Sunday, July 5, 2020

God Bought You

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1 Corinthians 6:20 (ESV) for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

There was a time when men were sold in the market as slaves and those with the means got themselves some. When the buyer had no plan of reselling such a slave, he put a brand (mark) on him or her for identification. This brand is usually imprinted using hot irons and the slave becomes the slave owner’s property for life. The buyer could use the slave for anything he wanted and the slaves had no right to refuse. If they did refuse, they would be grievously punished.

Being an offspring of Adam, you were sold to the devil as a slave to serve sin and was condemned to perish (Romans 3:23). In His love, God, in wanting to redeem you, had to buy you over through the blood of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, ‘‘for it was not possible that [for] blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins'' (Hebrews 10:4).

After God bought you over to Himself, He put His Holy Spirit in you as a seal (brand) of ownership (2 Corinthians 1:22) and since then, you became God's property. But instead of being his slave for life, he granted you the privilege to become His son (see John 1:12, John 15:15).

Now that you know what the Lord has done for you, how will you respond to His love? He expects that you reciprocate His love by living for Him and His glory since he died for you (1Corinthians 6:20, 7:23, Matthew 5:16).

You will be unreasonable if you accept God’s freedom but live to please yourself instead of pleasing Him.

Go into today making up your mind to live your life for the One who purchased you with His blood.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for redeeming me. I am determined to live for you. Please let your grace be sufficient unto me. Amen!

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—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Bible Reading: Luke 5-6

Pray and Plan to attend the Streamglobe International Conference 2020
Date: 20th- 22nd August
Venue: Holy Faith Bible Church, Lokoja, Nigeria
Guest Minister: Apostle Arome Osayi

No Bible study on Sundays

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