Sunday, October 18, 2020

National Transformation

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1 Corinthians 7:19 (NKJV)
Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters.

From when he was a child, Abu was told that his nation was under a curse, and because of that, they could never progress above their neighbors. He was also told that men from his nation behaved the way they did because of this curse. But he knew that in Christ, there was no curse but only blessings. For this reason, he was committed to preaching the gospel to the people of his nation because he wanted them to be free from curses and walk in the blessing.

We know from scripture that the Jews, being physically the defendants of Abraham, had a heritage of the blessing. But we also know that this blessing was activated only when they walked in obedience to God's commandments.

Today, those who are in Christ are the spiritual descendants of Abraham (Galatians 3:29). Jesus is the seed God referred to when He Promised Abraham that in his Seed [not seeds], all the nations of the earth will be blessed (see Galatians 3:16, Genesis 22:18). This means that even if your nation is under the limitations of curses, if the people of that nation accept Christ (Abraham’s seed) and abide in Him, they would be blessed above every curse.

Just like with ancient Israel, the blessing of God is activated in the life of the believer through obedience to the commands of the Lord. For example, God commands children to honor their parents. When blessed people obey this commandment, the blessing of long life; prosperity and seeing good days would be activated (see Ephesians 6:1-3).

Go into today remembering that Jesus commanded us to make disciples of nations (Matthew 28:19). This is because, through Christ, God wants to bless nations and set them free from the dominion of curses.

Confession: I am blessed above all curses because I am in Christ. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in 1 Year: Joel (in today's audio)
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