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Romans 12:19-21 (NET) Do not avenge yourselves, dear friends, but give place to God’s wrath, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Rather, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing this you will be heaping burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Tolani's mom and dad never got married, but because her father loved her so much, he insisted that he was going to raise her. She started living with her dad and stepmother from when she was seven. When it became clear that Tolani was truly a gifted child, her stepmother displayed such hatred for her that her father had to send her away to a boarding school halfway into her secondary education.
Unfortunately, Tolani's mother died, and her father died too when she was in her 3rd year at the university. Even though her father was well-to-do and her stepmother had enough resources to easily continue to pay for Tolani's education, she refused and expected Tolani to drop out. But Tolani was already part of a vibrant campus fellowship, and they did everything they could to ensure that Tolani didn't drop out.
Seven years later, Tolani had graduated and was now running a successful business, but her stepmother had become broke and needy. Because as a believer, Tolani did not repay evil for evil but chose to leave vengeance to God, God blessed her so much that even her stepsisters and stepmother became dependent on her. Somehow, Tolani knew that she wouldn't have been as prosperous as she was if she allowed herself to become bitter and hateful because of her step mother's wickedness of the past.
Whenever a believer decides to repay evil for evil, he has taken judgment upon himself and stayed the hand of God's judgment. No one's judgment is as just and effective as God's judgment. Many have hindered seasons of refreshing in their lives because they chose to judge their enemies. The angels that inflict judgment can also do so in the lives of those who invoke them if their lives have things to be judged. That was why Moses was almost killed on his way to inflict judgment against Pharaoh and the people of Egypt (see Exodus 4:24-26). Getting involved in heaven's justice department is a very tricky business.
One of the easiest ways believers take judgment upon themselves against their human enemies is by using their spiritual authority to command them to die or be destroyed in some ways. There never would have been an apostle Paul if the early church had this mindset. Saul would have been properly destroyed and not saved.
Go into today remembering that if you're in Christ, you're the apple of God's eye. God's got you!
Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)
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