.
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— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Job 31-32 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

You Will Still See His Favor

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Psalms 27:13 (NET) Where would I be if I did not believe I would experience the Lord’s favor in the land of the living?

Edet went through a season in his life that looked like it wouldn’t end. It was as if the heavens were closed against him and everything was working against him. He prayed, fasted, prophesied, and did everything he knew to do. But that season came to pass in the fullness of time.

Looking back at that time in his life, he realized that the reason his faith did not fail was because of a small but steady and consistent knowing in his heart that he would still see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. This knowing kept him from sinking and fainting. He indeed lived to see the goodness of the Lord.

God's word to someone today is that you will soon see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Things will not always continue the way they have been but you will see good things from the Lord that will make you glad and rejoice. The Lord will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies, and you will experience an overflow of His blessings in every area of your life.

Go into today knowing that God who saved David from the jaws of death and made him king over Israel is the same God you worship. He will bring you into the greater days of your life if you continue to rely on Him in confidence (see Psa 27:13-14).

Prayer: Thank God because He is the one who lifts you up in His time. Thank Him because you know that when He blesses, no one can curse.
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-Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 45-47

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What is your Focus

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1 Timothy 6:9-10 (NET) Those who long to be rich, however, stumble into temptation and a trap and many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evils. Some people in reaching for it have strayed from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pains.

When the Lord appeared to King Solomon and told him to ask for anything he desired, the Lord was pleased that his biggest desire was not riches, long life, or the death of his enemies, etc. His biggest wish was that he would be equipped to fulfill his divine assignment on the earth. He asked for the one thing he needed the most in order for him to fulfill God's kingdom assignment for him as the leader of God's people. Even though Solomon did not ask for riches, God decided to bless him and make him the wealthiest king in his generation (see 2 Chronicles 1:7-13).

The way God created us as humans, we have binocular vision. We do not have the ability to focus our eyes on more than one thing at the same time. If we must see a thing properly, we would have to focus on it and it alone. Even spiritually, we have the same makeup. We cannot focus on more than one heart pursuit for our lives. As believers, our only focus should be the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:36). We do not have the ability to love God and love mammon at the same time (see Matthew 6:24).

If a believer's goal in life is to be rich, that believer has already been deceived by the prince of this world. Our goal in life as believers should be to be found in the center of God's will and pleasing Him in all things. As for the matter of our needs, God is able to supply them (see Phil 4:19). Even when money fails, God is still able to meet the needs of those who are in the center of His will.

For some, because of the nature of their assignment, God will cause a lot of many to pass through their hands, but their lives are not defined by that but by how yielded they are to God. Many have strayed from the faith because they were deceived into believing that making money is the ultimate thing in life(see Luke 12:15). A day is coming when we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2  Cor 5:10), and what will matter then would be our stewardship not our worldly wealth. Even those the Lord gave worldly wealth as stewardship would have to give an account of how they used it for the kingdom agenda.

Go into today remembering that you have been called to inherit God's eternal kingdom(Luke 12:32), worldly wealth and power is the best the devil has to temp you out of that glorious destiny (see Matthew 4:8-10). Don't let that happen.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please help me keep my mind stayed on thee and thee alone(see Isiah 26:3). In Jesus' name. Amen.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: I Samuel 26-31 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

Streamglobe is Nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

True Godliness 2

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1 Timothy 6:6-7 (NET) Now godliness combined with contentment brings great profit. For we have brought nothing into this world and so we cannot take a single thing out either.

Gbenga accepted the Lord Jesus because he saw a vision in his sleep that really troubled him. In that vision, he saw that he was going down into hell and a really great dragon demon was taking him there and torturing him. When he made all the religious recitations that he knew, they only seemed to empower the evil spirit, but when he eventually remembered to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, that demon was weakened and left him alone. Gbenga was sure that if he didn't call upon the name of the Lord, he would have died that night and gone to hell.

This was what led him to the Lord. But when he became a believer and started attending a popular church in the city, all he heard them talk about was money and more money. He didn't accept christ because he was looking for money, he was already a billionaire, and making more money for him didn't involve showing up in church every week. In fact, he knew that leaving his former way of life would have consequences on his wealth because of the way he made his money, but that didn't matter to him anymore. Unfortunately, it appeared to him that money was all that mattered to his pastors. It appeared that many of the church members were 'serving God' because they wanted God to make them rich and 'successful'. He saw how much attention he got from the pastors when they realized how rich he was.

All Gbenga wanted was to be closer to the Lord who alone could save his soul. He wanted to devote the rest of his life to serving the Lord who spared his life from damnation, but his pastors were too money-minded to be able to help him. There were fraudsters known to him that had first-class access to the pastor because they were rich.  If Gbenga didn't have the encounter that led him to the Lord, based on what he now saw, he would have thought Christianity was nothing but a charade.

Too many believers today are so money-minded that they ignore godliness. God's major use to them is to make them rich. They do not realize that being this way doesn't make them more prosperous but only more covetous compromisers who would do anything for money. God really blesses people with wealth, but when wealth becomes the focus of the believer, it becomes an idol in his heart that is capable of turning him into a worker of iniquity and limiting his ability to partake in the divine life. The love of money is the root of all evil.

Go into today remembering that the purpose of the church is not primarily to make people rich but to make people saved and reconciled to God. When believers become too money minded, it would limit their capacity to connect with grace for even the wealth that God has destined for them on the earth.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you love him above all else.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Exodus 9-12 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Monday, May 25, 2020

Grow Up 3

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Ephesians 4:16 (KJV) From whom [Christ] the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

We saw last time that speaking the truth in love would cause us to grow up into spiritual maturity. Today’s verse tells us that edification (building up) of the body of Christ also is done in love. Love becomes a key issue in the individual and corporate growth in the body of Christ. Faith will not work without love whether it is in an individual person or an entire body of believers. Faith is the culmination of all of the input of the Word into a person’s life. All the promises and Scriptures found in the Bible will do us no good if we do not operate in love toward other members of the Lord’s body.

This verse tells us the whole body (natural and spiritual) is “joined together and compacted [knit together] by that which every joint supplies.” What are the joints? The joints are a type of the ministry offices found in verse 11. They supply to the different parts of the body what is needed. The ministry gifts see to it the different members are fitly joined and knit together. The members of the body of Christ are like bones in the natural body. Bones are shaped differently and, logically, should not be joined. The ends of all the different bones look as if they should not be joined to the bones next to them. What really joins bones together are “joints and bands [ligaments and tendons]” (Colossians 2:19).

This is a reference to love. What links me to you in the body of Christ is love. We may come from various backgrounds and levels of society and be different skin colors, but love joins us together into one supernatural body. When one member of the body suffers, we all suffer together with him. When one member rejoices, we all rejoice. We are inseparably joined to each other. If someone needs help, don’t turn from him. We minister to him God’s Word in love, give him a foundation from God’s promises to stand on, and speak the truth in love so we all may grow up together in all areas into Christ, the Head.

Go into today knowing that just as every part of the human body is important so also every member of the body of Christ is important.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you walk in love and play your part in His agenda for this time.
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-George Evuarherhe Djorhogba

Yearly Bible Plan: I Corinthians 15-16 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651
Streamglobe is Nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.
WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Sunday, May 24, 2020

True Godliness

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1 Timothy 6:5-6 (NET) ...and constant bickering by people corrupted in their minds and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a way of making a profit. Now godliness combined with contentment brings great profit.

The reason Harman accepted the Lord Jesus was because he was made to understand that Jesus blesses people. His elder brother was a failure who had nothing going for him, but after he accepted the Lord Jesus and was committed to the work of God in his local church, everyone saw the difference. His elder brother became responsible and was now able to be a blessing to other members of the family. Harman accepted the Lord Jesus because he too wanted to become a success story like his elder brother.

After praying the sinner's prayer, Harman became really committed to the work of God in his local church assembly because that was also what his elder brother did. With time, Harman became recognized as a committed member of the church and was allowed to teach in his subgroup. But unfortunately, he was a teacher of heresy because he still had an idol in his heart. 'Making it' in this life was his true goal for becoming a Christian, and somehow, this goal had not changed in his heart, he still loved money more than he loved the Lord--this was the idol in his heart. He was never content with being godly, the only thing that could make him contented was lots of money.

Unlike his brother, Harman never really walked in the power [and gain] that godliness brings because his motives were wrong. If your purpose for trying to be godly is the attendant earthly gain, you will never truly attain godliness and the attendant benefits. When a believer is goldy, it means the nature of Christ has permeated him to a great degree. Because of this, such a believer can truly appropriate the benefits and power of the divine nature he has received through the new birth.

One of the things that godliness does to the believer is that it delivers him from covetousness and the love of money. Only the more powerful love of God can deliver a man from the pervasive love of money. A covetous believer cannot be goldy at the same time.

Go into today remembering that Godliness is profitable in every way. It holds promise for this present life and for the life to come (see 1 Timothy 4:8). One of the biggest hindrances to true godliness is the love of money. You cannot love God and love mammon (Matthew 6:24).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to love you above everything else. Deliver my heart from idols. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Mark 9-10 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Grow Up 2

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Ephesians 4:15 (KJV) But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ.

The baby, who could not speak, should grow up to learn “to speak the truth in love.” Speaking the truth is speaking the Word. Speaking the Word of God is one of the greatest keys in the Christian life to answered prayers, effective confessions, and mastering the thoughts. When we become full of the Word of God, it comes out of us in two ways-- words and deeds.
Colossians 3:16-17 admonish us thus: Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use it to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through Him (Christ) to God the Father.

Speaking the Word is important, and doing it in love is of greater importance. Many people speak the Word of God to tear other believers apart and to set them straight. The spoken Word is a sword (Ephesians 6:17), not to be used on other believers but against Satan and his devices.

When we use the Word on other believers, it should be to help remove the problem and preserve and care for the person. All of this is part of the growing up process God has for us to move from babyhood—spiritual immaturity—to the fullness of the stature of Christ. Jesus is our example and our goal for maturity. We are to “grow up in all things [areas] into him [Christ]” who is “the head of the church” (Ephesians 5:23).

As you go into today, remember that we must speak the truth in love always.

Prayer: Father, help me to be sincere in my dealings with others and to walk in love daily
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-George Evuarherhe Djorhogba

Yearly Bible Plan: Jeremiah 12-16 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

Streamglobe is Nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.
WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Lordship of Christ

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1 Corinthians 6:20 (NET) For you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.

When Dare realized what it really meant to be a believer in the Lord Jesus, his slavery to sin was broken.

He had attended church all his life, but he knew he was still a slave to sin. When for the first time he learned that believing in the Lord Jesus meant accepting Christ Jesus as his Lord, he understood that this meant that his life now belonged to Christ and he could no longer live the way he liked but now had to submit to the will of Christ. When he realized and understood this, he could now receive power from the Holy Spirit. This power enabled him to overcome the dominion of sin in his life.

He also observed that because of this power, he was no more afraid of the devil and his demons. He now had the authority to withstand the forces of darkness and overcome.

Being a believer doesn’t just mean accepting that Jesus is Lord, it means receiving His Lordship over your life. When this happens, the Holy Spirit can now empower you to live above the power of the flesh.

It is only by the Holy Spirit that we can put to death the works of the flesh (see Rom 8:13) and this can only happen when we have truly accepted the Lordship of Jesus over our lives.

Go into today remembering that the degree to which you are submitted to the Lord is the degree to which you will have spiritual authority. It is only those who submit to the LORD that will be able to resist the devil and he will flee from them (see James 4:7).
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-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Job 29-30 (In Devotional Audio)
Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Grow Up

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Ephesians 4:14(KJV) That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

The Greek word for “children” here is nopios. It means “one who cannot speak.” This is a very young believer who is incapable of communicating or giving out the gospel. He is likened to a ship on the ocean without a rudder or a sail.

Without a rudder, a ship will be tossed to and fro by the waves. The waves are a picture of the circumstances of life. Without stability in life you are at the mercy of circumstances. This is a sure way to have an up-and-down Christian life. The Word of God produces stability in life. So despite the circumstances, you can maintain your course. “And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation” (Isaiah 33:6). Because this ship has no means of navigation, it can also be blown about by “every wind of doctrine.”

Baby believers are the most likely to fall for false doctrine because they tend to be gullible and, like most babies, put everything they find into their mouths. It is important for us not only to lead a person to the Lord but also to see to it that he becomes faithful in attending a church where he can be fed solid food to grow into maturity (See Hebrews 5:12-14). All this deceit comes through the “sleight of men, and cunning craftiness.” The Greek word for “sleight of men” is kubeia. This word is where we eventually got our word “cube.” It was the ancient word for “dice.” They had crap games in the ancient world, and many crafty people would cheat. The analogy is this: When a baby Christian refuses to submit to the authority of a pastor or other minister, he may think he is mature, but he is really stupid and immature. He is in a crap game with the devil, and the dice are loaded against him. He cannot win. Those who control the game are cheating.

Many people today want to float from church to church and never become settled. This is unscriptural and unhealthy. They often believe they are more mature than the pastors, so they think they have a right to float anywhere they want. By floating, they are admitting they are babies. These people will be at the mercy of the circumstances of life and the false doctrines of men. When they get into trouble, that is when they complain about the local churches not standing beside them. It is not up to a church to join you but up to you to join a church. Commitment begins with individuals.

Go into today knowing that as believers mature in God they become stable and unmovable

Prayer: Father, create a sincere hunger in my heart for you daily.
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-George Evuarherhe Djorhogba

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 42-44 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651
Streamglobe is Nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.
WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Quickened to Pray

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Psalm 80:18 (KJV) So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.

After realizing that his flesh would always fight against his prayer life, Uchenna decided that regardless of the way he felt each night when it was time to pray, he was going to pray for at least one hour each day. He noticed that if he tried to pray in his room, his bed was a real distraction, and he would be tempted to lie down, and eventually sleep off, so he decided he would leave the comfort of his room and go to a place where it would be difficult for him to sleep.

The first day Uchenna left his room to pray at night, he started by asking the Lord to quicken him to pray. He did this because he had come to discover that the Holy Spirit is the one who quickens us to call upon His name. That day, he prayed for one and a half hours because he really enjoyed the presence of the Lord and the quickening of the Holy Spirit.

One of the reasons some people find it difficult to pray is because they do not enjoy the presence of God in their prayer life. Prayer is meant to be the high point of our daily communion with the Lord. There is a sweetness of the communion of the Holy Spirit that is intensified when we truly pray in the spirit, it is called the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit (see 2 Cor 13:14). If for any reason, this communion is affected, prayer becomes a dry and unpleasant chore.

It is because of the quickening of the Holy Spirit that we would be able to pray without ceasing.
Go into today asking the Lord to quicken you to pray.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 21-25  (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651
Streamglobe is Nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.
WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Grace: God Abounding Toward Man.

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Ephesians 1:8 (KJV) Wherein [in grace] he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence.

I have heard and used the standard definitions such as “unmerited favor” and “God’s riches at Christ’s expense,” but this verse really reveals to us God’s definition of grace. Grace at its simplest is God abounding toward man. Man simply receives.  Everything you need for your natural and spiritual existence in this life and throughout eternity is being delivered to you by God the Father(2 Peter 1:3). Not only does The Father give us natural and spiritual blessings, but He also gives us the ability to flow supernaturally in our everyday situations. He gives us wisdom and prudence (good sense). Both of these attributes are products of the Spirit-filled and Word-filled life.

Wisdom is the correct application of knowledge. Knowledge is an input, and wisdom is an output. Knowledge is being a hearer of the Word, and wisdom is being a doer. Knowledge is gained through our being diligent. We must study to show ourselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15). God will not do this for us. Once we have done our part and studied, God will help us put what we have learned to work in the form of wisdom. The Word does not say, “If any man lack knowledge, let him ask of God.” It does say, “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5). Not only does God give us wisdom, but He also gives us good sense or prudence. Christians should walk in more wisdom than anyone in the world. Believers full of the Word should come up with such wisdom that the world would stand in awe and wonder why they could not see the simplicity of the answer. This should be a daily confession of every believer: “My God is abounding toward me today with wisdom and good sense for every circumstance”. There is not a weapon formed against you that can prosper when you are armed with the simplicity of the Word of God (Isa. 54:17).

Go into today knowing that, there is not a weapon formed against you that can prosper when you are armed with the simplicity of the Word of God.

Prayer: Father, thank you for abounding toward us in all wisdom and prudence. Help us make the most of this privilege in Jesus' name. Amen.
-George Evuarherhe Djorhogba
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Yearly Bible Plan: Exodus 5-8 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, May 18, 2020

God Wants All People Saved

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1 Timothy 2:4 (NET) … [God] wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

Emeka had prayed for the salvation of his brothers for years, but it appeared that things were getting worse and not better.

A time came that he started to entertain the false thought that maybe his brothers were not saved because they were never selected by God for salvation. This thought in his heart weakened his faith and made his prayer for his brothers less powerful.

When he knew that it was God's will for them to be saved, his supplications for them became more powerful and regular, and he started seeing the result. All his brothers eventually became saved.

I have come to learn that the most powerful kind of prayer regarding the salvation of others is the prayer of supplication. Another word for supplication is begging. When it comes to the will and choice of other people, your declarations and demands may not be very effective, but your plea before the throne of God for them is very effective. Only God has the authority to influence the will of people, and we have to make sufficient supplications before His throne to make this happen. If we begin to entertain the false thought that maybe God has not selected a person to be saved, it weakens our faith in prayer for that person’s salvation.

Go into today knowing that one of the reasons God placed you in your family is because He wants you to pray and generate sufficient spiritual license for Him to invade the other members of your family with His salvation.

Prayer: Lord, please help me do my part in facilitating the salvation of my loved ones. Amen.
—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi
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Yearly Bible Plan: I Corinthians 13-14

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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Chosen Before Time

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Ephesians 1:4 (NET)  For he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world that we may be holy and unblemished in his sight in love.

We were chosen—“before the foundation of the world.” This shows us once again the immensity of God, who has always existed. There never was a time nor ever will be a time when He will not exist. Time is no problem with Him because He lives in a realm that is beyond time. We are bound by time, but God is not. He sees tomorrow, next year, and eternity to come as clearly as we see this moment. He knows the problems you will face tomorrow and has already planned every answer for you.
God planned answers before problems existed hence nothing can ever take Him by surprise or unawares. It is wrong to think you are going to face a problem tomorrow or next week for which God has not already made a way of escape (1Corin. 10:13). Problems may catch you off-guard, but they never surprise God. If He planned for the biggest problem in your life through the new birth, don’t you think He can handle the smaller ones on the job, in the home, or at school?

Somehow we get the idea God saved us, filled us with the Holy Spirit, and left us to fend for ourselves. God not only planned for us to enter this new life but also to be overcomers every day (Romans 8:37, 1 John 4:4). 

God knows the future and has made plans for you to succeed. Don’t try to help God by worrying. Sit back and enjoy the ride. This is the life of faith that pleases God. (See Heb. 11:6.) The word “hath chosen” means “to call out”.  Before the foundation of the world, God called you out to be holy and without blame”. From the foundation of the world, He has seen you through His eyes and predestined you as righteous and holy. We need to see ourselves as God sees us. While we look not at the things which are seen [our mistakes and failures], but at the things which are not seen [our heavenly position]: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Corin 4:18).

Even if you miss it, God still considers you holy and without blame before Him, because that is your destination and destiny. This in no way advocates my sinning or living an unholy life, what it does is to remove the attitude of defeat if you do sin or miss the mark. Just understand that God hates sin and ask Him to forgive you (1John 1:9), then see yourself as He does—forgiven, holy, and without blame. And make every effort never to go back to sinning again. Remember, anyone who practices sin is of the devil (Read 1John 3:8).

Go into today with the understanding that we are seated with Jesus in heaven, you are seen as “holy and without blame” because you are in Christ.

Prayer: ask the Lord to help you to live holy, justly, and without blame.
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-George Evuarherhe Djorhogba

Yearly Bible Reading: Mark 7-8 (In Devotional Audio)
There are no Bible studies on Sundays

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Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Holy Ghost and Power

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Acts 1:8 (NKJV) But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

The day Femi got baptized in the Holy Ghost, he prayed in the Spirit for three hours straight. As a result, he felt so much power in his soul that there was no more fear in his heart. This power also made him free from slavery to sin.

As the days passed, it appeared as if this power within him was no more with the same intensity. He wondered why this was happening. The next time he went to fellowship, he prayed fervently for about 30 minutes, and he felt the boldness and power once again. This was how he knew that the way to stay in the Spirit and power of God is to be prayerful and holy.

The power to become sons of God is supplied to us by the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 1:12). The Holy Spirit is only given to those who have received Christ Jesus as their Lord.

In today’s Bible text, we can see that Jesus did not allow His disciples to be His witnesses until the Holy Ghost came upon them to empower them.

When a person is baptized with the Holy Ghost, it is usually accompanied by praying in the Spirit and sometimes by prophesying. People who intend to live Spirit-filled lives must be people who take their cue from that first day they were baptized. They must be people who continue to pray always in the Spirit (see Ephesians 6:18).

Go into today asking the Lord to fill you with the Holy Ghost and with power so that you will represent Him well.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 7-11 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Nature of Faith 3

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James 1:3-4 (NKJV)…Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

During the 13 years Funke waited to have a child, her faith was tried and greatly strengthened. Because of this, she had become a person of great esteem in heaven. She had a robust relationship with the Lord and could stand in the gap for people as a territorial priest before God. After her trial was over, she always wondered if she would have been so close to the Lord if she didn’t face that trial.

Father Abraham is known today as the father of faith because of his patience in waiting on God for Isaac, and his willingness to sacrifice Isaac because he trusted God that much. If Abraham did not patiently trust God for so long to receive Isaac, he most likely would not be known today as the father of faith. His seeming suffering was working for him an eternal weight of glory.

In James 1:2-4, God says we should count it all joy when we face trials and temptations because they help to strengthen our faith and make us perfect (if we faint not). Do not let the devil deceive you to think that because of your trials you are under a curse and you need to start running from pillar to post. As long as you know you are with God and living under His authority in obedience, you have nothing to fear because, after your night of weeping, the daybreak of laughter and glory will come (Psalm 30:5).

Go into today thanking God and remembering that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him (Rom 8:28-NIV).
-Abraham Damilola Arigi 

Yearly Bible Reading: Job 27-28 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(WAT). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Nature of Faith 2

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Hebrews 10:38 (KJV) Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.

Fayemi was drowning spiritually and he knew it. He could no longer pray like before, and when he did, he wasn’t sure his prayers had power.

It wasn’t always like this. There was a time in his life that he had great faith, but his faith eroded with time because he was walking in disobedience.

Abraham was a man of great faith. This faith made him obey the Lord every step of the way. That is what faith does.

Faith and obedience are two sides of the same coin. No one can say he has faith in God (or he has the faith of God) without being obedient to God. Those who truly have faith in the Lord Jesus would obey His commandments (see Luke 6:46-49). Those who constantly walk in disobedience do this to the detriment of their faith. A good example of disobedience is being unequally yoked together with unbelievers (see 2 Cor 6:14).

One of the ways you will know if your faith is dying is through your prayer life. It takes faith to pray in the spirit, but when this becomes increasingly difficult, it is an indication that you need [spiritual] healing.

Go into today remembering that you cannot live by faith and live in disobedience to the word of the Lord.

Ask the Lord to deliver you from every disobedience, and empower you to always live in obedience to His will.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Psalms 39-41 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(WAT). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Who is the Greatest?

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Luke 22:24 (KJV)  And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.

Joel and his friend Peter started a prayer group in their community. The meetings enjoyed God’s favor and attendance grew so quickly because healings, deliverances, and miracles graced it. Some years down the line, it became obvious that a structure had to be put in place in order to manage the work effectively. It was at that point that rancor broke out between the two friends. ‘‘The original vision was given to me, so I should be the leader'' Joel said. ‘‘Oh, yes I know, but I have done most of the work, the very first meeting was in my apartment and I am the one to whom God has given the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that drew the people’' responded Peter. The contention continued until they could no longer continue together and parted ways.

According to Jesus, who is the greatest in the kingdom of God?

Luke 22:25-26 (KJV)  And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.

Mark 9:35 (KJV)  And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

It is obvious from the above passage that greatness in the kingdom of God is measured by service. So, if you want to be the greatest, you should strive to serve the best. This service, however, must be from a humble heart and not because a position is desired.

Matthew 18:4 (KJV)  Whosoever, therefore, shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Go into today knowing that you will enjoy more of God’s blessings when you serve him because you love him and not just because you want an earthly position.

Prayer: Lord, please give me a humble heart so I can serve you acceptably.
—Dr. Emmanuel James
Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 16-20 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(WAT). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Iron Sharpens Iron

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Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV) As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Many things were happening in Felix's life and he was beginning to feel overwhelmed. He couldn't pray like before, and he could sense his spiritual strength waning.

He decided to visit his friend Emmanuel. He spent two hours in Emmanuel's house and they spent the time trying to catch up on current happenings. As their manner was, they also discussed the Word of God.

As Felix left Emmanuel’s house, he felt strengthened in his spirit. He could now pray and enjoy the presence of God like he once did. This was because the time he spent with his friend was a time of spiritual sharpening.

When iron knives or swords rub on each other, they sharpen each other in the process. But when Iron continually rubs on wood, it becomes blunt.

When two believers mingle with each other, because they are of the same kind of spiritual material, they sharpen each other. But when a believer communes with an unbeliever for long, he will become spiritually blunt. Bluntness manifests as ineffectiveness in prayers, unnecessary fears, faithlessness and lowered spiritual strength, etc.

In Isaiah 41:15, we see that God makes us into sharp threshing instruments having teeth. We stay sharp by keeping the right company.

Go into today remembering that having fellowship with friends who fear the Lord strengthens and sharpens you. Ask the Lord to deliver you from unequal yokes with unbelievers.

Prayer: If you don't have friends who sharpen you, ask the Lord to send such friends your way.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Exodus 1-4 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(WAT). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Nature of Faith

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James 1:3-4 (NKJV) …Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

For seven years, Funke had prayed and trusted God to give her the fruit of the womb. But she was still expecting a miracle to happen. By this time, some of her ‘friends’ and family members were suggesting that she was not taking matters seriously enough. They told her about one ‘baba’ who solved several women’s problems. But Funke insisted that she was going to wait for the Lord and not turn to another god. (This ‘Baba’ was a sorcerer).

Many times, it occurred to Funke that she was going to die childless, but she kept on encouraging herself in the Lord. The Lord kept showing her signs and tokens to remind her that He was with her.

After being married for thirteen years, she and her husband welcomed their first child into this world. At the point she conceived, she was no more expecting to conceive because she had already reached menopause and had concluded that ‘even if He slay me, I will still trust Him’. This was the threshold of faith that produced the miracle she had been praying for.

She didn’t quickly notice that all the time of waiting on the Lord and remaining steadfast had worked for her an eternal weight of glory. Even though she didn’t have biological children, she had many children in the Lord and had discipled tens of girls, many of whom she brought out of the streets.

Something about faith that we cannot afford to forget is that faith and patience usually work together. One of the biggest signs of true faith in the heart of a believer is the willingness to be patient. It is during the period of patience that our faith is being purified and made strong.

Go into today remembering that true faith is willing to wait on God and not turn to compromises.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you walk steadfastly in faith all the days of your life.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: I Corinthians 11-12 (In Devotional Audio)
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Sunday, May 10, 2020

How to Pray for Peace

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1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NET)
First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.

Christians are agents of the kingdom of God. One attribute and sign that the kingdom of God is somewhere is that there would be peace. The other attributes are righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost (see Rom 14:17).

When God places you in a territory, He expects that through you and because of you, peace comes into that territory.

The devil likes creating wars and unrest because these are contrary to the advancement of the kingdom of Christ. But he does not have so much authority to make trouble where there are children of God who know how to use their authority in the place of prayer. It is when there is peace that we can more easily preach the gospel and get people saved. It becomes very difficult to preach if everyone is running for his life.

One effective way to pray for peace is by praying for people and leaders. When Satan wants to steal peace, he manipulates people and their leaders. If we want there to be peace, we must pray for people and their leaders.

As you go into today, remember that you are an agent of peace. Your prayers are very powerful to this end. Never forget to use your authority in the place of prayer to enforce peace in your territory. Do not forget that the most effective way to pray for peace is by praying for the people and those in authority.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Mark 5-6
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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Let God Judge

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Romans 12:19-21 (NET) Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Rather, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing this you will be heaping burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Tolani's mom and dad never got married, but because her father loved her so much, he insisted that he was going to raise her. She started living with her dad and stepmother from when she was seven. When it became clear that Tolani was truly a gifted child, her stepmother displayed such hatred for her that her father had to send her away to a boarding school halfway into her secondary education.

Unfortunately, Tolani's mother died, and her father died too when she was in her 3rd year at the university. Even though her father was well-to-do and her stepmother had enough resources to easily continue to pay for Tolani's education, she refused and expected Tolani to drop out. But Tolani was already part of a vibrant campus fellowship, and they did everything they could to ensure that Tolani didn't drop out.

Seven years later, Tolani had graduated and was now running a successful business, but her stepmother had become broke and needy. Because as a believer, Tolani did not repay evil for evil but chose to leave vengeance to God, God blessed her so much that even her stepsisters and stepmother became dependent on her. Somehow, Tolani knew that she wouldn't have been as prosperous as she was if she allowed herself to become bitter and hateful because of her step mother's wickedness of the past.

Whenever a believer decides to repay evil for evil, he has taken judgment upon himself and stayed the hand of God's judgment. No one's judgment is as just and effective as God's judgment. Many have hindered seasons of refreshing in their lives because they chose to judge their enemies. The angels that inflict judgment can also do so in the lives of those who invoke them if their lives have things to be judged. That was why Moses was almost killed on his way to inflict judgment against Pharaoh and the people of Egypt (see Exodus 4:24-26). Getting involved in heaven's justice department is a very tricky business.

One of the easiest ways believers take judgment upon themselves against their human enemies is by using their spiritual authority to command them to die or be destroyed in some ways. There never would have been an apostle Paul if the early church had this mindset. Saul would have been properly destroyed and not saved.

Go into today remembering that if you're in Christ, you're the apple of God's eye. God's got you!

Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)

Today is General Q&A in our Interactive Online Bible Study. Time 2pm(GMT +1). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

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Friday, May 8, 2020

The Resurrection and the Life

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John 11:25 (NLT) Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.

When Lazarus was resurrected by Jesus, he came forth with his grave clothes on, because, without it, he would be naked.
After Jesus resurrected, the cloth used to wrap His body was still in the grave (John 20:5-7) because He did not need it anymore. He now had a glorified body that didn’t need a cloth to be clothed.

Jesus’ disciples found it a little difficult to recognize Him because the body he resurrected with was different from the one he died with. He resurrected with the glorified body. This glorified body cannot be killed. It does not need doors to come into a building, but can be made to pass through a wall. These glorious bodies are what will reveal our true nature as sons of God (Rom 8:19). This body of flesh is greatly limiting us from walking in our sonship.

The redemption of the body will usher us into the hope of our calling. This is when these vile bodies of ours will be changed into glorious bodies like the one Jesus has right now. This is when we will rule all things with the Lord (see 1 Cor 6:2-3) and be rewarded according to our work here on earth (Rom 2:6, 1 Cor :12-15).

Jesus did not only die to save us from our sins, He resurrected to usher into our lives of the greatest power ever known in all of creation. This is the same power that will cause us to resurrect the way He did.

Go into today remembering that anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus will not only resurrect with the glorious body but will have abundant life here on earth because Jesus is the resurrection and the Life.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi 
Yearly Bible Reading: Job 25-26 (In Devotional Audio)

Join Our Interactive Online Bible Study Today by 2pm(WAT). ZOOM Meeting ID: 536206651

Streamglobe is Nondenominational. Kindly share this devotional with your contacts and let's touch lives together.
WhatsApp: +2348034420524, +2349055565838

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Watch Out For Fruits

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1 Timothy 5:24-25 (NET) The sins of some people are obvious, going before them into judgment, but for others, they show up later. Similarly good works are also obvious, and the ones that are not cannot remain hidden.

When Fiona moved to her new house in the suburb, most of her neighbors seemed very nice and welcoming. Her next-door neighbor was particularly so nice that Fiona thought within herself that "this woman is too nice to be real".  Fiona was very careful in observing everyone before committing herself to them. She understood that if a person were pretending, they could only pretend for so long.

True to her suspicion,  her next-door neighbor was a very mean and obnoxious person. She wanted, by all means, to be friends with Fiona just to spite the other neighbors who were her enemies. Her obnoxious plans did not work because Fiona lived according to the wisdom of today's Bible verses.

There is wisdom in today's Bible verse that all believers should adopt. Any character that is hidden would show up later. People may be good at pretending, but give it time and their true nature will come out. Before this verse,  Paul had already told Timothy not to lay hands on anyone hastily (see 1 Timothy 5:22). Many believers have gotten into trouble by committing themselves too quickly to people just because they claim to be believers. Do your due diligence in dealing with people. When a person claims to be a believer, watch out for the fruits [of the spirit] before committing yourself to them--be sober and vigilant.

Go into today remembering that you can only truly know people by their fruits(not merely by their claims and bumper stickers), and most times, it takes time for fruits to manifest.
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-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 36-38
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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Be Fruitful

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John 15:16 (NET) You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that remains, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.

Moyin noticed that the rate at which Kemi received answers to her prayers was really remarkable. There was a day they were traveling together, and it was about to rain and disrupt the meeting they were going for. Moyin had prayed and prayed in her heart concerning the rain, but nothing happened and the rain started. As soon as she called Kemi to pray, while Kemi was still praying, the heavy rainfall reduced and eventually stopped miraculously.

There were many other examples of how Kemi received from the Lord more, and Moyin became concerned. ‘Does it mean that God loves Kemi more than me?’ Moyin would ask herself. She went into days of prayer to seek God’s face concerning why He didn’t answer her prayers the way He answered Kemi’s prayers. This was when the Lord showed her that Kemi was a much more fruitful Christian than her, that this was why Kemi had God’s ear.

We can see from today’s Bible text that when we are fruitful, we can ask and receive more expressly from the Father. Many Christians have fruitless prayer lives because other areas of their lives are fruitless before God.

A fruitful Christian is one whose life and character manifests the fruit of the Spirit. He is also one who wins souls to the kingdom of God. He is a profitable servant of the Lord who uses his resources [talents and gifts] for the advancement of God’s kingdom in this world.

Go into today remembering that when all is said and done, we will be rewarded according to our fruitfulness (see Rev 22:12, Matt 16:27, Rom 2:6).

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you become more fruitful.
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-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: I Samuel 11-15
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The Thing About Horses

Broadcast 4274 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Psalms 33:17 (KJV) A horse is a vain thing f...