Friday, April 2, 2021

Accomplish Holiness 2

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2 Corinthians 6:18- 7:1(NET)”...I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters,” says the All-Powerful Lord. Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that could defile the body and the spirit, and thus accomplish holiness out of reverence for God.

After what Demian told Henry about sanctification and holiness, and how that was the secret to walking in God's greater power, Henry was intimidated because his understanding of holiness was skewed. He believed that holiness was an impossible feat for him because he grew up in the streets and was not refined like Demian.

Henry's understanding of a Holy life was living a moody, unhappy, somber, and unadventurous life filled with unpleasant rules and regulations, awkward dressing, tired demeanor, and miserable marriage relationships. He couldn't be more wrong. He would later discover that living a holy life is living a most fulfilling and joyful life. Demain didn't dress awkwardly, he had a beautiful marriage, was filled with joy, and was living a life Henry admired. He was proof that Henry’s understanding of holiness was not correct.

A holy person is one who has been set aside for God's use alone. This means the world and the things in the world (lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life) no longer have control over him. He is now under the control of the Holy Spirit and no longer considers himself to be a part of this present world system. He doesn't share the same value system with the world nor does he desire to “keep up with the Joneses or Kardashians”. He lives a relevant powerful life in this age, but only as an ambassador from a better higher kingdom.

Go into today remembering that being set apart for God's use is the biggest privilege we have as human beings. This is when we would walk in God's glorious power and not be afraid of what the world fears.

Prayer: Father, help me live for you and you alone. Deliver me from the power and control of this world's system. In Jesus' Name.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in one year: Judges 12-16

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