Monday, May 31, 2021

God Determines Your Boundaries

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Job 14:5 (NET) “Since man’s days are determined, the number of his months is under your control; you have set his limit and he cannot pass it."


Mr. Bright could no longer sleep because it was only two months to his 45th birthday. He had gone to the village to see the village priest but returned with no solution in view. “ I can't help you, it is your family's heritage, no male will live to be more than 45years again in your family because your great grandfather entered into a powerful covenant with the gods of the land," said the priest. Although Mr. Bright was a church goer, he still consulted with the village priest in hope  that help will come from him. “My grandfather and dad were both Christians yet they died just some days before they turned 45, I had better help myself now when it is still possible," he said to himself. But all hope was now lost since the village priest couldn't help him.

Your case may be like Me Bright's where certain negative patterns have been proven and accepted as generational and therefore should be lived with or managed. This will be true as long as you belong to Satan but as soon as you shift camp from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light, it is no longer true.

For a child of God, it is God who determines your boundaries (limit), it is never Satan nor man. If you are a child of God but still suffer negative patterns, stand against those patterns in prayer remembering that because you belong to Jesus, it is only the speakings of God that are permitted to stand in your life (Lamentations 3:27). 

Worthy of note is the truth that curses only thrive where there is sin (1 Corinthians 15:56). To break away completely from curses and negative generational patterns, seek by the help of the Holy Spirit to stay away from sin. If there is a sin that seems unsurmountable, look for a respectable man of God or a senior friend who will join you in prayers. Keep confessing the sin and ask for God's mercy until complete freedom is attained.

Go into today knowing that whatever God has not commanded can be nullified.

Prayer: because I belong to Jesus, every negative pattern in my life and family is terminated in Jesus’ name. Amen!

—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in One Year: Job 31-32 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, May 30, 2021

God Will Help You

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Psalms 27:13 (NET) Where would I be if I did not believe I would experience the Lord’s favor in the land of the living?

When Kemi graduated from university,  her self-confidence was on an all-time low because she believed that no one would want to employ her. She had very poor grades.

During the dark days of her life on campus, she contemplated suicide many times because of her academic failures and the harsh words she heard from her family members, but she held onto a knowing in her spirit from the Lord that she would still experience His goodness in the land of the living. When she was a teenager, The Lord had spoken prophetically to her that she would be a great woman in life. Those prophetic words were what she held onto and still believed her life would still count, in spite of how worthless she was made to feel.

 During her youth service year, she spent a great part of the time praying and seeking the face of the Lord-- He was her only hope in this life. Unlike others, she couldn't trust in the strength of her degree but only in the Lord. From spending time with the Lord she built up her confidence and boldness. She now realized that contrary to many voices she had heard before, she was not a failure. From that time, learned to trust in the Lord and depend on Him for direction.

She faced life with that confidence and doors that didn't open for the most brilliant people opened for her. Six years after she graduated, she was now a celebrated entrepreneur with many graduates as her employees. 

If you are a child of God, then know that God's plans for you are plans of good and not of evil, and as you abide in Him, you will see these plans come to fruition if you faint not (Gal 6:9, Jer 29:11). 

God's word to someone today is that you will soon see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Things will not always continue the way they have been but you will see good things from the Lord that will make you glad and rejoice. The Lord will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies, and you will experience an overflow of His blessings in every area of your life.

Go into today knowing that God who saved David from the jaws of death and made him king over Israel is the same God you worship. He will bring you into the greater days of your life as you continue to rely on Him in confidence (see Psa 27:13-14).

Prayer: Thank God because He is the one who lifts you up in His time. Thank Him because you know that when He blesses, no curse can linger.

— Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Psalms 45-47 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Stars and Celebrities

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Daniel 12:3 (EasyEnglish) And those who are wise will shine like the bright sky. Those who help many people to obey God will shine like the stars always.

Pop Culture (Popular Culture) has greatly elevated the place of fame and fortune in society not minding so much how you come about them. The road to stardom has been paved into massive and broad highways much wider today than in past generations and many aspire greatly to be counted in the number, refusing to be deterred even when sometimes the prize comes at the price of defiled consciences and a loss of self and identity. So great is the allure that people go to ridiculous lengths to become one. It becomes more precarious now when notoriety is now tantamount to popularity and clout-chasing is sometimes rewarded with primetime social media coverage and eventually with the coronation of being an ‘influencer’.

George stared wide-eyed with surprise and shock as he viewed the Instagram upload of Tomi. The notification had popped up on his device and out of curiosity he had clicked it. He had immediately called Tomi, who happened to be one of the teenagers he was overseeing in church, and she bounced his call. After the third try he stopped calling and chatted her up instead.

GEORGE: Tomi, I just saw your Instagram upload now, and frankly, I was a torn between being shocked and being disappointed.

TOMI: But what exactly have I done wrong now sir?

GEORGE: Do we have to do this again? The last time I tried to talk to you about a similar issue you blocked me from viewing your Whatsapp status. Tomi, you are a child of God, there are trends and challenges that you should not be a part of at all. You should not be jumping into trends that do not glorify God, talk less of challenges that outrightly promote sensuality and nudity.

TOMI: Sir, I don’t see what I did wrong, its not like I was all exposed and naked. I only participated in the Hourglass Challenge to build my followership so I can get more likes and become an influencer. The bum-short and tank top I wore are just for the challenge's sake, I don’t wear them out.

GEORGE: You want to be an influencer…well God wants you to be an ‘Influencer’ too, but just not this type. Can I call you? It will be easier for me to explain certain things to you via call, chatting can be exhausting.

TOMI: (after some delay) Yes.

God’s kingdom has stars, they are those who turn many to righteousness, their feet are called beautiful (Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:15), they are termed wise (Proverbs 11:30) and their labor brings about  celebration in heaven (Luke 15:10) and these stars will shine forever and ever. Join God’s array of stars today, submit yourself to Him and join the work of soul-winning now. These stars take up the “Challenge” of sharing God’s word online and offline. They are always part of the never-ending trend of praying for and witnessing to family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Go into today reminded that you are a light to the world. Shine your light so that the world will see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Reading: I Samuel 26-31 (In Devotional Audio)
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Friday, May 28, 2021

Power In The Blood Of Jesus

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Revelation 12:11 (KJV)And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Sukanmi was afflicted and he knew the reason why. There was a time in his life that he was sinfully careless and opened the door to the devil. But he had since repented.

Because he knew that the door to his affliction was opened when he backslid and took an adventure into the world, Sukanmi didn't have the courage to resist the devil and receive his freedom.

But through the ministry of the word, the Lord opened his eyes one night to the power and effect of the blood of Jesus. He now realized that because of the blood of Jesus, he was redeemed out of the hand of the devil, and was justified before God - just as if he had never sinned. That same week, he permanently broke free from that affliction of the devil.

Before Satan can afflict people, he has to first successfully accuse them before the throne of God (see Job 1:9-12-- how Satan accused Job before God and got the license to afflict him). Because all have sinned, and the natural tendencies of fallen man are sinful, the devil rarely runs out of potent accusations against people. Based on that, no descendant of Adam can overcome him on his own merit of righteousness.

But Jesus came to be the sacrifice that atones for our sins (1 John 2:2): He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquity, chastised that we may have peace, and flogged that we may be healed (Isaiah 53:5). Because innocent righteous Jesus was made to suffer for our sins, we would not suffer again for our sins if we believe in Him and abide in Him.

By the blood of Jesus, Satan's legal right to afflict you has been removed because Jesus has been afflicted in your stead.

Based on our own righteousness, we could never overcome [the dark powers of the kingdom of] this world. But because of Jesus' blood that is the receipt for the price Jesus paid to make us the righteousness of God, we are overcomers!

Go into today remembering that through the blood of Jesus, we overcome Satan and walk in dominion. Hallelujah!

Confession: By the blood of Jesus, my sins have been forgiven. By the blood of Jesus, I have been justified and cleansed. By the blood of Jesus, I have been redeemed out of the hand of the devil. Hallelujah! (Repeat this confession).
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Exodus 9-12 (In Devotional Audio)
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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Mission Importunate

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Luke 18:1 (NET) And Jesus told them a parable to show them they should always pray and not to lose heart

There is this movie franchise that is quite popular and has received great acclaim over the years. The movie basically shows how an agent of a particular security agency along with his team find creative ways to surmount daunting obstacles in their bid to save the world from impending dangers.

In contrast, Jesus told a parable in Luke chapter 18 about a widow who through persistence got her request met, she didn’t get creative in her method, she just applied the pressure of persistence until the seemingly immovable judge was moved to act in her favor. The first time Nadia heard Pastor Ken teach on this passage of scripture she was quite confused.

Is God being likened to an unjust judge? Why does He need us to pray for so long before He answers? Do I have to weary God out with my importunity before He answers and delivers me?

It is possible that these questions have plagued your heart at one time or the other. To provide some clarity, here are some things to note. Whenever you read about or study a parable, ask yourself what was the subject matter and what was the lesson the speaker was trying to pass across? For instance, in this parable, prayer was the subject matter and persistence in prayer was what was being highlighted. So, you see that the parable was never told to draw a comparison between the unjust judge and God but rather to highlight the importunity (persistence) of the woman.

Regardless, one might still wonder, if God is not like the unjust judge, then why the need for persistence? Well, you need to first understand that the bible has revealed sufficiently in scripture the willingness of God to answer the prayers of his children (1 John 5:14-15; Matthew 7:7-11), however, there are other factors that come into play when it comes to one receiving answers to prayers. For example, there are spiritual oppositions to be dismantled and this sometimes takes time. (See Daniel 10:1-13; Ephesians 6:12&18).

Again, some situations take time for the demands of justice to be met. See Genesis 15:13-16 for example, God was explaining to Abraham that one of the things that will determine the time that his descendants will spend in the land of bondage was the time it would take for the current occupants of the land He will deliver them to, the land of Canaan, to become deserving of being driven out. Yet you see that that is not the only condition, the Israelites were also to cry out to the Lord, which they did, so He can weigh in and deliver them from Egypt into Canaan (Exodus 3:7). There are so many other reasons, but one thing is constant, Jesus admonishes us to not lose heart or give up when we have prayed and circumstances appear to remain unchanged. At such times, just remember its time for Mission Importunate.

Go into today determined to be persistent in prayer. Don’t give up, don’t give in, pray until you win…and then pray some more.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Reading: I Corinthians 15-16 (In Devotional Audio)
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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

They That Say Such Things

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Hebrews 11:14 (KJV) For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.

It was a great prayer meeting filled with energetic praying and prophetic utterances. Mayowa was not surprised though, whenever Eddy led a prayer meeting you could always expect the atmosphere to be charged, even during Bible Study, his contributions were always profound, and his eloquence always displayed. What did surprise Mayowa however was the disjoint between Eddy’s church activities and his daily living.

It was difficult for Mayowa to reconcile the capable prayer leader Eddy was in the church and the get-rich-quick scheme champion that he was outside the church. But then, he chanced upon Eddy trying to sign up yet another prospect to his latest scheme, and when a friend of Eddy’s prospect challenged Eddy asking him what business a youth prayer leader of a church had to do with the Make Mega Money scheme. Eddy’s response was that you give unto Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar and that his business had nothing to do with his being a Christian much less a youth leader.

Our words are very revealing, they betray our heart convictions and dispositions. In Hebrews 11 verse 13 and 14 we see that men who looked forward to the heavenly city each had similar things to say, namely that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. They took every opportunity, by both words and actions, to declare that they did not belong to this world system and that they belonged to another kingdom and looked forward to the time when that kingdom will take over this earth.

You can evaluate your heart by the things that you say in varying circumstances, they are the ‘confessions of faith’ or the ‘professions of fear, doubt, and unbelief. What do you find yourself saying amid great trials? What about when sickness tries to prevail? Or during economic hardship? Or even at the crossroads of decision? If you observe that your confessions do not reflect faith in God or the tenets of the faith, the solution is not to try to consciously change your confession; it is rather to retreat and begin to consciously fill your heart with the word of God, reading, studying and meditating upon it. In time, this will influence your confession and align it with faith in God.

Go into today with a consciousness that we belong to the civilization and kingdom of God and hence we must learn to be comfortable being different from the world. Let your heart know this and your lips utter it.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Reading: Mark 9-10
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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Prayer and Power

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James 5:16b (NLT)…The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

After Dare accepted the Lord Jesus, he observed that the Holy Spirit moved him to pray and each time he prayed he was empowered in the inner man. He knew this because the power of his flesh to control him was diminished. But he also observed that if he continually neglected the nudging of the Holy Spirit to pray, his flesh would become powerful again and his spirit relatively weak. He now decided that he was going to be committed to prayer like never before because he observed that the more committed he was to prayer and the Word, he became spiritually stable and strong. But he realized that his determination to be committed to prayer was not strong enough to make him pray the way he knew he needed to pray. When he discussed this with his pastor, his pastor instructed him to have a schedule and time for daily prayer in the spirit. 
Dare observed that because he now had a plan and not just a desire, he was now more effective.

We are instructed time and time again by the Lord and through His apostles to be prayerful (see Luke 18:1, Col 4:2, 1 Thes 5:17, Rom 12:22, Eph 6:18). This is because it is through prayer that we access the power of God we need for life and godliness. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person makes much power available (James 5:16). ‘Prayerless’ Christians are powerless Christians.

Jesus told His disciples to pray so that they would not fall into temptation (Mark 14:38). The power to overcome temptation is made available when we pray.

Go into today remembering that the way to stand is by ‘praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit’ (Ephesians 6:18). Remember, if you fail to plan, you have planned to fail. Plan your day with prayer in mind. Have a plan to spend quality time praying each day, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you execute this plan.

Prayer: Lord, give me the grace and power to pray as I should. Help me walk in Your great power. Amen.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Yearly Bible Reading: Jeremiah 12-16
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Monday, May 24, 2021

They Are New Every Morning

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Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV) It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Maya's boss, Mrs. Anderson, became really angry with her because she made a mistake that was going to cost the company a lot of money. When it was clear that Mrs. Anderson was truly angry, Maya knew that she was going to lose her job (and indeed she was deserving of that penalty). But the pandemic was just ending, and the economy was really slow and there were no jobs. Maya was so distressed that she would lose her job which her family now depended on because her husband had lost his job. She kept calling Mrs. Anderson to plead with her but Mrs. Anderson did not pick her calls so Maya sent her a lengthy text message in which she explained why she made that mistake and promised she was not going to do so again. She also explained the things she would put in place to ensure that such a mistake does not happen again. Mrs. Anderson responded by texting "you cannot continue to work here. If I ran my business like that, you wouldn't have met it".

But the next morning, when Maya saw Mrs. Anderson in the office, she noticed that Mrs. Anderson was no longer angry with her. She saw indeed that Mrs. Anderson had shown her mercy and was no longer going to sack her. This was because Mrs. Anderson was a Christian, and she did not let the sun go down on her anger but decided to show mercy since Maya was truly repentant.

Months passed and nothing was said about the issue. But Maya ensured that she did not make that kind of  mistake again.

What is it about the morning that makes God's mercies and compassions new?
In Ephesians 4:26, the Holy Spirit instructs us not to let the sun go down on our anger. So even though as believers, we might have reason to be angry and people might truly offend us, we are to show compassion and not wake up in the morning with anger in our hearts. The Lord is not a hypocrite. He does not give us instructions He Himself does not live by. When He commands us to be Holy, it is because He is Holy(1 Peter 1:6). When He commands us to love, it is because He loves. When He commands us not to let the sun go down on our anger, it is because He does the same. We see in today's Bible verses that His mercies and compassions are new every morning.

Go into today remembering that God does not stay angry forever. If you have truly repented of a sin, He will show mercy. Don't let the devil deceive you that God's mercy and faithful love toward you has ended. No, they are new every morning.

Prayer: thank you Father for making me a recipient of your mercy. Please let many others encounter this mercy through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Job 29-30 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Whose Pleasure Exactly?

Audio Version:

1 Peter 4:2 (GNB) From now on, then, you must live the rest of your earthly lives controlled by God's will and not by human desires.

The sound of the ringing phone woke Philip from his evening nap. He picks up the phone, it was Jerry, one of his teenagers, on the other line.

PHILIP: Hello Jerry, what’s good.

JERRY: Oh, sounds like I woke you, apologies.

PHILIP: Not to worry, I needed to be up already. How is it going?

JERRY: Very fine. Just a quick question sir. I have been reading the bible daily as you asked me to do and I came across something today that bugged me. What exactly is wrong with the plans of the man called the rich fool? I thought God delights in the prosperity of his saints and desires our wellbeing? Why was the Rich Fool’s statement found to be so offensive by God?

PHILIP: Jerry, we would need to have a chat when we see to do proper justice to your question. However, I would prepare your heart for then. You see there is a fundamental flaw in the way some persons view the faith. Perhaps because of the passionate appeals of evangelists and soul winners, people tend to perceive the appeal for repentance unto salvation like the wooing of a football club manager or owner to a star player to join their team. This is all shades of wrong.

We must not mistake the fact that there is great rejoicing in heaven for a sinner that repents to mean that the repented sinner is the best thing that happened to God, to the contrary, God is the greatest thing to have happened to the sinner. Life is about pleasing someone, but who exactly? It is about pleasing God and not one’s own desires. When this is settled in the believer’s heart, other things will fall into place properly.

Many believers just see God from a utilitarian point of view, that is, they see God from the point of view of what God can do or accomplish for them. In that sense, God is just a means to an end. This mindset is unscriptural. God is not about pleasing us, but rather, we exist to please Him. Once we fail to factor this into our decisions and plans, we will be walking wrongly.

Go into today knowing that God is at work in us both to will and to do His good pleasure therefore work out your salvation with fear and trembling (see Philippians 2:12-13). Put God first, always.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 42-44 (In Devotional Audio)

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Confidently Approach

Audio Version:
Hebrews 4:16 (NET) Therefore let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace whenever we need help

Tesa always seemed to be fighting a losing battle with sin. She so longed for victory over the power and guilt of sin but that appeared to be an elusive dream for her. One day, she decided that she was tired of the endless struggle of overcoming sin, seeing that it was obvious she would never win regardless of how much she tried. She decided to give up trying and just resign to a life of defeat. That very night while praying, Victoria felt a strong urge to pray for Tesa and she spent the next 30 minutes doing so, and God impressed a scripture in her heart to share with Tesa. She went the next morning to share with Tesa to strengthen her.

Victoria shared from Hebrews 4 verse 14-16, explaining that God never meant for verse 16 to be read alone as it provides no basis for the believer to approach the throne of grace confidently to obtain grace and find mercy. But taken from verse 14, it establishes that we are to approach God’s throne of grace to receive mercy and grace because of the High Priesthood of Jesus.

“Why is this important?” Tesa asked.

This is particularly important for two reasons. Firstly, it supplies the believer with understanding and understanding is critical for fruitfulness in God’s kingdom (pointing Tesa to Matthew 13 vs 23). It helps the believer to understand that it is because of the high priestly duties of Jesus that he can approach confidently. Those duties include making intercessions for the saints. She opened to Hebrews 7:24-25 to buttress this point, it reads:

“But he, because he lives forever, has his priesthood unchangeable. Therefore he is also able to save completely those who draw near to God through him, seeing that he lives forever to make intercession for them.” (BBE).

“You remember Revelations 12:11a”? (And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony), Victoria asked, it is the basis of this same shed blood of Jesus that the intercessory work of Christ is based, namely that He had paid the ultimate price for sin, and everyone who believes in him can reap its benefit.

Consequently, this understanding produces faith. Faith in the sanctifying work of Jesus for the believer to access God’s mercy and grace. This faith is what births the boldness mentioned in verse 16 of Hebrews chapter 4, she explained.

Even though we are imperfect in ourselves, we have a perfect high priest and advocate whom when we approach him in humility and brokenness, cleanses us of all unrighteousness and this gives us the boldness to receive mercy and grace for our time of need.

Go into today determined to appropriate the ministry of our High Priest and Lord, Jesus Christ, and therefore approach confidently the throne of grace to receive mercy.
—Ikechukwu Mpama

Yearly Bible Plan: I Samuel 21-25 (In Devotional Audio)

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Discerning Doctrines

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1 Timothy 4:1-2 (NET) Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the later times some will desert the faith and occupy themselves with deceiving spirits and demonic teachings, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared.

When Remi first heard the doctrine that insists that God does not care about her conduct, but only about her faith (as if they can be separated), she was happy because she had been struggling with certain things that came from her old life of sin before she became saved. She now decided to let go and continue in her old way of sin. But it did not take her long to know that the doctrine was a lie because she still tried to be truthful to herself and maintain a clear conscience. She observed that her communion with the Holy Spirit was truncated and her conscience violated.

In the book of Jude, the Holy Spirit commands us to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints. This faith is the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the most holy faith, and not one that engenders unholy living. (See Jude 1:3-23).

When we teach grace, we do not teach license for sin, but empowerment for righteousness. But there are some who could interpret any teaching about the grace of our Lord to mean a license for sin because they are looking for an excuse to sin. But those who seek the power to walk above sin will only find it in the grace of our Lord, and they must be taught about this.

One way of differentiating the false teachings from the genuine is that the genuine empowers God’s people to live above sin, while the false systematically downplays the importance of overcoming sin. (See Heb 12:14).

Ask the Lord to keep you away from false teachers and false doctrines. Ask for the discernment of the Holy Spirit.
-Abraham Dami Arigi 

Yearly Bible Plan: Exodus 5-8

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Do You Want Lasting Mercy?

Audio Version:
James 2:13 (KJV), “For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment."

In Matthew 18:22-35, Jesus gave a parable to illustrate what the kingdom of heaven will be like. In the parable, a master had written off a huge debt for one of his servants because the servant pleaded with him but this same servant met a fellow servant who owed him something very little and threw him into prison because he couldn't pay. When the news got to their master, he was angry with the servant whose debt he had earlier written off. The master commanded that he be imprisoned along with his children and wife until he has paid the last penny. Jesus ended the parable by saying, “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses” (Matthew 18:35 KJV).

The master was angry because the servant whom he forgave did not forgive his fellow servant and this shortened the lifespan of the mercy he had earlier received.

You became a child of God because God forgave you on the account of Jesus' sacrifice, you will however remain forgiven if you forgive those who have offended and sinned against you.

Jesus in Luke 11:4 said, “ And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

If you don't forgive others, you will be led into temptation and you will not be delivered from the evil one (Satan or the devil).

Go into today knowing that you must show mercy and forgive those who hurt you if you must enjoy continual access to God's mercy and forgiveness.

Prayer: do a deep check of your life, see if there are persons (dead or alive) that you have not yet forgiven. Forgive them from your heart then ask God to forgive you too.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in One Year: I Corinthians 13-14 (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Understanding the Lord's Will 2

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Ephesians 5:17 (NET) For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is.

After Lara completed her university education, she got two jobs in different cities. Because she was someone driven by the desire to please the Lord, she spent time seeking His face to know which job the Lord was leading her to chose, but the more she waited on the Lord, the more it became clearer to her that she was not to relocate but remain in the town she dwelt. This meant she was not going to be taking any of the jobs with mouth-watering offers. It was hard for her to accept, but she knew the voice of the Lord and was sure the Lord didn't want her to leave that town at that time. She stayed back in the town and didn't go for any of the jobs. Her mother just couldn't understand her and started getting concerned that her daughter was becoming too fanatical and misled. But with time, it was clear to everyone that Lara made the right and wisest choice. Two months after declining the jobs, she met the man she eventually married in that town. They had a very fruitful and prosperous life together. Lara ended up being the CEO of a very successful company that became as big as any of the companies she would have gone to work for.

When she was in her fifties, and she looked back at those decisions she made as a girl because of her commitment to doing the will of the Lord, it was evident to her that the wisest thing for a believer to do with his life is to understand the will of the Lord and walk in it. She would have missed the glorious life God planned for her if she was not devoted to doing the will of the Lord.

Go into today remembering that the wisest thing you can do with your life is understanding the will of the Lord and striving to fulfill it to the letter.

Prayer: Lord, help me understand and walk in your will for me. Deliver me from the distractions of the devil. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Mark 7-8 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Understanding the Lord's Will

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Ephesians 5:17 (NET) For this reason do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is.

Lara was a very fruitful believer because she was truly wise. In every place she found herself, she first sought to understand God's will for sending her there. Then she would properly manage her time and resources to ensure that she fulfills God's will for sending her there. This was the reason she was never found wasting time in things that were not essential to fulfilling her purpose in any location she found herself.

Unfortunately, it is possible to be a believer and yet remain foolish because of a lack of spiritual understanding. Today's Bible verse is directed to believers and they are told not to be foolish but be wise. We also see from the verse that the way to be wise is to understand what the Lord's will is. It is one thing to know the will of the Lord, but it is another to understand it. For example, a person may know that lying is not the will of God, but he would be walking in divine wisdom when he understands that his tongue is one of the powerful assets that God has given him, and telling lies diminishes the power of his tongue to decree things and they will happen.

Go into today remembering that the secret to walking in divine wisdom in any area is understanding God's will in that area. In all thy getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7).

Prayer: Lord, help me understand your will for me in every situation and walk in it. In Jesus' name, Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 7-11 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Seedtime and Harvest

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Genesis 8:22 (KJV) While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Instead of picking stones from her beans like many others, Amara used the clever method of pouring the beans in water, thereby letting the stones and the bad beans settle, and picking out the good beans but leaving the bad ones and stones in the water. She would then throw out the water with the bad beans and stones on a little portion of soil in her backyard.

With time she observed that some of the beans thrown out started germinating and growing. She allowed them to grow and in due time, she harvested a small bucket full of beans from that unintentional planting. Amara didn't have a bountiful harvest of bags of beans because even though she sowed, her sowing was not intentional.

Seedtime is when you sow and give away in hope. Harvest is when you receive as a result of what has been sown. Only fools fail to realize that for every harvest there was a seed time. Life is guided by the law of seedtime and harvest.

Many times, people sow seeds without knowing it. But you would agree with me that those who expect a bountiful harvest are deliberate and intentional in their sowing. Those who want a bountiful harvest deliberately sow bountifully.

Many believers today expect a bountiful harvest from the Lord but they have not been sowing anything intentionally and purposefully.

For example, Sowing quality time daily in the place of prayer reaps a bountiful harvest of spiritual power and intimacy with God (see James 5:16, Heb 11:6).
Sowing in the place of the word reaps a harvest of divine wisdom and understanding, and mountain-moving faith, etc. (see Psalm 19:7, Romans 10:17).
Sowing financially in love to support the work of God yields a harvest of financial open doors and increase (see Luke 6:38, Phil 4:18-19).

Go into today determining to prepare for a bountiful harvest by sowing bountifully(see 2 Cor 9:6).

Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me be deliberate, purposeful, and wise in my sowing. Amen.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Job 27-28 (In Devotional Audio)

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Neither Cold nor Hot

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Revelation 3:15-16 (NET) ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot! 16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth!

When Remi and Uche got married, they were both born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. They both wanted to live their lives to please God and to be His light in their generation. But as times passed, they seemed to be sucked into the system of the world. They started trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ and became more and more worldly. They became lukewarm and no more fervent in their love for the Lord. They had now lost the deep seated joy of the Holy Spirit in their hearts and unconsciously tried to replace this joy with the temporary happiness that comes with acquiring worldly possessions.

Notice that when a person becomes lukewarm, it is because he was once hot. How a person stays lukewarm for so long is a mystery. The normal way things should be is that when a person is no more spiritually hot, he becomes lukewarm and then becomes cold, but there are many Christians today who have stayed lukewarm for a long time. This is because they haven’t quite disconnected from the fire of the Holy Spirit, but they are no more fully given to God’s will and kingdom. They now live for the kingdom of God, and for the world.

Go into today remembering that a lukewarm Christian is not a fruitful Christian. A lukewarm Christian is a liability to the kingdom of God because even though he is supposed to be a witness for Christ, God cannot count on him because his loyalty is now divided.

Prayer: Lord, rekindle your fire in my heart today. Amen.

-Abraham Damilola Arigi 

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 39-41

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Fulfilling The Law Of Christ

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Gal 6:2 (LOGOS) “Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ."

When Jesus was asked, “which is the great commandment in the law?" He responded, “ 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself'. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 22:36-40 (LOGOS).

In the account of Luke, “And who is my neighbour?" was the question that immediately followed. Jesus responded to this question by telling a story where a Samaritan was neighbour to a Jew, see Luke 10:29-37.

The Samaritans were considered unholy and were despised by the Jews. But the action of the Samaritan qualifies him as a neighbour to a Jew. What did he do? He showed mercy (Luke 10:37).

We are admonished in today's text to bear one another's burden and so fulfill the law of Christ and just like it was asked Jesus, someone may want to ask, who's burden should I bear? Should I just go looking for a burden to bear? Who qualifies as ‘one another’?

According to Luke 10:37, he that showed mercy was the neighbour to the Jew in the story. Likewise, the one whom you have the capacity to help or show mercy is the one whose burden you should bear. Note that, this person may not necessarily be a next-door neighbour, friend, relative, or believer. If God has given you the capacity to help or show mercy to anyone just go ahead and do it, remembering that Jesus went about doing good (Acts 10:38). It is in doing this that you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Go into today knowing that, bearing the burden of another shows that you love and prove that you are Jesus' disciple (John 13:35).

Prayer: Ask God for grace to fulfill the law of Christ.

—Dr. Emmanuel James

Bible in One Year: I Samuel 16-20 (In Devotional Audio)
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Friday, May 14, 2021

Be Strong in The Lord

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Ephesians 6:10 (KJV)Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

During the Second World War, when Hitler and his army was advancing to take over the world with the might of what Winston Churchill referred to as 'perverted science', Winston Churchill, the then prime minister of Britain, knew that the only way Britain and the rest of the world would overcome Hitler was if they remained strong and stood their ground in spite of all the overwhelming attacks.

Here's an excerpt of Churchill's June 18, 1940 speech to the British house of commons:

"... Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, “This was their finest hour.” "

The rest of the Christian world overcame Hitler and his satanic agenda because they insisted on being strong in spite of it all. The battle looked like a lost course, but one sign that they remained strong was that they never spoke words of discouragement but remained positive and optimistic in spite of contrary outcomes. In the end, God gave them victory.

As a believer in Christ, the devil knows that if he cannot break you, he cannot win the war against you, because the victory that overcomes him is [recieved through] your faith(see 1 John 5:4), and you cannot walk in faith and discouragement at the same time. He knows his time is short so he will do anything to try and get you to the point of breaking in weakness and unbelief, but if you insist on God's report and refuse to break down in discouragement, you will overcome through Christ.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you stay strong in Him. Resist every spirit of discouragement and weakness today because you are more than a conqueror.
—Abraham Damilola Arigi

Bible in One Year: Exodus 1- 4 (In Devotional Audio)
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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Do Everything In Love

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1 Corinthians 16:14 (NET) Everything you do should be done in love.

When Seyi became a parent, she understood that love sometimes meant she needed to be hard and tough for the good of her children. She realized that not being tough at times was simply because of self-love. It's easier sometimes to ignore the foolishness in the heart of a child than to engage the rigorous and painstaking work of 'tough love' required to deliver that child from growing into an undisciplined adult.

This understanding now made it easier for her to understand the many tough decisions God had to make as Father of all spirits and God of all flesh. She started understanding why sometimes God would make a severe decision against a certain group of people because He wanted to preserve the rest of the human race from destruction.

After carefully studying the Old Testament, I have come to the conclusion that everything God does is out of great love. If you see God kill a person or group of people, it is because of His great love for every other person whose survival would hang in the balance if the iniquity of those people is allowed to spread.

Consider the human race like a human body with a gangrenous limb due to an unhealed wound. A good doctor might have to amputate the gangrenous limb to save the rest of the body from becoming gangrenous and dying. God had to judge some people off the face of the earth because He wanted to preserve the rest of humankind from the level of corruption that would have made it impossible for Christ to come and save us.

We as humans have not been given the awesome responsibility to judge people that way. We are to leave that responsibility to God. We are to however do everything in love. We are to love even our enemies and pray for them because we know God will already judge them in due time(see Matthew 5:43-45).

Go into today remembering that doing everything in love is the hallmark of God's holiness in us. This is the way to unleash the greatest power of the kingdom in your life.

Prayer: Father, teach me to do all things in love and forever give you all glory.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible in One Year: I Corinthians 11-12 (In Devotional Audio)

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Who Obtains Mercy?

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Psalms 103:13 (KJV) Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

After Laide looked at her life and that of her childhood friends, she came to the conclusion that her life was simply the product of God's mercy. Many of her primary school classmates ended up as junkies. Others got pregnant and had to drop out of school. Some were killed in gang rivalries, while others ended up as prostitutes.

She was now a celebrated medical doctor and could remember how the Lord's mercy was what preserved her from the corruption that consumed many of her childhood friends. As she grew in spiritual understanding, she remembered that unlike her friends, she had a praying grandmother who never stopped praying for her. This was why she obtained mercy and the fires of life that consumed her childhood friends did not consume her. The biggest demonstration of God's mercy for her was that her name was now written in the book of life. She was no more going to perish but would inherit eternal life.

We know that in this life, it is not to him that wills nor to him that runs, but it is the Lord that shows mercy(Romans 9:16). It may seem that the mercy of God is just arbitrary and can land on anyone by chance, but a careful study of scripture reveals that that is not the case.

Exodus 20:6 reveals that the Lord shows mercy to thousands of generations of those who love and keep His commandments. Today's scripture reveals that the Lord pitieth them that fear Him. Hebrews reveals that it is when we come boldly to the throne of grace that we'd obtain mercy (Hebrews 4:16).

Today, even if you come from a generation of people who have hated the Lord, you can change the story for yourself and your children after you. You can come boldly to God's throne of grace and obtain mercy for yourself and your generation. We come boldly through the name of the Lord Jesus. Those who have accepted the Lordship of Christ Jesus over their lives are those who can come boldly to God's throne of grace and obtain mercy. Those who profess faith in Christ with their mouths but whose lives reveal that they do not fear the Lord cannot come boldly to the throne of grace because of an evil conscience.

Go into today remembering that even though it may seem so to the undiscerning, the mercy of God is not arbitrary.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you always position yourself in the way that will help you always receive mercy.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible in One Year: Mark 5-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Be Strong

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1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NKJV) Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.Let all that you do be done with love.

When Brian lost his job under very unfair circumstances, his lawyer and friends in the office told him to be strong as they waited for justice to serve its course. In due time, Brain's overbearing boss who terminated his employment was fired from the company when the legal battle became an embarrassment to the company. Brian was reinstated with a huge settlement.

In today's Bible verse we are reminded to ‘be Strong’. This is not the first time in scripture we are told to be strong (see Ephesians 6:10).

Why should we ‘be strong’ as believers? Because we are in warfare against the prince of this world and his kingdom. But the good news is that as long as we stand fast in the faith, we would always come out conquerors. The victory that overcomes the world is appropriated by our faith (1 John 5:14).

Those who refuse to be strong are those who compromise their faith because of trials and temptations [orchestrated by the Prince of this world]. One of the surest signs of this is when believers begin to compromise with sin and refuse to repent but rationalize.

Go into today remembering that as long as you stand strong and unwavering in the faith, you will overcome every single battle waged against you by the Prince of this world.

"1 John 4:4 (KJV) Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."

Prayer: Father, help me stand strong in the faith long enough to see my victory delivered, in Jesus' name. Amen.
—Abraham Dami Arigi
Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 1-6 (In Devotional Audio)

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Monday, May 10, 2021

They That Wait Upon The Lord

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Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Uche went through a season in his life that it looked as if the Lord was not hearing his prayer. He was now getting weary and was becoming weaker spiritually.

Uche was perplexed because he never knew he could be in such a situation. He had enjoyed great fellowship with the Lord and seen His mighty power at work before. One morning he was meditating when a song with the words of today’s Bible verse came to his heart. He knew it was a message from the Lord. He knew it was time for him to seek the Lord and stop trying to figure out things with his mind. He went on a retreat to spend quality time with the Lord in prayer and the word. He put off his smartphone and limited communication with people during this period. ‘It is me and God this weekend’ he said.

Waiting on the Lord is a posture of the heart, and it can also produce actions like the one Uche took. Christians who have this posture of heart renew strength when others faint. When men are cast down, they arise and say there is a lifting up (Job 22:9).

While other birds are hindered by the wind, the eagle takes advantage of the wind to soar higher. Such is the portion of those who wait on the Lord.

Go into today remembering that it is only a humble heart that waits on the Lord. 
I Pet 5:6-7 (NET) says: … humble yourselves under [God’s] mighty hand by casting all your cares on Him because He cares for you.
Prayer: Ask the Lord to give you the posture of heart that can receive from Him and renew strength
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: Job 25-26

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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mercy For You

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2 Peter 3:9 (KJV), “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Grey was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. He had accidentally murdered his wife when in a heated argument and fight with her because he heard she was cheating on him. While in prison, he discovered that what he heard about his wife was false. He became really sad and thought himself deserving of the maximum punishment. “What came on me? After I'd preached against evil I'm now a victim of what I preached against".

After Grey had spent some years in prison, he was fortunate to be selected for a mass presidential pardon, and he was granted a pardon. He, however, turned down the pardon telling the warder that he doesn’t even deserve normal death. The prison officers and many of his brethren tried their best to persuade him but he vehemently refused the freedom. “I killed my innocent wife, I deserve the punishment, just let me die here. Why should a man like me be pardoned?” he retorted. Every other inmate whose name made the list was released but Grey remained in prison.

One of Satan's greatest lies is making you feel you have done something so terrible that you cannot be forgiven by God. He even makes some think they have committed the unpardonable sin. But this is not true, if you can feel sorry for what you have done, you can be forgiven by God. The one who has committed the unpardonable sin will never feel he has offended God, he may be remorseful and even regret it but will never think of repenting.

No matter how terrible the mistake, offense, or sin is, if you will turn to God in repentance and ask for his forgiveness, He will have mercy and forgive you.

Proverbs 28:13 (KJV) “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”

Go into today knowing that God's mercy can be yours if you confess your sins and forsake them. No sin is too grievous for God to forgive if you can turn to Him in repentance and ask for mercy.

Prayer: Ask the Holy Spirit to search you, then confess and forsake any sin that He brings to your remembrance. Ask Him for grace to live above sin.
—Dr. Emmanuel James

Yearly Bible Plan: Psalms 36-38

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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Be Fruitful

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John 15:16 (NET) You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that remains, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.

Moyin noticed that the rate at which Kemi received answers to her prayers was really remarkable. There was a day they were traveling together, and it was about to rain and disrupt the meeting they were going for. Moyin had prayed and prayed in her heart concerning the rain, but nothing happened and the rain started. As soon as she called Kemi to pray, while Kemi was still praying, the heavy rainfall reduced and eventually stopped miraculously.

There were many other examples of how Kemi received from the Lord more, and Moyin became concerned. ‘Does it mean that God loves Kemi more than me?’ Moyin would ask herself. She went into days of prayer to seek God’s face concerning why He didn’t answer her prayers the way He answered Kemi’s prayers. This was when the Lord showed her that Kemi was a much more fruitful Christian than her, that this was why Kemi had God’s ear.

We can see from today’s Bible text that when we are fruitful, we can ask and receive more expressly from the Father. Many Christians have fruitless prayer lives because other areas of their lives are fruitless before God.

A fruitful Christian is one whose life and character manifests the fruit of the Spirit. He is also one who wins souls to the kingdom of God. He is a profitable servant of the Lord who uses his resources [talents and gifts] for the advancement of God’s kingdom in this world.

Go into today remembering that when all is said and done, we will be rewarded according to our fruitfulness (see Rev 22:12, Matt 16:27, Rom 2:6).

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you become more fruitful.
-Abraham Damilola Arigi

Yearly Bible Plan: I Samuel 11-15

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Friday, May 7, 2021

Sowing to the Spirit 2

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Galatians 6:7‭-‬8 (NASB) Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

David observed that each time Dan drove his car, something will go bad in his car, and it will be something that has nothing to do with his style or manner of driving. For example, the last time Dan drove his car, the ignition system packed up the next day. David wondered why things like that happened to Dan. It appeared that “bad luck” was what followed Dan.

After David had more spiritual understanding, he realized that indeed Dan was walking under the force of corruption because he was reaping the dividends of what he had been sowing for most of his adult life. Dan was particularly bold in iniquity; he lived a very immoral life and had had many girls commit numerous abortions for him. The force of corruption was what was now hunting Dan's life and was destroying everything good his hands touched.

When you see someone who is praying in the spirit for several hours every day, he is sowing to the Spirit. Don't be surprised when tomorrow you see him easily exercise authority over demons and sicknesses. He is reaping the dividends of eternal life because he has been sowing to the Spirit. When you see someone who is committed to giving his money and resources for the advancement of the gospel, don't be surprised when tomorrow you see him walk in supernatural prosperity, peace, and abundance.

Go into today knowing that each time you indulge in a work of the flesh, you are sowing to the flesh, but each time you walk in the Spirit, you are sowing to the Spirit, and you will reap the benefit of eternal life as a result. Eternal life transcends time and manifests in this present life.

Prayer: Lord, help me sow to the Spirit and never again to the flesh. Amen.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible In 1 Year: Genesis 48-50

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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Sowing to the Spirit

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Galatians 6:7‭-‬8 (NASB) Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Frank and Boniface were classmates and close friends, and they both accepted the Lord Jesus the same day. Boniface took his walk with the Lord very seriously. He was committed to prayer and studying the word. He fasted often and was committed to evangelism. Two weeks after he believed, he ensured that he got baptized because he now understood the importance. All his neighbors knew that something had changed about him.

Frank on the other hand "took things easy". He was now going to church and now had a Bible app in his phone and a few sermons that motivated him toward business productivity, but he was not committed to prayers and did not really study his Bible. Unlike Boniface, he still maintained his relationship with his girlfriend, but they now vowed that they would no longer be intimate (a vow they had broken more than six times in three months).

After a few months, it became evident that Boniface was reaping the dividends of eternal life while Frank was still the same old Frank with a few tweaks. Through his devotion to the Lord; his diligence in prayers and in studying the word, Boniface had been sowing to the spirit, and he was now reaping the dividends of eternal life. The manifestation of this life was the reason why he could now easily cast out demons, heal the sick, walk in divine health himself, etc. Even his academics was affected by this life. He was not particularly a bright student, but after his encounter with eternal life, his understanding opened and he became a top student in his school.

Both Frank and Boniface received eternal life as a seed when they believed in Christ Jesus, but Boniface was diligent in sowing to the spirit by giving God priority in His life and doing the things that built up his spirit man. Because of this, his spirit(inner) man became strong and robust, and the eternal life in his spirit could now dominate even his visible life.

Go into today remembering the words of today's scripture. Be deliberate and intentional about sowing to the Spirit.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me sow to the Spirit and not to the flesh. Help me walk in the reality and power of your eternal life.
—Abraham Dami Arigi

Bible In 1 Year: I Corinthians 9-10

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Complete in Christ

Broadcast 4309 Click here for the audio version (with audio Bible): Colossians 2:9-10 (NET) "For in him all...