Saturday, January 16, 2021

They Were Amazed

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Acts 4:13 (NET) When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and discovered that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized these men had been with Jesus.

There is a marked difference between boldness and being bold-faced, this is a subject on which the seven sons of Sceva could hold a Masterclass. True boldness is backed by knowledge, a knowledge that is not just an academic inquiry but a tried and trusted knowledge usually obtained through encounters.

It is important that you understand the nature of God’s Kingdom into which you have been called as a believer. Advancement in this Kingdom is not obtained through education and academic learning, social status and pedigree do not add to it at all and neither does affluence nor opulence. In God’s Kingdom, growth and fruitfulness are guaranteed by abiding with and in the Lord Jesus Christ. This is because, as we abide with and in Him, grace is multiplied to us and this produces great boldness and effectiveness in us.

Staying with Jesus is what transforms erstwhile ordinary men into men that cause amazement. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12) and it is only by abiding in Him and He in us that we become lights too that must shine that men may return glory to God (see Matthew 5:16). The degree to which you can impact the world for Jesus will be directly proportional to the closeness of your walk with Him.

Every believer who maintains a healthy walk with the Lord will always elicit amazement from the world as it will be clear he is operating from a different and higher frequency, indeed, there will be no doubt in the minds of onlookers that that believer is marching to a different drummer. This has the potential of provoking persecution from the world, but persecution/suffering for the sake of Christ is a badge any discerning believer must be willing to wear with joy.

Go into today determined to stay with the Lord, to build and nurture your walk with Him until He lives and manifests Himself through you to the amazement of the world and glory of the Father.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Bible In One Year: Song of Solomon 1-2 (In Devotional Audio)
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