Thursday, November 26, 2020

Knowing The Church Of Christ

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1 Timothy 3:15 (LEB) “But if I am delayed, I am writing in order that you may know how one must conduct oneself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and mainstay ( ”basis"; or “support") of the truth".

Pastor, this problem began after I visited a church for prayers because of certain challenges I was facing. They took me to a river, gave me a sponge and a soap with which I took my bath there, and they prayed for me. I noticed that after that bath experience, I lost the ability to control my desires. After messing up with several ladies (most of which were from that church), I got one pregnant but when the lead Pastor became aware, he just said I should get ready for marriage because God has chosen her for me. Pastor, I don't like this lady neither do I like the fact that I am a slave to uncontrollable urges. Please help me sir!

The Church of the living God is the pillar and mainstay of the truth (1 Tim 3:25). It is where two or three who are being led by the Spirit of Christ are gathered together in His name; the congregation of those who are called out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light (1 Peter 2:9).

One of the hallmarks of the Church is her inability to house demons, this is because wherever God's kingdom is dominating, demons are cast out (Matthew 12:28).

Another Hallmark of the true Church is her inability to condone sin. The church does not pamper sin because 'he that commits sin is of the devil' and Jesus has been made manifest that the works of Satan might be destroyed (1 John 3:8). Anyone who continues in the works of Satan cannot be comfortable in the Church.

If you ever find yourself in a congregation where demons and sin are pampered and what is believed contradicts the truth of the Scriptures, you can be sure that you are not in the Church of the Living God. The right thing to do is to leave such a place.

Go into today knowing that any congregation where scriptural truths are silenced in order to tolerate sin and strange practices (that do not align with the precepts of the new testament church), that congregation is not part of the church of Christ.

Prayer: ask the Lord to pull down every synagogue of Satan disguised as a Church of Christ. Ask that the Lord will set their captives free.
— Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Bible: II Chronicles 21-24
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