Monday, November 2, 2020

Knowing The Will Of God: Marriage 1

Devotional Audio☞

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Romans 12:2 (NET) Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God—what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.

A renewed mind is the only mind that can discern the will of God. As a believer, your mind is renewed when you allow the word of God change the way you think.

These are the three components of the will of God as perceived by the renewed mind:
It is GOOD, it is WELL-PLEASING and it is PERFECT

Only God and who/what is born of God is good.
A ruler came to Jesus and said 'good teacher' (see Luke 18-19)
Jesus asked him ‘why do you call me good?’ He then said 'no one is good except God alone'. Jesus implicitly asked the young ruler that ‘are you saying that I’m God?’ Because that’s who Jesus was.

The important lesson Jesus was teaching is that you cannot find ‘Good’ outside God. The young ruler came to Jesus and called Him 'good teacher', but he did not understand what he was talking about. Jesus was indeed good, but not because of the man’s definition. He was good because He was born of God, and is God.

You cannot define Good outside God.
What does this mean when it comes to who to marry?
A person is only good when he or she is born of God. The first attribute of the will of God is that it must be good.
God warns us not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers (see 2 Cor 6:14)
As a believer, this is the most important consideration in determining the will of God concerning who to marry.

Go into today remembering that being a believer does not just mean the person says he or she is a Christian. The person must believe in God the way you believe in God.

Prayer: Lord, help me walk in your will in all things. Amen.
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—Pst Abraham Damilola Arigi

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