Tuesday, May 26, 2020

True Godliness 2

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1 Timothy 6:6-7 (NET) Now godliness combined with contentment brings great profit. For we have brought nothing into this world and so we cannot take a single thing out either.

Gbenga accepted the Lord Jesus because he saw a vision in his sleep that really troubled him. In that vision, he saw that he was going down into hell and a really great dragon demon was taking him there and torturing him. When he made all the religious recitations that he knew, they only seemed to empower the evil spirit, but when he eventually remembered to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus, that demon was weakened and left him alone. Gbenga was sure that if he didn't call upon the name of the Lord, he would have died that night and gone to hell.

This was what led him to the Lord. But when he became a believer and started attending a popular church in the city, all he heard them talk about was money and more money. He didn't accept christ because he was looking for money, he was already a billionaire, and making more money for him didn't involve showing up in church every week. In fact, he knew that leaving his former way of life would have consequences on his wealth because of the way he made his money, but that didn't matter to him anymore. Unfortunately, it appeared to him that money was all that mattered to his pastors. It appeared that many of the church members were 'serving God' because they wanted God to make them rich and 'successful'. He saw how much attention he got from the pastors when they realized how rich he was.

All Gbenga wanted was to be closer to the Lord who alone could save his soul. He wanted to devote the rest of his life to serving the Lord who spared his life from damnation, but his pastors were too money-minded to be able to help him. There were fraudsters known to him that had first-class access to the pastor because they were rich.  If Gbenga didn't have the encounter that led him to the Lord, based on what he now saw, he would have thought Christianity was nothing but a charade.

Too many believers today are so money-minded that they ignore godliness. God's major use to them is to make them rich. They do not realize that being this way doesn't make them more prosperous but only more covetous compromisers who would do anything for money. God really blesses people with wealth, but when wealth becomes the focus of the believer, it becomes an idol in his heart that is capable of turning him into a worker of iniquity and limiting his ability to partake in the divine life. The love of money is the root of all evil.

Go into today remembering that the purpose of the church is not primarily to make people rich but to make people saved and reconciled to God. When believers become too money minded, it would limit their capacity to connect with grace for even the wealth that God has destined for them on the earth.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you love him above all else.
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—Pst. Abraham Damilola Arigi

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