Saturday, August 8, 2020

Commit Your Works to the Lord

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Proverbs 16:1, 3 (KJV) The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Lord. Commit thy works unto the Lord and thy thoughts shall be established.

Bola and Jennet were friends from their childhood; they grew up and did almost everything together. They had similar dreams and visions since they grew up together, but it was observed that Jennet achieved much more success. When Bola asked Jannet for the secret of her great success, she found out that Jennet was much more committed and dependent on the Lord. Janet would always tell her plans to God first and do only what God leads her to do. For instance, she once turned down a high paying job because she was not led to take it.

It is good to have good plans and even confess them. But the establishment of such plans and confessions are only guaranteed when we commit them to the Lord. When we commit our plans to the Lord, He usually responds by giving us counsel.

When we seek and follow God’s counsel, we will labor less and achieve more because God himself would watch over our work. (See Jeremiah 1:12).

Go into today committing every single plan you have to God; ask His counsel and make up your mind to follow His leading. May grace for obedience be supplied to you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

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